DS 4.6 Pro 64Bit - I am convinced and happy

yesterday I have downloaded ds4.6 pro 64Bit and went right to work on my v4.2 character Dixie and...I was able to fix Dixie and now she is a v4.2 that blows the mind :) (some of you may know that I am using the wwg2 figure. V4.2 with "real" gens.
So what I have done on my character Dixie is:
1. Made a SubD Version of it and fixed it
2. Add the smoothing modifier and fixed it
3. fixed the collision iterations to the gen
4. made a new polygon group of the inner gens of the hip and made this group invisible so they do not disturb if the smoothing mod is high. (the inner gens of the hip were seen through the gen prob before if smoothing value was higer than 1)
and now Dixie is great :) not only because of the gens. The SubD and the smoothing modifier make her look greater than ever before :) And with the collision iteration values...best results :)
Thanks DS
but only one thing I have to comment on: Lights. Sure there is the linear point light with inner and outer border but isn`t it possible to have such light as spotlight so it is not necessary to surround the linear point light with an object to get a spot light with a scalable range?
A first render of DX - NEXT GENERATION :) sure not the typical model shaped body, more the girl next door shape :) means more normal :)
unfortunatelly I can`t show here at the forums what I meant with the fixings on the gens :) but I think you can see that she is much smoother than the original v4.2 :)
outfits by 3D-Age at renderosity (one of my favorite artists on clothes)
Sub'd-ing a high poly mesh is overkill and unnecessary. Not sure why people think quadrupling the polycount of a already smooth mesh is making that much of a difference, when it only increases the render time. Sub'd is only for low poly meshes.
you will see it if you render with ray-traced shadow and do close-ups and subD with level 1 and soft corners and edges makes my machine not slow smoothing value is up to 3 by 0.4 it is not much difference in speed but in result
She looks great to me, very nice skin texture and the renders are really nicely lit. You might want to turn her nipples down a bit though, unless she's cold!