Locating Look At My Hair

I've just installed Look At My Hair but I can't find it in DS4. I've looked under the Create menu and it's not there. Can someone please advise. I find DS4 very, very difficult to navigate so I tend to avoid it and still use DS3 which flows much better but some things only work in DS4 like LAMH. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
It should certainly appear under the Create menu. Do you see it listed if you use Help> About Installed Plugins ...?
Thank you very much. I checked under Help> About Installed Plugins and it showed the LAMH Player only so I reinstalled LAMH and it then appeared under the Create menu. I had definitely installed it before it because it had to uninstall it before installing it again so I'm not sure what happened, but it works now. I'm not an expert with DAZ, I just use it for fun so your help is really appreciated.
Thank you
As I understand it you can have either the full product or the player active at once.
Hi Rosie,
If you've had the player installed previously, and the DAZ installer doesn't overwrite it, then you will need to rename the player .dll file out of the way before the LAMH Full will be recognized. Below are the steps (presuming 64 bit Windows OS):
navigate to /Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins
rename lamhPlugin.64.dll to lamhPlugin.64.player_dll
Then reinstall the 1.0 Full from DAZ.
Since you have the full version you are entitled to get the newest 1.07 beta version by registering at http://bugzilla.look-at-my-hair.com
Thank you very much. I didn't realise the Player was a separate entity, I thought it was part of the whole. When I purchased LAMH there were two files to download so I installed them both. I must have installed the player last so it must have overwritten the application. As I said, I'm no expert and often get confused when there are several files to download and not knowing what each one does I tend to download and install all.Anyway, when I reinstalled the application it did overwrite the player and I was able to open the full application, now I just have to learn how to use it. :)
Out of curiosity, what is the difference between the player and the full application?
Thank you so much for your help. I love how helpful everyone always is in this community. I don't have much free time so I've never been able to spend enough time to really learn DAZ, but I've learned enough to have fun with it.
The player will let you use presets, the full version allows you to create and modify things, including any loaded presets.
The Player is for those who haven't purchased LAMH to use presets made by the full version. The 1.0 Version allows for creating presets. The 1.07 Beta contains both the Player and the Full in one package. 1.07 is in final testing. All full version customers are entitled to get the 1.07 beta version.