Daz Studio 4.11 Pro, General Release!

Daz SoftwareDaz Software Posts: 37
edited June 2019 in Daz Studio Discussion

Daz 3D is pleased to announce Daz Studio 4.11 Pro General Release!


  • Version:
  • Date: June 12, 2019



See the highlights thread here for details.


Important Notes:



How do I backup my User Data in Daz Studio?



Has the Content Management Service (CMS) changed?


For anyone using a pre-4.9.x build of Daz Studio:

  • The first time you launch Daz Studio 4.9+, any data that exists in the content database is migrated so that it can be used in Daz Studio 4.9+.
  • The amount of time the database migration operation takes is proportional to the amount of data to be migrated.
  • The database migration operation does not delete the data that it migrates from the previous location so that it remains accessible by earlier versions and other applications, such as Carrara.
  • Daz Studio 4.9+ uses the same PostgreSQL database as Daz Studio 4.6 and later, and/or other applications, such as Carrara.
  • A portion of the data contained within the database is shared amongst versions but not entirely. For example:
    • Creating a category in either Daz Studio 4.9+ or 4.8 will cause that category to exist in the other version
    • Assigning a file to that category in Daz Studio 4.9+ will NOT cause that file to be assigned to that category in Daz Studio 4.8
    • Assigning a file to that category in Daz Studio 4.8 WILL cause the file to be assigned to the category in Daz Studio 4.9+
  • Reseting the database in any version of Daz Studio that uses PostgreSQL (e.g., 4.6 or later) will purge all of data in the database, including any data that may be used by earlier versions or other applications, such as Carrara.
  • After the initial migration operation, edited metadata in Daz Studio 4.8 will not be migrated to Daz Studio 4.9+.
    • A workaround is to export User Data from Daz Studio 4.8 and reimport User Data in Daz Studio 4.9+.


Known Issues:

  • ...


Frequently Asked Questions:



Public Beta Threads:


  • (June 12, 2019)
    • (June 3, 2019)
    • (May 29, 2019)
    • (May 14, 2019)
  • (April 17, 2019)
    • (October 9, 2018)
    • (October 1, 2018)
    • (August 21, 2018)
    • (July 16, 2018)


Previous General Releases:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I am having an issue with downloading this new 4.11 Studio it keeps saying download failed I am using the DIM to d/l and install.

  • twitchewtwitchew Posts: 124
    edited June 2019

    ditto 6:09 centeral time  - download failed.

    but i can see the beta downloads


    -- downloaded and installed

    Post edited by twitchew on
  • Same for me using DIM for d/l install says download failed but d/I'd beta with no problem
  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Downloads should be working now.

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    laugh Cheers! Downloading now ;-)

  • Yep working now
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Downloaded and installed. Can't wait to try it out! I just quickly looked at render settings and I see the "Post Denoiser", but I'm also still seeing "Architectural Sampler" in Optimization section. I thought the latter had been removed, according to the change log.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited June 2019

    WOW! This version is fast! Loaded a Terradome 3 scene (TD3 Life on Mars set) almost immediately, and switching to nVidia Iray in the main viewport saw results in a split second! And render starts almost immediately!!! yes

    Thank you DAZ!

    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    The dForce Starter Essentials is ONLY tagged with 'Connect Available' so if, like me, you do not use Connect and so do not filter for it, you won't see it as an update!

  • JoepingletonJoepingleton Posts: 746
    edited June 2019

    A bunch of stuff stopped working with the Daz Studio 4.11 Pro update.  I can't seem to get Look At My Hair, LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer plug-in to show up anymore. V3Digitimes Ultimate Pose Mixer script also stopped working.  Any tips on how to get them to work again?

    UPDATE: I got the Look At My Hair, LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer plug-ins to work by using the manual installers. For some reason, they don't show up in DM anymore. 

    Post edited by Joepingleton on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited June 2019

    I can't even get my system to recognize the newest version.  DIM says its there but its not. When I go into the Folder its still showing 4.10.  Also I am getting a CMS database error. I've got my library on a separate drive but everything was working until today.  I can't even find the installed version of hte new version.  In either drive. despite the fact that DIM says its there.  I'm don't even know where to start. Also, when I go into the supposedly updated files, I am only finding 4.10 which would have been overwritten by the newest version. 



