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I am visiting my mum. She says there will be plenty of food for dinner but I want to eat something now. Dinner won't be ready till after the game.
Thanks for the chocolate chess pie recipe. I tend to make up reciped as I go along and then when my husband likes it, I can't remember what I did so each time it is a new meal. Keeps things interesting or stupid, whichever you prefer. I did print off this choc chess pie and the coconut crust and will try it after Thanksgiving. Since it is just my husband and myself, I will bring most of it to the restaurant we go to frequently and share it with the staff. We share deserts back and forth. it is a family run place and when you go all the time, you feel like family. Nice in this impersonal day and age.
OT Just reading from the posts and other posts, it is interesting how many of us are physically disabled in some way and this community fills a void. So many people who are in good health do not realize what it is like to need pain meds or not be able to do things, especially if you don't look disabled. Many think you could be OK if you really wanted to. I have even received books from well meaning people(?) with titles like you can be OK -Its up to you. (not a real title.) Don't I wish.
This Thanksgiving wish goes out to all those peole who keep giving of themselves no matter what.
Om nom nom!
...nothing very special for today as I live by myself and buying a whole bird is a bit of a waste. Family is all on the other side of the country 5+ hour plane trip away. Not into the buffet or restaurant thing as that really doesn't feel anymore "holiday" than just staying home and making something. Plus, being unemployed, really cannot afford it.
Still recovering from a nasty head/chest cold I picked up over last weekend so really don't feel like going much of anywhere.
Dinner will be Cajun blackened fish, roasted wedged potatoes, and butter cooked baby carrots.
About the only "traditional" part for me is the full day of Football.
sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm taking my last antibiotic today. Still congested but oh well it's getting better.
As for me I could not wait to finish my part of the By the time I was done the pain was excrutiating,but I do have to say getting to see my family is great :-). This is the best Thanksgiving I have ever had, plus we made a lot more to eat than we did all other Thanksgivings :-). I am stuffed and ready for a nap
Just two of us so a very small turkey and the fixin's: mashed potatoes, baked sweet potato, stuffing but outside the turkey, fresh cranberry sauce, some baked rolls and a lot of gravy. Bought a pumpkin pie but it has too much cinnamon, I'd use mace or nutmeg not cinnamon Oh well, I'll make real whipped cream.
My son's family going to the other grandma's. But my brothers called me today and we had good long yaks. They live several hundred miles away and none of us can afford to travel. My sis lives in France but they have located an American club and will have a turkey dinner there. But here we had "dinner" early, at 3:30pm, so we can have leftovers at 6pm if we are still hungry. Husband had to lie down, I'm watching a Castle tv marathon and getting ready to do a render to enter a contest. Happy Thanksgiving!