Help !!!

Hi ,
I wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone has any suggestions..
I am using a MacBook Pro and trying to run Bryce 7 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. I am also open to running it on Windows XP via Virtual Box.
When I try to open Bryce on Virtual Box, I am getting an error when I try to launch the program saying installation configuration error. Do you have any suggestions that would either help me get Bryce 7 to run on OS X or possibly a suggestion that would help me get Bryce to run on Virtual Box ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I'd also like to see Bryce running again for Mac users.
I have two Mac computers of varying ages and neither will run Bryce 7.
Sorry I can't offer any advice, hopefully this will be a priority for Bryce 8.
Whenever that is planned for release?
You would get more answers if you post your query on the Bryce Discussion forum.
Most Mac users that I know of would either run Bryce in Bootcamp or some have had some success under parallells.
Thanks for your replies. I will post this on the Bryce discussion forum as well. I am going to try installing it using Parallel 7 tonight :)
No need to post it on t the Bryce forum as well. I can simply move the thread over there for you. Like this.........are you ready, hold we go.
This iway it avoids duplicate threads, and also keeps all the information you have been given in one thead, so others know what advice you have already had.
ok, I installed Windows 7 in Virtual box and this is the error message I am getting when I try to start Bryce 7... Any suggestions ?
"This application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for detail."
In summary, the 64-bit operating system ships with the 64-bit version of Visual C++, but 32-bit programs like Bryce need the 32-bit version as well.