Just took all the V4 and M4 stuff off my Wishlist

Now that I have M6 and V6, I think the days of me using M4 and V4 are numbered. I have V5 and M5 and didn't even use them much. I have so much M4 and V4 content compared to M5 and V5 that I tended to gravitate toward M4 and V4.
I'm loving both M6 and V6. I think I'm going to use them forward going and only M4 and V4 if I have to. (In the event I have something that just wont autofit or something. Really can't think of another scenario. M6 and V6 are such higher quality, I see no reason to go back to M4 and V4.
Needless to say, I just pulled out a lot of M4 and V4 morphs, textures, characters, etc from my wishlist.
Anyone else do the same? Anyone else say goodbye to M4 and V4 now the M6 and V6 are in full swing?
Nope. M4 and V4 still work in Blender...
I'm not ready to. I tend to use Genesis with combinations of Gen 4 and Gen 5 shapes and characters.
Maybe saying "goodbye" is an overstatement. I'm not saying that I'll stop using them entirely. I'm just saying that I'm probably not going to buy anything else that's V4 and M4 specific.
I have too much unused content that I've purchased to not use them. (Especially with all the PA Festival and the PC Anniversary stuff. I have enough to last me a long time). They are great looking characters. It's just forward going, I'm going to shop for M6 and V6.
I buy the odd thing here and there with the purpose of converting it to a different character so I go by what looks good more then who its for.
True, but that doesn't always work. I've bought some stuff for genesis that just doesn't fit properly on V4 no matter what I do.
No more purchases for Generation 4 for me unless a specific need is only available Gen 4. Generation 5 is the sweet spot for me right now.
I doubt you'll much more new content that is exclusively for Gen 4 here at Daz.
While I respect your choice, I'm completely on the opposite side of this. The thousands of dollars I've spent on M4 and V4 products would be useless if I adopted the new figures, at least without plugins and inconvience. I'm not at all a fan of DAZ's business model of, "new versions annually, resell refitted or similar clothing items, morphs, weapons etc all over again." Whether they like it or not, they changed things forever for me with the sheer innovation of Genesis. Why, do I need a female Genesis 2 or a male Genesis 2 when Genesis is both, interuses products, works and looks great. The easy is easy. I don't need em.
I think that FireFly give still better rendering results than 3Delight. This assumption return me back to G4 yet. G6 have perfect physical shapes but when figures are dressed I dont see practically much more varyings.
Not the least bit interested in M6.
I wasted a bunch of money experimenting with Studio4, Genesis and M5 but never came to trust (and still don't) Studio4 and the DIM thingie.
Now I'm so %$##$ confused about G2 and M6 and this compatability and that compatability and DIMwitted programs and the eternal gadget climbing, and product abandonment syndromes that I've completely given up wanting the latest and greatest.
I'm going to sit here and vegetate with my huge library of M4 & Studio3 products. I'm very happy with it.
PS: I also still sign my work by painting my hand on cave walls. 8-Q
i haz Sakari still on my wishlist, for Vicky numero uno :)
No desire to roll into DAZ Studio use and all the newer models do not natively work on Poser 7 (which is still where I am working in) and the Dson thing seems to be a hassle so no, The Gen 4 figures ares till good and serving my needs fine.
I do however have to say this Genesis thing seems exciting. I love the way it allows so much flexibility between figures as well as all the creature creating possibilities and working with the clothes fitting options built-in. I hate not being able to get my clammy hands on the new stuff but the learning curve for D/S is too daunting for me and I have WAY TOO MUCH invested in all the older iterations of DAZ figures to want to move forward in the newer versions. So to keep from biting my knuckles and cursing the sun stars and moon, I just avoid looking at the new stuff. So, excuse me would you while i go gnaw on a few knuckles.
I haven't bothered to clean out my wishlist, but I no longer buy content if it isn't for Dawn or, in the case of hair, doesn't include a fit for Dawn.
