Material Won't load.
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Yesterday I purchased this specific item.
I ran and installed it successfully. Although, when I apply the clothing on a character, only some of the items work.
For instance, there are two kinds of files, the 'Wardrobe' and the 'Materials'. Only the wardrobe works for me, but the materials don't.
This might be a really stupid question to be asking, but i'm actually a noob with the software and I was wondering if anyone could give me some more info regarding the fact that the Wardrobe works and the Materials don't.
Wardrobe items MUST be loaded first. You cannot change the material on an object which isn't loaded into the Scene in the first place.
Load your wardrobe item, then apply the material (making sure to have the wardrobe object selected in the Scene pane).. You will soon get used to it, but there is a lot to learn :)
Awesome! Thanks a million. I think now I learned something new and my horizons are expanding little by little.
I tried as explained and it worked :-)