Michael 6 - Boots problem - Michael 6, Autofit, Boots, or none of the above need an update?

I have V6, M6, Genesis, and with the release of M6 I have been throwing everyone's clothes on everyone else to see what the limits are. Not having an immediate need to render Rocky Horror, I still tried the G2F shoes and boots on G2M, and noticed several where the footwear from the heel forward ends up about 6" below G2M's foot, and there does not seem to be an easy way through posing or parameter adjustments to wed the foot with the shoe, it remains doggedly hanging off the bottom of his foot.
So, my question is...is it G2M, the shoes, Autofit, or none of the above (i.e. it is what it is) that needs an update? I do not want to pester our fine vendors if it is not their responsibility.
Thank you for your insight and recommendations.