Why is this happening?

Soooooooooo whenever I apply AoA subsurface to the RM Nieves texture some weird things start to in the mouth area. Dont mind the eyes those aren't really tweaked at all yet. This is applied to Victoria 6. It does the same thing on Genesis as well. Also I forgot to turn victoria 6 off in the second image lol. First is without SSS and second is when applied. The lips appear to part and the teeth start to space.

1000 x 1000 - 1M

1000 x 1000 - 1M
Post edited by Sorel on
If you mean the white shiny bit it is due to the specularity being set to high. The lighter a texture is the less specularity it can take before it gets those hot spots. Try lowering the specularity percentage or using a slightly darker color.
Oh sorry, I forgot to specify the problem. The mouth gets all weird. It looks fine in the viewport but when it renders it gets all...well you see lol.
Updated first post to be more specific.
I also tested this on several other textures and none of them have this problem Nieves does. This is tamesis on V6 with AoA SSS applied.
You mean the mouth (and I think ears) are changing shape when you render? My guess without seeing any settings would be some kind of crazy displacement map.. But that a total guess since I have never seen anything like that happen.
There is no displacement maps but I think I figured out how to fix it. I was applying the default mat then applying the SSS. Well, there is also an HSS preset that I applied and then put in the AoA SSS and the mouth thing stopped. Odd ._.
That is really very odd. The only surface setting that can actually change the shape of something is displacement.. I wonder if one of those has part of a morph saved with it?
Not from what I can see but all is well now and material adjustments are underway!
You may have overlooked these important instructions in the AOA SSS Shader Instruction PDF file:
Maximum Displacement
- How far (in centimeters) bright pixels of displacement maps should move the
surface outward.
Set this value to 0.00 when no displacement map is used.
Minimum Displacement
- How far (in centimeters) dark pixels of displacement maps should displace
the surface inward.
Set this value to 0.00 when no displacement map is used
If you do not set these values to 0, unexpected and unwanted displacement can occur. That might be what you are seeing.
oh. I never noticed that. That may have been it then. Thank you for that heads up.
I do have a script to zero displacement bounds on surfaces with not displacement http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/25642/
She turned out lovely at least!
ohhh thank you very much!
ohhh thank you very much!
I also recommend this product for those who wish to "automate" changes to SSS. Under "What's Included & Features" it mentions 3 shader fixes. One of them sets the extra displacement amount SSS adds to 0 without disturbing the original shader displacement.
huh??? why does sss add displacement?
Because it can?
I've actually been using this, but I must have skipped that part of the shader. I see it has one for displacement, bumb and reflections. I guess I should pay more attention to these things in the furture.