Everythhing from Victoria 4 to Victoria 3

Daz need's to take everything related to all the models starting with V3 to V4. and make everything 50% off all older items, such as V4 clothing and accessories, morphs ect. I mean think about it Daz has V5,V6 along with toons and M5, M6 plus all the new items to go with it, and now with HD. make all older items cheaper
I just priced V6/M6 and V6/M6 HD and I don't think Daz is going to start lowering prices on anything since it's very cost effective to stick with V3/M3 and V4/M4 for a lot of the members here. I'm not saying V6/M6 are not worth it, IMHO the price tag is more then the average DS hobbyist wants to or can afford to spend right now.
Generation 3 and Generation 4 clothing can be used on Genesis with the Iconic Shapes for Genesis packages, so they are as viable as ever. There are plenty of users who still use V4 as a model of choice, but they can use V4 skins on Genesis, and V4 clothing as well via Autofit.
i'm still interested in new stuff for V4/M4/K4. after the holidays though. sorry vendors.