Zbrush: Morphing a face, accidentally screwed up the teeth!

Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
edited December 1969 in The Commons

And I didn't notice until it was too late. =< I'm brand new to Zbrush, but I was using it to make my favourite gal's cherubic face a little thinner, using the symmetrical move tool; however, in the process, it's created unsightly, tremendous gaps in the teeth, and has stretched and thinned them out as well. Terrible looking. My question is, in Daz, is there way to separately switch off the new created morph for the teeth alone? When I try to simply turn down the Zbrush morphs to zero while having the upper/lower jaw selected, it doesn't allow me to change the morph values at all...

I realize I could make a separate render of the unmorphed teeth and go from combine them with the new image, but I hope there's a way to get the old teeth with the new morph!


  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited November 2013

    Ashfire45 said:
    And I didn't notice until it was too late. =< I'm brand new to Zbrush, but I was using it to make my favourite gal's cherubic face a little thinner, using the symmetrical move tool; however, in the process, it's created unsightly, tremendous gaps in the teeth, and has stretched and thinned them out as well. Terrible looking. My question is, in Daz, is there way to separately switch off the new created morph for the teeth alone? When I try to simply turn down the Zbrush morphs to zero while having the upper/lower jaw selected, it doesn't allow me to change the morph values at all...

    I realize I could make a separate render of the unmorphed teeth and go from combine them with the new image, but I hope there's a way to get the old teeth with the new morph!

    You can do that with partial morphing.
    Zero you Genesis, send to ZBrush via GoZ bridge, mask everything except of face where you want your morph to be (including the inner teeth where you have a problem), open Morph Target menu (on the right, usually at the bottom), press Store MT
    Tab back to DS, dial you morph, Send it again to ZBrush through GoZ Bridge. The figure should appear to be morphed, but all masked areas will remain masked.
    Go to Morph Target menu in ZBrush, and press Switch. The figure should switch back to original Genesis with all areas masked.
    There should be a slider called Morph. Dial it right to 1. Only unmasked areas will change and if you did everything correctly, only affected area will be the area of your morph. You might need to smooth the edges of the morph/masked area a bit.

    Tab back to DS and zero your Genesis. Tab back to ZBrush and send your morph back to Genesis via GoZ (default keys Ctrl-G), chose a new morph name or use old morph name with Override option checked it.

    If you have a problem with the mask of the inner mouth, you can made it more comfortable by assigning polygroups (don't worry, they won't affect the morph) via Polygroups menu (on default right side of the screen), and selecting something like AutoGroup with UV. Turning polygroup view on (it should be just under Frame/Move/Scale/Rotate vertical bar of icons you use for viewports) will show you where each group is. As long as you don't separate polygroups into subtools and such the division will not affect the DS morph but you can hide parts of the mesh much more easier Ctrl-Shift-LClick to mask inner mouth and such after mesh is partially hidden. Just don't forget to unhide everything via Visibility/ShowPt before you move your morph back.

    Display Properties -> Double also might help with masking as well as X-symmetry (X)

    With GoZ you don't need to make Base Resolution of your Genesis, GoZ automatically sets it this way.

    Post edited by Kattey on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    When exporting to ZBrush you must make sure to have your figures resolution set to BASE. If you have it set to High Resolution it will do that to the teeth when bringing the morph into DAZ Studio.

    You CAN fix this but for a newbie it might be a bit much.

    1) Make sure you have your new morph saved out as an OBJ from ZBrush using the Export option in ZBrush
    2) Export your unmorphed figure as an OBJ, making sure it's at it's BASE resolution (this will be used to fix the inner mouth issues created)
    3) In ZBrush, using the Import button, bring in the original unmorphed figure.
    4) In the tools (panel on the right side of the ZBrush UI, scroll down till you find "Morph Target" click and expand that and click the "StoreMT" button
    5) Import in the saved MORPHED figure now. it will seemingly replace the other but no worries, that information has been saved as a morph target (MT).
    6) Zoom into the face and then using the Ctrl + Shift keyboard keys double click on the face geometry twice so you now see the inner mouth area. Spin the figure around and Ctrl +Shift to hide the back of the head too just in case your morph affects that area too, same with the ears if it affects those until you just have the inner mouth exposed (no worries about the body, you don't need to hide that too)
    7) In the brush palette choose the Morph brush, this is what will fix your issue. Carefully brush over the bad inner mouth area and watch it return to it's former shape. Make sure you hit the top of it and the sides and underneath to make sure it's good.
    8) In a black area of the work area (Zoom out if a bit if you need to) Ctrl + Shift in the blank area of the work space, this will unhide all the other parts you hid.
    9) Export as your morphed face making sure it's named exactly the same as it was.
    10) In DAZ Studio using the Morph Loader Pro you can now import in your fixed morph very easily:
    a) Make sure you have your parameters tab visible so you can see the exact path your saved morph was saved too. Example: Actor/Ashfire/
    b) Choose Morph Files.... button and browse to where you have the updated morph saved out
    c) Expand the little > arrow and now you can set it up correctly
    d) Overwrite Existing, right click on that and choose Deltas Only
    e) Right click on Property Group and choose your path where the morph is saved to (ref step "a" and it's importance).
    f) Click the arrows of the morph down and then back up once to have DS apply the updated morph.

