Michael 6/G2M Review

Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
edited November 2013 in The Commons

Since release I've spent an unhealthy amount of time playing with M6 - pulling him apart, looking for flaws and generally putting him through the paces. I've posted a full and rather lengthy review of Michael 6 and Genesis 2 Male at DigiSprawl. I cover some of the evolution of the DAZ figures from Gen 4, to Genesis 1 and to Genesis 2. I try to cover all the strengths and weaknesses of G2, and discuss some of the important useful products that most G2/M6 users will need.

The review is already late for a good many of you, but I aimed to offer information for those that already have the figure too, so there might be some useful stuff there if this is you.

M6 and Poser

Unfortunately I haven't had anything to add about DSON and Poser usage of the new guys. I slightly short changed V6 in the review I did for her launch, and most of the performance issues I had there were due to having an outdated DSON version. I always meant to right that wrong, but never got around to it. I wanted to do that here, but have yet to get Poser up and running since setting up my new computer. Hopefully I'll get some time to do a proper test in Poser and put together an additional post.

Post edited by Jim_1831252 on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, I enjoyed the review, and especially the honest observations of what works well and what doesn't.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the feedback Barbult. I'm glad you enjoyed the review and found it useful.

  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718
    edited December 1969

    Read and commented.
    Slick looking site you got there by the way!

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Estroyer. DigiSprawl is more than a hobby for me, so glad you like it. I've actually been thinking about upgrading the site. I'm currently just using a basic Wordpress theme.

    Sorry for taking my time to reply. I've been on holiday so didn't get much time to check in. I approved your comment on the site (necessary due to spam) and wrote you a full reply to your comments. Thanks for stopping by and talking shop - always fun.

  • Knight22179Knight22179 Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    I don't necessarily agree with it. But, nice review. :)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 1969

    I don't necessarily agree with it. But, nice review. :)

    I'm curious. What did you not agree with? More opinions are always valuable.
  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Disagree is fine, but what part? Well, going on your sig I can see we both agree that Genesis is more flexible than G2, but that is explicitly stated in the review, so I assume that isn't it.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 2013

    Good review! I agree with the review, but I'm a bit harder on M6 Pro. I bought and returned it because the 'extras' weren't worth it in my opinion. M6 body is wonderful, renders like a dream and is quite fluid... But he lacks in other areas. He is missing the hero morph from the gen 5 figure, and is actually rather slender and younger looking than previous M5. To me, M6, is how I envision D6 looking.

    Included hairs could be better and non-default skins weren't to my taste. His head is my biggest bugaboo. I just don't like the thin narrow head, and the hard rigid temples. I do however love his facial expressions. Just really dislike his default face.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    How do the M6 base textures compare with M5's in terms of quality? I expect them to be pretty good since the base package costs $40 or so.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Default M6 textures are fine, not amazing to me but ok. Render nicely. Some nice eye options. There are fewer facial options though. Michael 5 has more options for facial hair I believe 8. Nevio has only bald and not bald. No facial hair at all.

  • SorelSorel Posts: 1,407
    edited December 1969

    Default M6 textures are fine, not amazing to me but ok. Render nicely. Some nice eye options. There are fewer facial options though. Michael 5 has more options for facial hair I believe 8. Nevio has only bald and not bald. No facial hair at all.

    I do kind of wish my M6 had a goatee :0

    I guess I could see ow Actual Facial Hair works on him lol

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Sorel said:
    Default M6 textures are fine, not amazing to me but ok. Render nicely. Some nice eye options. There are fewer facial options though. Michael 5 has more options for facial hair I believe 8. Nevio has only bald and not bald. No facial hair at all.

    I do kind of wish my M6 had a goatee :0

    I guess I could see ow Actual Facial Hair works on him lol

    It will be interesting to find out. I think having more facial hair options would make M6 look a bit more mature. He is decidedly youthful in this incarnation, especially with the type of hair included in the pro pack and his slenderer build.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Good review! I agree with the review, but I'm a bit harder on M6 Pro. I bought and returned it because the 'extras' weren't worth it in my opinion. M6 body is wonderful, renders like a dream and is quite fluid... But he lacks in other areas. He is missing the hero morph from the gen 5 figure, and is actually rather slender and younger looking than previous M5. To me, M6, is how I envision D6 looking.

    Included hairs could be better and non-default skins weren't to my taste. His head is my biggest bugaboo. I just don't like the thin narrow head, and the hard rigid temples. I do however love his facial expressions. Just really dislike his default face.

    I don't know if I could be much harder on the bundles. They are good value if you like the stuff included, but not so good otherwise. The V6/M6 bundles certainly aren't as meaty as the G5 Pro bundles. There really isn't anything pro about them - just stocking filler really. If I hadn't been writing the review I would have gone with just the base figure. The gen 6 bundles are considerably cheaper than the gen 5 ones though. They are what they are, and that's nothing terribly exciting.

    I was just having another look at a M5 > M6 comparison and they are actually physically very similar. Same height, similar build but M6 is actually more muscular. Personally I quite like the new guy, though I think G2M might be a better place to begin playing with morphs.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    araneldon said:
    How do the M6 base textures compare with M5's in terms of quality? I expect them to be pretty good since the base package costs $40 or so.

    One beef I really have with all the new G6 characters is the lack of SSS strength maps. The done thing seems to be simply to plug the diffuse map into the SSS colour channel and off you go. I find this usually gives bad results. For this reason I really didn't like M6 when I first rendered him. Without the ability to control the depth of SSS you can end up with very waxy character renders, which strangely enough, seems to be all the rage. M5 at least came with a very nice texture set that included these control maps.

    I did notice that DimensionTheory recently put out a PC item for V6 much like his interjection for V/M 4 and 5. I haven't yet tested this out, but I was very happy with the earlier products. Hopefully we'll see an M6 version very soon, and then I'll finally be able to stop beating this particular drum.

    Other than this I was quite happy with the M6 base textures.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    jimzombie said:
    [I was just having another look at a M5 > M6 comparison and they are actually physically very similar. Same height, similar build but M6 is actually more muscular. Personally I quite like the new guy, though I think G2M might be a better place to begin playing with morphs.

    Interesting. I'm not seeing that M6 is more buff. He is buffer in certain regions, sure, but m5's chest seem broader, and his buttocks larger, head is bigger 2. Plus with M5 you get two actors: the hero morph so you can make him buffer. Granted, I really have no issue with M6's bod. I like it, and I can buff it out even more with bodybuilder morphs. It's just the head that I don't like at all. His head is definitely smaller than M5's.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Hmm, I think M5 has a slightly deeper chest, and perhaps slightly broader (now that you mention it), but M6 has more muscular shoulders (huge lats) and he certainly looks more toned. You can certainly pump both guys up with additional morphs. I like the head... or at least don't dislike it.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    =-) Yeah, lots of people like the head. =-) I feel bad not liking it, since I want to be supportive of male releases. Just find the head particularly the forehead to be not to my taste.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    LOL nah, don't feel bad. Each to their own.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    I'm primarily a DS user, but I've had very good experiences using G2F and G2M in Poser. It helps to use a character that is made by a primary Poser user as the material settings are usually better, but I've not had any issues with the figures themselves. Genesis 1 in Poser still kinda sucks, but Genesis 2 is nearly flawless.

  • Jim_1831252Jim_1831252 Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Fisty. I assumed G2M/M6 would work well with Poser, as I did some testing with G2F and found it quite good. I really need to spend more time with Poser lol.

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