Why don't the mats work yet? Creature Add-ons for G2F - Reason discovered.

Why don't all the mats work with this product yet? It's been out long enough.
Latest D/S and fresh download.
btw - a log error report that says to check the log isn't very helpful.
Post edited by patience55 on
Didn't know there was an issue with it. Did you file a report if your doing everything correctly. Make sure you click on the object before applying the mats.
Thank you, you know I know how to apply mats.
I recall reading something about this in the forums when they first came out and so just ignored it for awhile. Now that G2M is out, thought it time to see what if any of all this might work with him too. And discovered that no, nobody has apparently yet fixed the mats.
I don't do bugs. QC shouldn't be expecting us to test their products for them. Presumably somebody told them when it was first released as there was a discussion at the time. However if it wasn't, feel free to mention it to them. Time spent fixing files is time spent not shopping.
Umm... I can apply all the Mats just fine and they work properly on normal and HD shapes. What are you seeing?
For example.
Load just the tail. or the ears. or the animal type legs.
Select item, surface tool, select all surfaces or whatever ...
Go to mat folder and apply a different mat.
no work.
Some pictures:
Well I'll be. When did that Start? I just used that set a week ago. Confirmed. Please Send a Support ticket if not done so already.
I too get the same error messages if I apply the materials to the "bare" attachments, but if you apply the attachments to G2F, then apply the materials to the various attachments, I get no error messages.
... I'll make a wild guess possibly with the newest D/S release??? or something else done ... I dunno ...
A CS ticket ... oh joy ... alright.
Done. Sent it to technical support.
Okay ... yes that apparently does work ... it shouldn't matter though. We can load clothing and change the mats ... clothing doesn't have to be on any particular figure in order for mats to work. Same goes for hair pieces. Same goes for everything else I've loaded to date.
I performed additional testing. When I apply the ears to G2F, it creates a transition figure, for lack of a better term, named "Creature Creator Main" and a material is applied to it. When I load the ears by themselves into a scene this piece is missing. The material preset is apparently looking for "Creature Creator Main" to apply the blending edge texture and since it's not there if you load the ears without G2F in the scene alone, I get an error message.
I had trouble getting the edge texture to show up on the "Creature Creator Main" consistently. Most times when I remove the ears, leaving the "Creature Creator Main" the blending texture goes away too, but on occasion, I was able to get the edge texture to show as shown below. If I hide "Creature Creator Main" the edge texture is hidden also.
Another thing I observed, if I have the geo-grafted attachments applied to G2F, and have G2F selected on the Scene tab, the textures will apply to the various geo-grafted attachments (legs, ears, tail). I didn't have to select the geo-grafted attachments individually to apply the materials. This doesn't apply to the horns since they are props.
AH Okay, That I get. I was not expecting the BLEND to extend onto the Figure. I do see the reason for a none parented error now. TY for your time. I simply tested a None mated load and that does fail as noted.
The transitional object is, as I recall, a Geometry Shell of the base figure.
Thank you all for the additional information. So in its own way it works ... will be remaking the mats then for solo use with G2M.
First "fit to" tests for G2M is a no-go. So was planning to parent and hence made this non-working mat discovery.
Will close the ticket with a note.