Dynamics stopped working again

Sigh... well I installed 4.6 and got it working. Installed carrara 8.5 pro and dynamics in DS no longer working.
I am so frustrated with Daz Studio NOT WORKING so much of the time! 4.6 is such a mess of not working and I want all my 4.5 stuff back that was at least relatively stable.
These days i keep giving up on Daz and going to Poser just because its way way way more stable (not a single crash since I've been using it) and Daz has at least 2 crashes daily. It's extremely aggravating.
I wish all my dynamics worked, consistently. I wish Daz Studio worked, consistently. i love genesis, i do. but i love program stability more.
Just need to rant because seems like i'm posting every other week about something else that doesn't function in DS (again)
Dynamics in DS has nothing at all to do with Carrara.
If you are having regular crashes in DS4.6, then something is badly wrong, mine almost never crashes. Are you using the 64 bit version, and how much RAM do you have on your system? Is it Win 7?
When you say the DS dynamics are not working, what do you mean exactly, can you not load the Dynamic Clothing Control, or is it something else?
I got the dynamics working, then i installed carrara and dynamics stopped working.
But not working, i mean, NOT LOADING. It's like a null loads in the scene.
Using win 7. 16 GB memory.
Worse than the crashes is that things JUST. DON.T WORK. The new shaders always mess up. Dynamic clothing stops working all the time.
It worked FINE in 4.5. Soon as I install 4.6, it all falls apart. I go back to 4.5, it works. I go back to 4.6, it doesn't.
4.6 is just.... blech.
I'd stick to 4.5 but sadly no longer have all the files i need for 4.5- such as the pwShader bundle, or the Dynamic clothing plugin.
ug nothing in 4.6 is worth it to me.... I sound miserable because I am very very tired of Daz Studio not working properly.
On the upside, Poser dynamics work easily and way more consistently. May be worth giving up Daz Studio for. Except for LAMH plugin.... sigh.
When i have gotten null loads like that I had not properly updated the plug in.
but i need to reinstall it??? It was working just a couple days ago.... only thing i installed since then was carrara :(
If you are talking about the paid for version, a new one has been released for DS You will find it in your My Account > Product Library area. It is called
Download and install it for DS4.6
I'm still using isn't still just a beta?
I reinstalled the plugin, and it made me put the serial in (again) so somehow it must have "lost" the info from earlier this week to today. I just don't get it.
Yes it's working again. No, I don't know why it stopped working. Grrr! And this is not the first time on this version, on this install, that it quit working!
Thanks for the help. Guess its just install, reinstall, reinstall reinstall reinstall forever. Or, then again, I played with poser all evening and had a blast so..... yeah.
4.6.1.xx is the stable code base. fixes a ton of crashes that were bugging me. Major improvement.
4.6.2.xx is the public beta. is a pretty clear sign that 4.6.2.xx is going to be in beta for a very long time, and we're likely to see more 4.6.1.xx releases over the next few months.