color code for hair

I'm looking for a code for medium Auburn or even a hare color chart with codes.

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I'm looking for a code for medium Auburn or even a hare color chart with codes.
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If you're looking to simply change the diffuse color for a hair item, here's a list of RGB values for Pantone colors: I've found it handy at times.
Thank you. That will come in very handy. making the right color takes too munch time for me.
A: Hair color charts are manufacturer specific, i.e. Redken, SoColor, etc... and they are specific for their intended purpose only, selling said manufacturer's product.
B: Hair color is made up of many aspects, not a single color. What one would need to show true color would be a somewhat complex shader with many variables for different types/conditions of hair. Just as a start, no one's hair is actually a single color.
C: Hair will continue to be an area that will challenge 3D graphics for the near future probably.
D: That color chart is very off, compared to general industry standards, at least in the U.S. Jet Black is very black black. Dark brown is so dark most people not in the industry would think of it as black, and all of the colors there have a red hue, including the 'ash' colors which by definition should lean towards green actually.
Having said that, what you want might not be as complicated as all of that but I'm not sure how to answer your question other then that, given all of the variables.
Best wishes and good luck.
Footnote: The whole golden/auburn/ash thing got me thinking... one might be able to increase realism in hair while simplifying the different colors, basically along the lines of what you are looking for, by using a sss shader with the main color being a pantone style color and having yellow/red/green sss colors applied to the central base pantone style color. To increase realism, I would have a variation in the base color so that the hair is not too uniform. The variation for most colors should be very slight (single shade in 2 directions with the bulk color the central one. At least that's where I would start my experimentation. The problem with that is it would probably be render intensive. *Forgot, a gloss shell with variable strength...
Combine that with a fibermesh style hair that had a good rigging system and controllable cloth like physics... :)