I need some help... Im really confused!

Hi guys!
Ok... Im a Poser user. Not Daz. I already have the DSON installed and working perfectly.
It came with a Genesis Male, female and child.. just that
Im a comic book creator and I love the Daz figures but tha last one o got was V4 and M4
I would like to have M5 and V5.... V6 and M6 and Teens as well
.. I need more variety... but I AM SO CONFUSED with all this Genesis 2 Gen
Please will you explain which one is best for me?. ALWAYS USING DSON and Poser...
I am not usiing Daz...
Thanks guys!
Whether you want to download it or not, if you haven't already, "buy" the free D/S4.6Pro.
Then through your account Product Library, look for the Starter Essentials.
There'll be one for Genesis, one for Genesis 2 Figures. Selecting the one for G2 will produce the G2F and G2M figures for downloading.
M5 and V5 [*5] are morphs for the Genesis figure.
V6 and M6 [*6] are morphs for the G2 figures.
If you're using DIM to download stuff, note that the templates are only available by going directly into the Product Library for manual download.
Just my personal opinion here ,if you want variety,versatility, go with Genesis-V5,M5 ,and the add on stuff that lets you bring your Generation3&4 (clothing,hair)stuff over to use with ,if you want high quality close-ups with high definition,go with Genesis2 , V6,M6,which can use your Genesis stuff,and some of the Generation4 things........I think eventually we will be able to bring more stuff to use with Genesis2, so it depends on your needs......don't know if that's any help at all...
Thanks Carrie58!!! Thanks Patience55!!!
i really appreciate your help!> I think I will give it a try to Daz and get the V5 and M5 bundles !
Thanks guys!