Seriously Needing Help With Metallic Shaders in Daz 4.6 Pro

I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with Metallic Shaders in Daz 4.6 Pro (latest updates). Computer system details detailed below.
I've been the Metallic Shader products detailed below, but for some reason DS4 just doesn't want to know and shuts down without warning. Rarely throws up a error message (a few presented below), the only time it came up with a bug report message it wouldn't let me save it. I only managed to get a screen shot of it.
The issues are so completely random and inconsistent that it's really difficult to figure out any kind of solution. The only common thread I have at the moment is that it involves Metallic shaders, but sometimes it will work with ray-trace lights, but only if I render it out as a Image file. It may render the first time, but try again in the same session and it shuts DS down with no warning. Generally, it will render with deep shadow map lights to an image file, but then I'm getting a poorer quality image. It rarely likes rendering out to a New Window.
Sparkly Car paint, I try this on a car model, I do a 'no lights' test render and DS just shuts down with no warning or information, but will do a 'no lights' test render when it's applied to V4's bodysuit, but not in a full scene with lights etc.
I talked to a friend of mine and he's not having the same, or the same level, issues, and the ones he does have with Metallic Shaders appear to be the opposite of what I'm experiencing.
So. I need information. Is anyone else experiencing these issues? Has any had these and been able to fix them? In other words -- HELP!!!
Products being used
Various Information in Screenshots

I have the metalize shader presets for daz. I've been using them quite extensively and have not experienced the problems you have. I'm not sure what the problem could be. I also have the latest daz 4.6 update.
Ram and 32 bit are the ones that leap out to me. It sounds like Your hitting the Ram limit during Render calculations. Also DAZ is not Clearing its stack I have noticed. So Try Save open back then render, that should CLEAR your ram for the render.
Hey, I would have to agree with Jaderail............You may not have enough ram, and if you are running 32 bit system. I noted you over on D.A. with additional info too...
Looking closely at the Error code you posted it is the 3Delight Render engine that is Crashing. As far as I know that is the RAM overflow causing the error. In plan English you are running out of RAM for the Render engine.