Why don't M4 face morphs / dials / injections work in Daz 4.6?

This is why I kept saying I was paranoid of upgrading from 3.0
It used to be that I could just click on his head, and the dials would be there.
Face shaping, ethnicity, expressions and character shapes would be available.
Now they're not. The only shaping available for M4 despite injections are "head hair short".
What's going on? Why are they not available anymore?
Did you initialize the morphs after the installation of DS 4.6?
If you need to or still wish to, you can run DS3 on the same system as DS4.6. I have DS1, DS2 and DS3A running along with DS4.6 without any problems. Lower versions of DS are needed to use different plugins and versions of Bryce.
Do you have 4.6 pointed to the same content directories as 3?
Yep. What's more is I don't have Daz 3 anymore. Downloading Daz 4.6 while it was freely available (is it still? idk) is due to a section of my old hard drive crashing and losing information. Fortunately it only affected the programs section and I had everything else (mostly freepository stuff) backed up on external hard-drive.
To either one of you: Where can I download the old Daz 3.0?
Check your product library. The last stable release of DS3 shows up in your product library as DAZ Studo 4 Beta. Even if you have DS3A in your product library the page in your product history directs you to the DS4 Beta page.
If it was the free version I'm afraid you can't - if you had the paid for version it would still be in your Product Library.
It does sound as if you don't have the full install of M4 and morphs, at least not in the directory you are loading him from - does the folder that holds the \Runtime\Libraries\Character\DAZ People\Michael 4.cr2 file also have a \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Michael 4 folder?
Yes it was the free version of Daz 3.0 at the time so that's a bit of bad luck.
I'd really rather use Daz 4.6 to manipulate M4's facial features though.
Okay so there is Michael 4.cr2 in Runtime - Libraries - Character - Daz People
And there's also a Runtime - Libraries - !DAZ - Michael 4
There are a ton of folders indicating numerous body parts in the latter folder.
And also many pz2 files. It appears that there are face/head folders and files.
So I don't get why shaping is only giving me the option for "head hair short".
If you changed the directory structure or name at all you have to reinitialize.
In the Libraries !DAZ Michael 4 folder there should be a file called DzCreateExPFiles-M4. Run that to reinitialize and see if that helps.
That's actually in the !DAZ folder but not the Michael 4 folder. It's a .bat file. I ran it and then restarted Daz 4.6.
Shaping still won't let me do anything but HeadHairShort.
I also made copies and placed them in the Michael 4 folder, then ran to initialize.
The same problem persists.
To be specific, I'm using the universal tool to select his head and I'm trying to alter it from there.
Try right-clicking on the .bat file (which is meant to be in the !DAZ folder) and running as admin - I seem to recall there's something odd about using batch files in W8.
In the shaping tab, there is an arrow with four lines at the top of it.
Hovering over this shows: "Display the Active Pane Options"
I clicked "Show Hidden Properties" and everything finally showed up.
The little "gear icon" at the top right of each injection also gives the option
Hidden -> Unhide
So I set all of them off of hidden.
I don't know why injections are becoming hidden by default, but there they are.
The sliders are hidden when they are empty and should eb shown as part of injecting the data. If they are not showing then something still isn't right.