Of course, the exception is environmental sets/props.
Still, I guess I should clean it out ... if it wasn't such a pain to remove products from the wishlist.
I love the variety of clothing for V4 and M4- there simply isn't enough of that to even remotely consider using the Genesis / 2 most the time. We got swimsuit after swimsuit after swimsuit for Genesis 2 females, good grief. You can put Victoria 4 in SO many different time periods- way cool. Granted the bending of the arms (elbows) and upper thighs connecting to the torso leave a bit more indentation than the newer, improved models, but I'm having fun with all the characters for V4- and the hair.
I do adore Genesis, and will use them all. I still buy V4 stuff if it's 60% to 75% off, I am certainly not passing up a Fast Grab that has potential just because it is for Gen 4.
I also think the outfits for M6 are way overpriced. Compared to V6, it's noticeable to me. So if they keep doing that, I'll really be switching back more to Genesis and Gen 4.
I took the old versions stuff out of my wishlist a good while ago. A year ago I got a laptop and never even installed them to it. Don't plan to either. I've used v4 once in the last year to redo promos for an older product and that is the only time have loaded her. I think I ended up with some of the old gen stuff during the plat sale but other than that I have not bought anything for the old characters since last year either.
I've practically said "good-bye" to Gen 3 & 4 ever since the Iconic Shapes for Genesis came out. Only VERY sparingly do I look to anything previous to Gen 5 on the rare occasion that I need something.
Nope, i still have a bad taste over the introduction of GF2 when Genesis 1 still has so much potential and since i rarely use male figures in my renders, have no use for M6 whatsoever. Since genesis 1 is still my primary figure, i still purchase lots of gen 3 and gen 4 clothing for use on genesis and don't see that changing anytime soon.
I have a criminally massive number of M4 textures and I'll keep them around as long as I can keep fitting them on to newer-generation clones. And I still have a special place in my heart for the M4 vascularity displacement maps. But yeah, I'm pretty much done buying anything new for M4/V4 or for the first-generation Genesis.
I'm still using Victoria 3. lol I use Victoria 3 and 4 because I have an old computer running 32 bit windows. Long story short: I can't use more than two copies of Genesis in a scene or else 3Delight will give me out of memory messages. I haven't bought much stuff for Genesis 1 or 2.
ok, I'm in the minority. But you did ask if anyone was still using the older generation figures.
Guess I have to wander alongside those who have hundreds to thousands of dollars worth of Gen 3/4 content and will stand by those figures. Being as this is a hobby for me It has taken me years to get my runtime as full as it is now and I am still whittling my way through my wishlists for their compatible content.
I have a few Genesis items in my wishlist, but I still haven't gotten the right morph packs to use M4/V4 with that figure so I only use it if I am going to make creatures for my renders. The clothes for the Genesis figure are nice, but still not a buy to get me to jump into spending my cash on that figure instead of trusty old M4/V4, and although I have to admit that M6 does look nice I don't want to leave my thousands of dollars of investment behind for a figure that needs work just to get that stuff to function with it.
Genesis is great for awkward morphs and creatures, that is where the figure really stands above the rest.
For now I am not going to leave the Gen 3/4 figures behind anytime soon, at least not until things can go back to being simple as they were before.
I'm a hobbyist. Just got some new V4 skins at great bargains and they look very nice in my opinion. I prefer broader strong cheek bones and chins, thinner lips and lots of expressions with very little makeup. Don't care about toast or such. I like being able to use either M3/M4/V4/V3 on Genesis 1, which I dial to V4 or M4, and use the same for the Uvs. V4 has nothing to worry about in my runtime or wishlist.
I've got tons of 3rd and 4th generation content, but I mostly use it on Genesis1 -- there's a lot of Aiko3, Hiro3, and Freak3 stuff I never used because I don't create art in those styles, that I am now using on Genesis. I don't buy much for the pre-Genesis figures, however, unless it's something very special, as stuff made for Genesis1 usually works better. G2F/G2M don't fit my needs, so I haven't bought anything for them, although I do have the G2F Clone for Genesis1.
