How do I DL and go back to Daz 4.5 because Daz 4.6 sux

I have had nothing but issues since I upgraded to 4.6. Libraries not working right, renders freezing up, Tags not taking. Sure this isn't a Microsoft product? How do I get a copy of the old properly functioning Daz 4.5???


  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781
    edited December 1969

    You can't. As far as I know, the only way to "downgrade" to a previous version is if you've kept the older installers. Daz doesn't make them available and getting them any other way than from your own backup copies -- if you've saved them -- is not permitted. That said, if you are having serious technical issues with the newest DS, try submitting a bug report and see if it helps. Wish i had better news, but I'm afraid that's the way things are.

  • J.Love CreationsJ.Love Creations Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately I don't have a copy. :( I have tried when daz crashes to submitted report but that doesn't work either. My girlfriend just bought me the new Poser but I was comfortable with Daz and really didn't want to learn something completely new. Guess I will try that for awhile and see if my stuff all works on that. :(

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781
    edited December 1969

    Most models, clothes, hair, etc. will work fine in Poser, although the Genesis and Genesis 2 stuff also needs the DSON Importer plugin and Poser Companion Files to be of any use. And you will find shaders/materials are program specific and don't translate between the two, so they may need to be redone for Poser. There are lots more knowledgeable people than me in the Poser User's subforum, just poke around there and I'm sure you'll get all the help you need. Me, I'm still trying to figure out Daz Studio. I swear that thing was designed by mad alien scientists from Dimension Whatever with the intent of driving me totally insane. Or at least, slightly crazier than I already am. :evil grin:

  • J.Love CreationsJ.Love Creations Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    LOL I actually had poser years ago and wasn't very impressed, things change though any technology gets better as do the models and morph abilities. Anyway thanks a bunch for your input.

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