    Should be good to go now. Save out your new morph using the File>Save As> Support Asset> Morph Asset(s)...

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Thank you both for the reply! I'm trying to follow RAMWolff's as it's the clearest to follow for someone who's new to Zbrush; and as expected, I'm running into some difficulties! I'm getting to stage seven; however, despite selecting the Morph brush, it's literally doing nothing. I assume the MT is saved, as the option DelMT is available! Hmm...I'll do some experimenting, but any ideas as to why this isn't working?

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Okay, found the issue in that, I hadn't subdivided the figure in Daz and set the resolution to base first...*Laughs*

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    Yes, must make sure the figure is exported or sent via the GoZ bridge in it's BASE resolution. Trust me, when I was first getting used to the work flow I made that mistake all the time and still do on occasion! lol

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Hmmm...Just when I thought everything was going ever so swimmingly, I applied the Morph using the Morph Pro Loader; and it's had the funniest result! Instead of the teeth being fixed, my Aiko 4's face separates from the head and..gets dragged down...*Blink* Any idea what's causing that?

    ...In fact, no, it's shrinking the entire model!! *LAUGHS* AIEE!

    Post edited by Ashfire45 on
  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    I've tried setting the preset to Modo, seeing as that uses the same scaling as Zbrush, so I just read - what this means is that the model GROWS in size rather than shrinks, although the difference is when it -has- grown to silly heights, the teeth are fixed...;-;

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    Yes, make sure your import and export settings are the same. I use the Cinema 4D for both import and export.

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I'll try that! The only issue is that Zbrush doesn't actually give me any export options, besides what I want to export it as (obj)....We're getting there, though, slowly but surely...

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    This is why I use GoZ Bridge all the time ^_^
    But I've found that Hexagon scale (1 unit = 1 cm) but import scale 10000% works well with what my ZBrush exports by default - can you try that scale of import and see if it works?

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    I usually use GoZ all the time, as my main use for Zbrush is editing clothes to perfectly fit my A4 figure, so this is my first time working with importing/exporting objs in Zbrush! Thank you very much, I'll just try that right now!

    ...Hm. Unfortunately, it's still having the effect of growing my figure to enormous heights in Daz. ;-; I can change my scale/preset in Daz Studio, but with Zbrush, there's not any options. =\

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    I think it's Zbrush that's the issue! I used the GoZ tool right there, and the obj was imported into Daz absolutely giant...xD

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    In ZBrush there are import/export preferences where you can set a scale, but they are hidden quite deep in Preferences (top bar menu), I think.

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Thank you! I think I've found them at the bottom of the side-bar; however, Zbrush's idea of size and Daz's seem to differ tremendously, so I'm struggling to get my model the right size..X.X

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Manualy scaling it in Daz, I exported it as an OBJ and simply kept the export options at Daz studio's preset; when I import the obj into Daz Studio, it's the right size now, BUT when I try use Morph Loader Pro, it still shrinks - and doesn't even fix the teeth at that...*Groan*

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    If if imports in DS in proper scale, you need to set the same scale - both units and percentage, - to Morph Loader Pro.

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Kattey said:
    If if imports in DS in proper scale, you need to set the same scale - both units and percentage, - to Morph Loader Pro.

    I do this, but when I apply Morph Loader Pro's morph, it still shrinks and ruins the model. The proportions change, the eyes leave the skull and descend to about the chest.....I'm quite stuck here.

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    I've sent you a PM.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    Ashfire45 said:
    Okay, I'll try that! The only issue is that Zbrush doesn't actually give me any export options, besides what I want to export it as (obj)....We're getting there, though, slowly but surely...

    Correct but I'm referring to your import and export options in DAZ Studio. I checked around and ZBrush's NATIVE import and export is the Cinema 4D settings. So that's why I use that one for both import and export too and from DAZ Studio.

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Ah, I see - then it makes sense to use the Cinema 4D settings for the import and export. I did the task all over again, making sure both the import and export were the Cinema 4D, but unfortunately it's not made any difference. Cinema 4D's scale is only 1% - should I change that or leave it be?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    Hmm, not sure what to suggest then. Are you doing a face morph for the Generation 4 figures? If so I'm not sure what to suggest as I didn't get into the morphing game until Genesis hit which is a welded mesh. The Generation 4 figures were non welded and I read that they are a royal PITA to send to other programs to do morph work on as it's usually piece by piece that needs to be sent back.

  • Ashfire45Ashfire45 Posts: 126
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it's for a Generation 4 figure - to be honest, using GOZ alone, I've managed to morph the figure quite easily; even at one point using the clay brush in Zbrush to play around with adding muscles to the thighs and all that. That went completely without a hitch, as did morphing the face - however, now that I'm working with OBJs files rather than importing the actual V4/A4 figure, it's just not importing right at all. I know you've ran out of suggestions, but thank you very much for the amount of time you've spent into helping me out. :) It's just so annoying to get to that last stage and -then- run into difficulties! So close yet so far..xD

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    Well, what if you were to export JUST the face alone, open it up in ZBrush, morph it, save it back out as a new name and then using the Morph Loader Pro to bring it in as a morph to the face? Making sure you have the face selected in the Scene tab? Tried that yet?

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