Shader Question: Ice?

Does anyone know of an ice shader for Studio? As in frozen pond ice, or ice floes in a river?
I've got the Let It Snow shader which will do in a pinch, but snow isn't ice. Increasing opacity on a water shader doesn't give the proper look, nor does using Gemologica's diamond shader. Is there an actual ice shader out there anywhere?
Spacebones made an .obj series called 'Shattered Glass' over at ShareCG. Maybe you can use this, making it transparent and glossy, or add some glass or water shaders.
Something like this ? these are great shaders I think they are the ones pictured above in tjeb's post if I am not mistaken. I used them for this pic
Yes, they are from Calida.
While on their site, have a look at the Calida Free Light Set 3 - WinterLand set as well.
@Szark: very impressive render. Also meets the compositioning rules for (great) art
Thanks tjeb
Cheers big ears, never had these before... I'm sure I can find a use for them too, hehehe
yeah tjeb's avatar ears are big. ;)
Yes, *exactly* like that. Thank you!