Besides, since Genesis1 is what I want to support, the bulk of my spending goes toward those items. I even give preference to G1-only items over G1/4th Gen and G2/G1 items, just so it's clear what I'm buying them for.
For the OP, remember, you can still use a lot of your Gen 4 library on Genesis 2 if you get Mallenlane and Slosh's clones. In a lot of cases it actually fits /better/ to them than Genesis because they are gendered bases (and thus not as far away from the Gen 4 shapes to begin with). I'm all for you buying all our new stuff, don't get me wrong, but you can have a truly tremendous and versatile library if you take into account all of your options. (Dangit. All of our smiley faces look snide or smug to me now. Is it me?)
I still buy Gen 4 characters sometimes if the textures are great though that happens rarely these days. Clothing I will still buy because I can autofit it to Genesis/Genesis 2.
I'm not about to give up V4 or even V3!
There are some characters and props created even around the V3 days that are inspired works of art and will never be replicated.
Besides I have a massive library so I'm not about to ditch it if items don't work in the new Daz.
I'm slowly getting the newer stuff together, but not in a rush as in Daz3 I know how my fav lighting/cameras/models/textures will perform.
So much as I love the feel and look of Daz4 it will be mainly getting to know and messing around, perhaps once the GenX2 comes out I might spend more time with it;)
I mostly use Gen 4 figures, I use Genesis when I absolutely have to, and Genesis 2... never. I loaded up Genesis 2 like once just to check it out, and that was about it.
Poser Pro 2014 really allows me to do new things with the old figures. I like where Poser has gone, its like even old products are new and exciting to me now. I've even gone back and played around with the Gen 3s.
The current state of Daz marketing kind of scares me to be honest. I keep expecting Genesis 3 to be announced any second and then V7 and M7 will come out. It makes me not want to buy new figures because any second now there will be another new figure and all the stuff you just bought is now no longer supported. I just feel better sticking with the old Gen 4s and the stuff I already have. As for there being no support for the Gen 4s, that seems to be only true here. I have been spending more at other sites because they are still releasing more Gen 4 products every day. The stuff I buy here has been reduced to non-figure specific. Its stuff like props and vehicles and stuff like that.
By the time anyone reads this, maybe they will be releasing Genesis 9
I started purchasing products when Genesis came out. The learning curve was so easy with Genesis and auto fit, all I had to take time to figure out really was lighting. I have now purchased forward to G2F and G2M and backward to A3. I think every generation has it's place.
G1 and it's morphabilities and autofit is very versatile and quick for slapping something together. G2 is similar and will eventually catch up to G1 with morph options but at the moment is simply a better quality render before post processing. Gen4 and Gen3 characters are still better when I want more control over the fit and look of clothing and have the time to do it. As for purchases... If I like it I buy it or wish list it till I can, especially gen4 stuff because I can make it work on the 3 different generations (gen4, G1 and G2) with auto fit.
I think as well that every generation got own merits to be used and to continue to be used.
While I use G2F / G2M now dominantly, I am still using Genesis, V4 / M4, and Aiko 3. As for buying, yes, I am mostly buying Genesis / G2F / G2M items, though just recently I bought a character texture for V4 and I am actually tempted to buy another one just now. Since transfers from 3rd or 4th generation and Genesis to G2F / G2F is quite often painless (and will be even more painless with upcoming GenX extension ;) ), I see no problem in continuing to do so. Granted, e.g. Aiko 3 got some weird bending going on, but that's part of her charm.
I use them all, even the 3s from time to time, I think it adds diversion to my work :)
I have to agree. Gen4 are still my go to characters, and just recently reinstalled V3 to this newish laptop for the same reason . . . diversity.
I do have and use Genesis 1, V5 and M5, but haven't gotten into Genesis 2 at all, and don't see me doing so any time in the near future.