DAZ studio is unable to find Crimson Court [SOLVED]

Somehow DAZ is unable to find Crimson Court.
I tried installing it with DIM and by hand but no difference so far.
Also I checked if the content manager is started and it is.
Manually adding it with the content directory manager won't work either, neither did import metadata help. :(
I tried other items but no problems with others I could find...
See the picture for the error message...it's odd because everything works fine and I am out of ideas...

546 x 157 - 24K
Post edited by Sylvan on
I have Crimson Throneroom, but not the Court.
It is a .DAZ scene file, so it is almost certainly looking for items from the 'data' folder from whatever library you installed it into. I loaded the Throne Room OK, but I installed it into My DAZ 3D Library from the beginning using DIM.
In the data folder, there is a 'LaurieS' folder which has a folder called 'LS_CK2', that may be it. Do you have a LaurieS folder in your data folder?
Yup, it's all there.
But I am starting to think it's a corrupted database because my search function won't work either anymore :(
Last time that happened was a year ago ><</p>
you have the crimson throne room ?
its required
I feel realy stupid...I purchased the throne room and it works now!
Thanks you so much!!!
Well spotted ruphuss!
Don't worry about, we've all done it.
yes like me with quel bazar