OT your avatar

reading the Forums i notice alot of interesting Avatars of the members here
perhaps you like to tell how you have Chosen yours
is there a Story behind it ?
on my Avatar you see a dead old tree i adored very much when roaming through the Woods
i always visited him
some day i had a camera with me making this shot
next visit he was cut down
now he haunts this forum
Mine is a Dalek from Doctor Who. It was a very early render I tried, playing with various settings when I came across the black and white of my avatar. Never thought to change it since. :)
I picked mine cause I really like the movie and it reflects the forums up and down very well
Mine is a gold prospector that goes by the name "Pyrite Pete". He was my first 3b toon figure and the mascot of goldpeeps.com.
Well I used to have a sweet little Welsh girl as my avatar, and then when I volunteered to be a Mod I decided maybe I should have a sterner image more in keeping with my status and nearer my age. Said jokingly would this one do, and they all thought it was very apt and someone even volunteered to animate it for me, and now my club has become quite a talking point.
Mine combines the symbol for "female" with a stylized spider. I like spiders, and I usually use something spider-related as an avatar. Since my online presentation is neutral to aggressive, and the internet assumes everyone to be male in the absence of incredibly obvious cues otherwise, people have often assumed I was male; the disguised female symbol is intended as a humorous gesture at that fact.
Mine is the first custom character I created. I'm still really new to DAZ with a great deal to learn. I am sure it will change over time.
Mine was the result of accidentally catching the shutter release on the camera with my tail.
I'm into photography and snap plenty of pictures regularly. This one is a carved relief over the front entrance of my local Central Technical high school, and it represents the "trades" taught inside. There's a companion statue on the other side of the entrance representing academia. It wasn't the school I went to, but I thought the broken hammer had some significance. Might be time to change it.
My current one I like using just cause it looks like someone gossping, hearing a juicy tidbit, or seeing something she hadn't seen before. All things I've found in various forums I frequent.
People have commented mine freaks them out. I don't see why
The big mouth full of muppet teeth?
My avatar is a wolf made from Melody 1. I got Melody 2 but have not downloaded her yet. I am thinking of making a new avatar soon.
Why a wolf girl, well my username has wolf in it.
i remember when the Club was moving
that was even more scary
i'm glad there are no more animated Avatars though
because they were distracting me to much
The big mouth full of muppet teeth?
If you knew me in person you'd see how the avatar applies for me.
If you knew me in person you'd see how the avatar applies for me.
Well, I wasn't freaked out before.... :lol:
Mine is just down to the fact that I love the Samedi character!
I'm a comic geek from way back but that's not why I chose The Joker as my avatar. It was my first breakthrough in rendering; I was obsessed by the way James Purefoy looked in The Raven trailer of The Following and I was able to duplicate the lighting of that shot. It was a perfect fusion of my experience as a cameraman and what I had learned as a 3D artist :)
I want to change mine but don't know what to change it to. I don't think Walter from Jeff Dunham would be appropriate for a mod.
Finally added an avatar to my forum profile. I waited because there were so many ways to go, I just could not decide. But, I'm going to upload some works to the new DAZ gallery, so I thought it was a good idea. My avatar is sort of like me, as I used to be, or what I thought I might have been. If something strikes me funny I generally laugh with great gusto. This was my most successful morphing with DieTrying' s 182 V4 morphs for Genesis, so I thought, why not use it for my avatar?
Richard...I recognize that character but for the life of me I can't remember which movie it's from...lol And I think Walter would be a great avatar, though Peanut could also be appropriate..lol
Mine is from The Dark Crystal
Ok. I updated to my 4 favorite characters
Of which I recognise ... none! ;)
Of which I recognise ... none! ;)
Here it is. They are his puppets. http://www.jeffdunham.com/
no Fizzgig
oh that is odd, the posts after about changing did not come up until I posted this
no Fizzgig
Yeah it was time for a change. Fizzgig is on backup though
Mine is just a Ken Gilliland version of my favorite bird at the local zoo, a hyacinth macaw. His name is Thor and he talks. He says "cracker" and "back to work". Here is the real Thor.
Where's his hammer? ;)
Beautiful bird!
I used to have a pygmy goat named Thor. His hammer was his horns. Look out! Thor lived 18 years. I still miss him.