    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • So far, so good!  \o/

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565

    Downloaded with DIM and appeared to install OK. Will take awhile until I really test it.

    But there's one disappointment. From the very first DS version with the dockable panes and tabs, I adopted a layout I am still using all these years later: big docked Viewport pane running from the left edge and about 3/4 the width, then two docked panes with multiple tabs in each, one above the other, filling the remaining width. Bottom of those two panes contains the docked tabs I am using pretty much all the time - Scene, Parameters, Surfaces and Content Library; top one is tabs I only use very occasionally like the Scene Info, Tool Settings and DForm (and there are some tabs I only ever use as undocked floating panes at need, like Measuremetrics). Now, most of the time I have the lower of the two panes on the right side expanded and the upper one contracted - on the odd times I need one of the tabs in the upper pane I click to expand it, and click to contract the lower pane if needed, then immediately contract the upper pane again as the tabs in the lower pane I mostly use all are no good without the full height. So, I want to start, do mostly run and always finish with the lower pane expanded and the upper one contracted. But there is a bug (at least certainly to me it is a bug). That bug was there in the very first DS with the dockable panes that could have multiple tabs docked in them. Back then, and through the remaining time I was able to be active in the forums and actively chased, diagnosed and submitted bug reports, every new DS release, includiing the betas, I reported this bug as still being there. And now here we are all the way up to DS 4.11, many years later, and the bug is STILL there. It is a simple bug. When DS saves its state on exit, and when saving the layout spexifically, DS does not save whether the panes are expanded or contracted. Or if it does, it doesn't respect that when DS is next started. So EVERY DAMN TIME I've opened DS all these years, the first thing I have to do is retract the blasted upper pane,which always starts expanded even though it was retracted when I closed DS and when I explicitly saved the layout. The whole point about computers is that they are supposed to save us from having to do repetative tasks, yet DS leaves this one repetitive task to be done EVERY TIME I start it. Why the $%&# can't you people get DS to save and respect the opened or closed state of the docked panes? All the highly complex stuff in change log after change log, but you can't fix one simple thing about DS fully remembering the layout state.

    It was annoying enough when i was healthy. Disability means every movement causes me pain, including moving the pointer to the handle and clicking to retract that blasted upper pane, And I can only mange to do stuff on the computer for a limited time, and that's seconds wasted at the start of every session retracting that blasted pane. Add up all the sessions over all these years and that is actually a whole lot of pain and wasted time just because DS won't remember the top pane is supposed to be retracted on start. Can't you PLEASE sort it out? It would mean more to me than everything you have changed/added between 4.10 amd 4.11 put together, snd how hard can it be to fix?

  • AprilYSHAprilYSH Posts: 1,514

    I've been using the betas without drama for a few weeks now, great job DS devs, thank you for your efforts yes

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2019

    so far so good knock on wood no issues

    But as a friendly reminder to everyone make sure to make a copy of your daz 10 folders before upgrading so in case you have issues with daz 11 you can revert back. once you over write  your daz its gone un less you kept a back up yourself.

    I kept a copy of every daz since daz 3..lol 

    495 x 423 - 29K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Mine finally worked thanks!

    Not much difference with mine yet but had a chance to heck everything out as of yet!

  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767

    Just checking I need the main DS installer AND the dForce essentials to get the latest dForce capability (for the strand-based hair player)?

    Those 2 files and I'm fully upgraded from 4.10, or are there others I need to redownload (e.g. G8 starter essentials or some plugins)?

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Do I get it right that if my Nvidia driver is only 391.35 (Because it's a GTX 560 Ti448, there are no newer drivers) I should definitely stay with DS 4.10?



  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,726
    Kerya said:

    Do I get it right that if my Nvidia driver is only 391.35 (Because it's a GTX 560 Ti448, there are no newer drivers) I should definitely stay with DS 4.10?



    If you want to use NVIDIA Iray, yes.

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    Has anyone tried it on a Mac yet?

    I've always had problems with changes to Daz and I'm not tech savy at all (half the conversations here might as well be in Martian).

    Looks like I'm gonna have to wait to download 4.11.

  • Fungible UserFungible User Posts: 456
    edited June 2019
    Tourist said:

    Has anyone tried it on a Mac yet?

