Content Cataloger For Windows- What Ever Happened With This?

This product is on sale and featured quite predominantly- which caused me to do a search regarding the viability of the product. Red flags for me as it seems people had issues with Windows 7 64 bit. The vendor seems really conscientious, but this didn't seem easy to get running, people said thumbnails were missing- and I don't recall that there was follow up from anyone who had problems, stating "Oh yeah, got it working." Anyone with Windows 7 64 bit that can give some input? I think it would be wonderful to have a cataloger with thumbnails!
Post edited by frank0314 on
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I dont know but if you are interested in it for the sake of Poser and DAZ Studio content then I would recommend P3DO Explorer instead -
Using Remote Proceedure Call it can also load content directly into DS or Poser
PRPC for DS -
PRPC for Poser -
Since you were nice enough to point out that there is already a thread on this very topic this thread is being lock. This way all the conversation is in one place and not scattered amongst several threads.
Please use this thread