Just a quick question about Poser.

What version of poser would you need in order to make and save mat files for poser? If that is the correct term. I have Daz 4.6 and I know how to make textures and save them for Daz but I'm looking into making sure I can offer for both programs. I don't want to have to go through the trouble to find a poser partner when I can make them myself once I got use to the program. I know it's an expensive program but I thought maybe waiting to see if they have a sale on Friday or near Christmas or around the first of the year.
If you're doing V4 stuff or non figure type things you only need P7, if you want to work with Genesis 1 or 2 you'll need a version that works with the current DSON which is PP2014 or P10
If you want to do stuff for Dawn you'll need at least P9 / PP2012
All that being said, P10/2014 is a huge improvement over P7 and is well worth the money. I'm primarily a DS user and never really got on with P7 past using it for the things I had to for compatibility. PP2014 I actually enjoy using quite a bit.
Thank you so much. I would love to get the pro but more than likely Poser 10 will be what i get
That will do you quite well. I have the pro version but I've yet to actually use anything that it adds over P10. LOL
What version do you want to SUPPORT?
If you create MC6 files your customers will need Poser 6+
If you want to support Poser 5 you'll need to create PZ2's which require post editing to create.
I don't know how many people ae still using ver 5, but a lot of recent products still have PZ2 MATs
I always think it is a shame that ShaderSpider wasn't updated past Poser 7, as it is such a simple way to make both PZ2 and Material collections.
Netherworks sell MatWriter Panel at RDNA, YURDigital and his own store. It's currently on sale for RDNA's annual sale.
Making .mc6 and .pz2 files is very easy and you don't really need anything besides Poser and a text editor. I'd say have a look at Amazon for Black Friday sales because you might be able to get a relatively newish version of Poser at a good price. Check the SM site too these days, you never know.
All you have to do to make an .mc6 file is apply the textures in Poser, tweak your shaders as you like and while in the material room save all of that as an .mc6 (material collection) file. This can then be edited in a text editor to change just two simple things and you've got yourself a .pz2 as well. Follow this tutorial for converting the .mc6 to .pz2. http://cyonixgfx.deviantart.com/art/Converting-mc6-Files-to-pz2-194920273
MatWriter Panel lets your set up one matzone and then copy it to all the others at once though.. huge deal for someone who's used to making mats in DS.
Wow lots of good information here. I want to thank everyone.
I just got Poser 10 for $64 on Amazon for the Cyber Monday deal. I am so excited for it to arrive.
Great deal! Congrats! =)
If you need any Poser help don't be afraid to ask. I'm using Poser Pro 2014. I've been using Poser since version 3 and in the last few months I have really been studying hard and learning all the ins and outs of the new program.
Thank you so much. I paid extra for shipping so it's suppose to be here Tuesday.