    I've always had problems with changes to Daz and I'm not tech savy at all (half the conversations here might as well be in Martian).

    Looks like I'm gonna have to wait to download 4.11.

    I'm with you on this one.  I did try out the release just before the general and I found it very unstable on my Mac (and it's an iMac on steriods and rarely, if ever, suffers software crashes). Think I will wait for awhile before migrating over as 4.10 is working beautifully on my system and I'm not so enamoured by the new features enough to change just yet - but it will be inevitable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to change, but I don't think I have the patience or tolerance for constant crashes and instability for the time being. 

    Post edited by Fungible User on
  • MartialMartial Posts: 426
    edited June 2019


    Ok i have now IM00013176-02_DAZStudio411Win64bit.zip downloaded using DIM

    Before install it ,Must have to uninstall(by windows 10 uninstaller)  from my computer  DAZStudio 4.10 in d:\DAZStudio4 64 bits

      and  version 4,11 beta in D:\ M00012000-02_DAZStudio411PublicBuildWin64bit ?

    Must i reinstall the plugins like LAMH ?


    Post edited by Martial on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,726
    Martial said:


    Ok i have now IM00013176-02_DAZStudio411Win64bit.zip downloaded using DIM

    Before install it ,Must have to uninstall(by windows 10 uninstaller)  from my computer  DAZStudio 4.10 in d:\DAZStudio4 64 bits  and  version 4,11 beta in D:\ M00012000-02_DAZStudio411PublicBuildWin64bit ?

    Must i reinstall the plugins like LAMH ?


    You don't have to uninstall the Betas, you can keep on using it. If DIM shows the this release as an update to your installed 4.10, then you don't need to uninstall 4.10 first. As for 3rd party plugins, it is possible that you'll need to reinstall them. See which ones are available after you've installed this version and reinstall the ones which don't show up.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    Kerya said:

    Do I get it right that if my Nvidia driver is only 391.35 (Because it's a GTX 560 Ti448, there are no newer drivers) I should definitely stay with DS 4.10?



    If you want to use NVIDIA Iray, yes.

    Thank you!


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    Tourist said:

    Has anyone tried it on a Mac yet?

    I've always had problems with changes to Daz and I'm not tech savy at all (half the conversations here might as well be in Martian).

    Looks like I'm gonna have to wait to download 4.11.

    I've been running the public betas on OS X 10.13 for a while, not running 10.14 though as 10.14 demands hight performance AMD cards and other stupidities, and it works well. 
    Love to play with the much better "Garibaldi Hair Upgrade" ;-)
    The only issues, and they are not related to Mac version specifically, is the issues with content in the old .daz format, but that has been an issue for a while, better to load the poser versions of those, cr2 / pp2 and reshade those.

  • Can i run Daz 4.11 with my Nvidia GTX 980Ti or do i need a newer one?


    When instaling 4.11 over 4.10 ist all the content automatically there for use or must all to be re-downloaded/re-installed?



  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,726

    Can i run Daz 4.11 with my Nvidia GTX 980Ti or do i need a newer one?


    When instaling 4.11 over 4.10 ist all the content automatically there for use or must all to be re-downloaded/re-installed?



    Your card is fine and the content will still be there..

  • Tourist said:

    Has anyone tried it on a Mac yet?

    I've always had problems with changes to Daz and I'm not tech savy at all (half the conversations here might as well be in Martian).

    Looks like I'm gonna have to wait to download 4.11.

    Been using the beta for a while on 10.14.4, no major issues, aside from some major sluggishness with dForce. The 4.11 public build, however, loaded up super quickly and a test sim with dForce (using the Multi-Dress System item) took about 2 minutes to sim. Haven't noticed any other irregularities, but I have to get to work p. soon, so I will poke around it later tonight and try out some dForce hair.

  • hookflashhookflash Posts: 169

    Is it just me, or has IK been vastly improved in 4.11? Everything just seems smoother, and I'm not getting the usual "collapse into a pretzel" effect when I push the pose too far. Also, pins seem to actually function more like pins! Maybe I'm dreaming... ;-)

  • evacynevacyn Posts: 975

    Installed from DIM without issues but pretty indiscernible in comparison to 4.10 in terms of speed within the application itself or renders.

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