Two questions re the Victoria 6 HD Add-on

I have two naive questions about the Victoria 6 HD Add-on.
1) I don't own Victoria 6. Will this add-on work with Gia 6, The Girl 6, and Josie 6?
2) Can it be combined with the various morphs in the Genesis 2 Female Morphs bundle and Gen 2 Female Head Resource Kits?
I've two question too before buy this add-on:
1) How this HD tecnology work? Is pure vertrex modeling or using displacement mapping?
2) Is possibile use this kind of morph in an external 3d app like Maya without rise up the polycount?
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The new HD for V6/M6. Seems to be a high poly model. It mentions in the description that the HD details are not about texture maps (so not normal, bump, disp).
I haven't downloaded the HD sets yet for V6/M6, and PAs did not get a preview to mess around with, so this answer is just based on what I know about HD morphs already, not on today's releases. Do not make your decision based solely on this information.
The HD morphs are usually created with the base figure reversed out after sculpting, meaning that only the HD details are contained in the morph, ie. the extra wrinkles in the knuckles or the scaley bits on a creature's head. This makes it possible to apply those morphs to any other morph in our Shaping tab. However, HD morphs are meant to complement the underlying shape and you may not get the results you hope for by applying them to a figure other than the one intended. Below is a render of Gia with the Hag HD morphs applied from the Creature Creature set. The extra HD details from the Hag Morph apply very well, but they have created some artifacts at render time because the Hag morphs (non-HD) have not been applied. Keep in mind, the Hag morphs are extreme, so the artifacts should not be surprising.
Since V6 and her sisters are all human shapes, and the morphs were created for a human shape, I would venture to say that the morphs will look just fine on any of the Genesis 2 females (or males in the case of M6 HD Morphs), but take this as the educated opinion it is, not as the sole basis of your decision.
Thanks, Slosh!
Thank you for your time & the Info. :)
I've been meaning to ask since the HD Creature pack came out but I don't visit the forums much anymore so I've avoided logging in to ask.
But now that I see there is an HD pack for V6 I would like to know how I could do my own HD morphs. There are certain situations I could really use the extra detail anyone know the process to make this happen?
Or am I not able to make my own high quality art, and am expected to wait for a PA to make morphs I need? I don't buy stuff here very much cause I have a huge backlog of content already and I really prefer DIY when possible. Also I just know nobody's gonna make what I need :)
But from what linvanchene infers this isn't technology we the common user have access to, is that right?
Last information anyone had DAZ has yet to release the HD tech to the public. At present, AFIK, only a handful of vendors have been given access to it and they are under an NDA.
At present, I don't see DAZ being in any hurry to make this aspect of its tech openly available. They will make more money selling HD add ons than they will on a one shot plugin sale where users can then bypass DAZ and make their own.
DS4.x Pro is currently free but DAZ has always had the qualifier on it "free for a limited time". Even if they did make a "free forever" statement, those of us who were members years ago remember how that went when DAZ suddenly changed their "free forever" base models to "no longer free" base models.
If DAZ ever does chose to make this available, I sincerely doubt it will be free. If anything, it would probably end up as plugin for DS and a substantial cost.
Sadness. Well thanks for the input. When I couldn't find any how-to threads after a few searches I figured as much.
Such a shame really but I'll make due.
If they did make a plugin I might consider it, I prefer tools over content these days and that's one of the reasons I don't spend much here anymore.
It's very empowering to be able to make something you need yourself :)
Use displacement maps, you won't go wrong, do not set displacement subdivision too hight and the result should be similar. Seems to me it is most probably vertex pushing based on grayscale image data where zero is 50% gray. If I am not wrong with applying HD morphs the vertexes are moving along normals. But it still need some further experiments to be completely sure. I'll try some this or next evening with CCHD morphs to examine closely in modo.
HD morphs differ from displacement in that they don't depend on the UV Set, and they aren't restricted to moving along the normal but can move in any direction and so create undercuts (which can't be done with plain displacement - vector displacement would do it).
Also clothing detects HD morphs so it will follow since its geometry, which it cannot do with displacement maps. If you add I high offet displacement map eg a spiney back, it pokes through clothing. Do that same thing with HD morphs, and the clothing will follow it. And because its morphs, it is not UV dependant as mentioned before.
Sadly for a variety of reasons displacement maps aren't what I am looking for, but thanks.
So how does this work? If I load up V6 will the HD load automatically or do I go somewhere to apply it?
If it's like the creature ones you will have to dial in the morphs and raise the sub d level to 3
Never mind, it gives me the option of the regular or the HD model.
Loads automatically if you click on the preset. But can also be dialled in manually if you dial up the HD morphs seperately.
You do not have to raise the subD level. That is only if you wish to view the HD morphs before render time. If at normal SubD level one and they are dialled, they will render at full detail at whatever max subD level they were designed on. Dial them at a certain strength, and they will render at full detail, just at a lower strength.
You do not have to raise the subD level. That is only if you wish to view the HD morphs before render time. If at normal SubD level one and they are dialled, they will render at full detail at whatever max subD level they were designed on. Dial them at a certain strength, and they will render at full detail, just at a lower strength.
Oh. I was not aware of this, thanks for the info!
1) Essentially these morphs are sculpted on a subdivided base. Previously morphs for a figure had to be sculpted on the base resolution mesh. Sculpting on the subdivided mesh allows the artist to include more detail. This also makes the HD morphs UV independent as they don't rely on image maps for their details.
2) I don't think so. The morph file format is unique to DAZ Studio/DSON Importer as far as I know. That doesn't mean you can't export the HD morphed figure, but in order for the details to go over you'd have to export the subdivided mesh which would mean an increase in poly count.
Eh. Okay, I'm not usually "that guy", but it would have seemed logical for DAZ to launch this with Victoria 6 in the first place. Think of all the the furor about splitting male and female shapes, and the cries that there wasn't much of difference between Genesis 1 and 2 that could have been minimized, if not completely avoided. It would have been a real point of difference they could have used as an example. Maybe it wasn't ready, but still...
I'm glad I decided to check the forums because the bundle does NOT state that it requires Victoria 6 or Michael 6. It simply states that it is compatible with: Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 2 Male
Which of these is true, then?
I believe they said the tech was not ready at the time G2F was released.
Anyone know if this works only with DS and 3Delight or will it work with other renderers? Is this extra detail maintained if exported out as an .obj and brought into Octane, or Lux, or whatever?
If you go to the individual products they say the requirements for the base figures. Also the "add on" should imply that you need the base to add on to.
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Personally I don't mind stuff not defaulting to subD-level 3, it can kill my machine. I typically only turn on sub d when I render.
I unlocked the subd parameter and set it to three when I was testing the creature creator morphs but never ended up using them for some issues I had.
If you set your sub-d to 3 before you export you should be able to see the details. You probably will have to unlock it as 2 is the default max, and the default setting is 1 I believe.
I was like hmm this sounds cool HD morphs for V6/M6 but then thinking about it I thought they would be very limited as they would only really be any good for extreme close ups, as in RL if you are across the room from a person you would not see the details. I Really loved how they added so much detail for the HD creature morphs but this i'm not too sure about unless you were thinking of doing closeups.
Depends on your lighting in your scene. I did a semi close up and all those details showed.
I know with the Aged morphs your working on with HD I can understand them because you can see old peoples skin from a distance but creases on fingers,knees ect you just don't see unless your getting pretty close, well saying that my eyesight ain't at its best after 48 Ill wait to see some renders with and without to see how much detail makes it into the finale render of non close ups.