please help before i go nuts

RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
edited December 1969 in The Commons

O.K. I swear this will be my last newbe question...NOT!...I'm going nuts...I hate when I'm rolling my mouse around in DAZ and every time you roll along in your view screen the frickin thing keeps turning yellow like I'm gonna select it or something.i can deal with it when it happens as you roll over an item or a character,,,but this whole screen thing is annoying.Is there some super secet button that i can use to turn this off.I want to look around at say...a sky dome or something similar and I want to be able to move my pointer around and check out the landscape which is tough to do when every thing kleeps turning yellow.I hate it...that and when you're trying to make adjustments on a character and you have to move your view and you make an adjustment and when you do the whole parameter screen vanishes..whats up with that?...OHH DAZ!.....any help?...thnks rAyKat


  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253
    edited December 1969

    raykat01 said:
    O.K. I swear this will be my last newbe question...NOT!...I'm going nuts...I hate when I'm rolling my mouse around in DAZ and every time you roll along in your view screen the frickin thing keeps turning yellow like I'm gonna select it or something.i can deal with it when it happens as you roll over an item or a character,,,but this whole screen thing is annoying.Is there some super secet button that i can use to turn this off.I want to look around at say...a sky dome or something similar and I want to be able to move my pointer around and check out the landscape which is tough to do when every thing kleeps turning yellow.I hate it...that and when you're trying to make adjustments on a character and you have to move your view and you make an adjustment and when you do the whole parameter screen vanishes..whats up with that?...OHH DAZ!.....any help?...thnks rAyKat

    thank Richard H. when you see him for this:

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The yellow thing first:
    With the Translate tool selected, go to Window > Tabs > Tool Settings, and select Node Highlighting - Draw style, and set it to Bounding Box Only (you must have it on Bounding Box and Surface)

    that and when you’re trying to make adjustments on a character and you have to move your view and you make an adjustment and when you do the whole parameter screen vanishes..whats up with that?...OHH DAZ!.....any help?...thnks rAyKat

    Not sure what you mean by the Parameters screen or what is happening, can you give another example, and I'll se if I can help?
  • RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Jimmy,You were correct it was on both.Yaeee I can't tell you how much better I feel.You Rock.As far as the other thing goes,It's really more of an annoyance than anything else.Lets say I have Geesis model in my scene and I'm trying to ...I don't know arrange her fingers so it looks like she's flipping you off and in my right hand collum I have the parameter tab opened with all my adjustments on it.So now I need to bend her middle finger etc ,etc,...but i need to get a better vantage point so that I can see her hand better so I go and move my camera angle or rotate the screan or any thing in the viewpoint options tab..the minute you go to move or zoom in on your model the paameter tab will close...why?...I don't know ..cause it's DAZ...i know ut's because the viewpoint is considered another tab so DAZ auto closes the parameter tab as soon as you make a change to the viewpoint tab.It's just one of the many little annoying things about DAZ that tends to make me wonder about whos in charge of some of these things and do they actually use their own product.They sgould all be forced to use DAZ and deal with content management and DIM...the other thing that needs upgrading is the actual viewpoint controls.Navigation often sucks and causes me great tendonitis.Sometimes my wrist aches from trying to move things around.I need a wacom tablet...that and a printed manual.Most of the things I've been dealing with lately and things that have been bogging down my workflow and creativity are all things that stem from not knowing enough about the intrface and where to find things like the bounding box thing.if I had a manual I could have figured that out myself.i think I need to start putting my own little manual together.I'll admit I'm a total newbe at this.I've been interested in doing 3d graphics for yrs and draw very well but hav never had the time to get into it.i recently left my job of 11 yrs and have been on unemplyment fo the past few months and decided to do something with my time other tan watching football so I picked up DAZ and got hooked on it like crack cocain so untill recently I had never heard of a texture map or ambient occlusion.i still get the urge to make cookies every time I hear something about baking textures.i know how todo barely anything but I'm slowly taking small little bites.I'm working on learning as much as I can about lighting right now but surface maps and textures are still a bit alien to me(what do you ean ?cant I just paint on the dude to make himgreen with fur?WHEW! Sorry for going so fa off on a tangent.Any way I thank you for the tip .The little things matter.One last thing.I have been thinking about how cool it would be to find out if there are other people in my local area who are also DAz aholics and if there are have been toying around with the idea of getting a local users group or something similar started.I live in Hollywood Ca. and I think it would be cool to actually get together with other people who are into the same thing.Maybe meeting at a local coffee house o whatever to show off your work and compae notes etc.Forums and internet groups are cool but I think it's fun to actually meet people for real and talk to each other in person and get to know who each other are in the flesh...just an idea...Again..thank you for the rock...RayKat

  • RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    and thank you to StratDragon. i appreciate all the helpfull hints...raykat

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    When you're starting out, it can be quite daunting. Glad you got an answer.
    Suggestion- use paragraphs. I took one look and didn't bother reading. Made my eyes cross just looking at that huge blurb.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    the minute you go to move or zoom in on your model the paameter tab will close…why?...I don’t know

    That never happens to me, and I have never heard of it before either. The only way that I can close the group with Parameters pane, is by clicking on the little handle in the middle. I can get everything in the pane to be removed, by clicking on a blank area of the scene, or by deselecting everything in the Scene pane (same thing really), but as soon as I click on any part of the model, all the content of the pane comes back, is that what you mean?

    Before I forget, the manual is here :

    It may be a graphics card issue, in Edit > Preferences, I have Display Optimisation set to 'None', see if that helps.

  • RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    right on.Yeah it's a bad habbit that must be stopped.Thanks again.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    the closing tabs thing is a pita. lol. as far as i can tell, when i click on the surfaces tab and nothing is selected in preview window, the tab will close and the preview window expands. select figure or prop, click on the closed tabs, it pops open and have to wait for the preview window to re-adjus.

    is there a way to lock the tabs in place so no matter what it stays open and the preview window stays the same size?

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