Victoria 6 & Michael 6 HD Add-On Bundle Not Showing Correct Price

The Victoria 6 & Michael 6 HD Add-On Bundle isn't showing the 30% discount for being a new release that it has on the Sales Promotions Web page and the PC discount isn't showing up for it either.
The bundle is a DAZ Original. The product page for the bundle doesn't indicate this, but all the 2 products that make up the bundle are DAZ Originals.
Currently your getting a much cheaper price by just buying the contents of the bundle separately.
Can an Admin flag the price problem to DAZ?
Post edited by Jay_NOLA on
I would imagine this will be fixed tomorrow.
Buying the two separately right now- might that be cheaper than when they fix the bundle? How do you know what the price will be? You can always file a ticket and get the adjustment if the bundle is cheaper, but if the bundle ends up being more than those two are priced at now, you'd be out of luck. What should the bundle price be?
It would be cheaper with the discounted bundle. Also I think it would be better to wait for the fix (unless you HAVE to have them this moment) instead of waitong for a ticket to get answered.
So the bundle will be 51% or more? Is that what you're seeing for each one of them separately?
I feel fairly confident that it will be 51% off (for PC members) like the other two, which puts it at around $26.93, which is definitely a better deal than buying the two of them.
I do want, very badly, but I can wait. My main computer is doing video transcoding all night, so no render love for me anyway. :-)
-- Morgan
Well the separate items are $27.97 each and the bundle is $54.95 - which makes the bundle a dollar cheaper. Not much difference, but a difference nevertheless. I admit I also was a bit surprised that the bundle wasn't discounted, at the same time what is there that says that all new items have to be? Isn't that up to the individual vendor.
Hmm? The bundled item (with apparent correct discount) is much cheaper than buying both the items at discount. I'm off on holidays in about 8 hours. Hope they have it fixed before then.
For a PC member the separate items are right now 19.58 each.
So buying them separately costs $39.16 total.
The bundle is priced at 54.95 with the 51% discount for PC & new release the bundle will be about 26.94.
They are DAZ Originals so PC members get a discout and they are new releases so that gets another discount is added too.
Oops, I always forget that not everyone is PC.
Also, I found that Mega Prize code for M6 products can not be applied to "Michael 6 HD Add-on".
I've reported the odd pricing (and lack of mention of V6 in the blurb) on the bundle.
And it doesn't work for the bundle either. Is there any chance it could be added? Please, please, please!
Bundle price is now correct:)
It is, so now bought! :)
Good start, now all we need is for the voucher codes to work and it's a sale ;)
I checked and I'm afraid the voucher is not meant to be applying to the M6 HD set.
Ah, thanks for checking... but a fairly good deal for PC members as is, just gettin' greedy, LOL
Thanks for pointing out the pricing issues, and the bundle product description issues. I'm afraid those were my fault. I used the M6 description as a place holder and forgot to add anything about poor vicky, I also forgot to check a few boxes on the bundle. I guess I was in too big of a hurry to get to the gym and work on my own HD details ;-)
Thanks for you patience everyone. The pricing should be correct now.
Looks interesting, however the requirements say the 64-bit version of the DSON Importer is needed to use in Poser. Currently I have the 32-bit one as I'm running Poser 10. Does this mean I have to upgrade Poser to PoserPro which is 64 bit, or just the plug in?
The 64 bit version of the DSON Importer will only work in a 64 bit version of Poser. AFIK Poser 10 is only 32 bit, so you wouldn't be able to use the 64 bit version of the DSON Importer.
Thought so. Well, since this would cost me a couple hundred dollars I don't have right now and I absolutely cannot justify the expense, I guess no HD for me.
Maybe this has been answered somewhere else before, but what excactly is the point of these HD morphs?
I mean yeah, it allows for hd morphs but dont they only work when the mesh gets subdivided at a higher level, which also means that the renderer has to work with a very high poly mesh? Isnt it easier to just use displacement instead?
Forgive me if I may sound negative but if there is no significant advantage to it (maybe I missed it, please elaborate in that case), why should I want to use the HD versions?
Check out this thread:
There are several in there who elaborate on the advantages of the HD morphs. Keep in mind also, that depending on the distance of your figure from the camera, the render engine is already subdividing your mesh. It's something that happens automatically in DAZ Studio.
I love the details on the hands!
Gives the hands a much more mature look instead of "babyfingers".
Not sure this is the place for this but the Black November bundle sale is not posting sale prices either. The first item does show the correct 30% off but the first related item, from the list DAZ3d posts of related items, does not change the prices to 40%, as the email states. The second related item added doesn't change the prices on all three to 50% either. The only item that shows any kind of discount is the first one with a 30% discount. I submitted a ticket but with the holiday don't expect I will see a reply anytime soon. Anyone have any ideas?