The Woes of Being Broke

TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Now that I've bought the spiffy new M6, the fact that I didn't buy Victoria 6 before to go along with him is sinking in. I liked Gia 6 better at the time, but it seems strange to have M6 without V6 now. I bought the M6 Pro Bundle although I really couldn't afford it because I had my Tier 1 coupon, and now I can't afford V6, so he'll just have to party with Gia, and the younger Vickies for now. :down: Anybody else in the same boat?

Yeah, first world problems I know. :)


  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    Now that I've bought the spiffy new M6, the fact that I didn't buy Victoria 6 before to go along with him is sinking in. I liked Gia 6 better at the time, but it seems strange to have M6 without V6 now. I bought the M6 Pro Bundle although I really couldn't afford it because I had my Tier 1 coupon, and now I can't afford V6, so he'll just have to party with Gia, and the younger Vickies for now. :down: Anybody else in the same boat?

    Yeah, first world problems I know. :)

    Yes a lot of vendors are in the same boat we have given up so much in sales that we can't even have a Xmas LOL !
  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    Lacked funding for more than M6 base, morphs, and a couple of accessories. No more hobby money for two weeks. Funding will be restricted for the next several months. I feel your pain.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    This month: new washer and dryer, new set of tires, new set of snow tires... and I haven't started my Christmas shopping.

    So, yeah - spending a lot of time in the General Freepozitory...

  • islandgurl31islandgurl31 Posts: 250
    edited December 1969

    I am in the same boat...sigh :-). I am on disability so my spending is limited especially after paying I so want M6, but will have to wait as when we moved to a different state hubby had to find a new job :-). He just got the job he has always wanted and I am happy for him!! Plus with my health going downhill (e.g. everytime I go to the docs they find something else I can't even stay on the comp long enough to install or render something :-(. Also since I am the one paying the majority of the bills and giving hubby majority of my sucks not having any!! So yep I feel your

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    I have been broke for most of this year and haven't bought much at all.....though it has cured me of collecting stuff that I may not use and has forced me to use what is in my library. So I call that positive. :)

  • RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    Hell,I've been broke most of my life.The good thing is you learn how to survive with very little .I think it hurts more when u have a lot and then have nothing as opposed to having nothing your whole life...ya kind of get used to it.I feel everyones pain.I got fired/laye off from my job in june..have been collecting unemployment and barely getting by since unemplyment is about to end and I still haven't found a job...lets see...oh yeah right afte I lost my job....that's also when I decided to start doing some serious dabbling in DAZ.Now my room mates think I'm lazy not looking for a job.I haven't wached TV in months...pretty much I just want to draw and figure out all this crap in DAZ...and I'm loving it.I'm having fun.creating art...if I could just figure out a way to find a job that's half as would all be good!If it makes you all feel any better...cheer up ...Thanksgiving will be me and hungry man frozen turkey dinner...and beer....I truly hope every one of you have a killer Turkey Day.Just for giggles...I also truly believe in the power of the mind and that if every one concentrates on a similar thing and puts out good vibes that you can change the outcome of said things.This i have done many times sooo...Don't laugh just try it.Every one needs to take 2 minutes out of their day on thanksgiving and for 2 minutes put out positive vibes and good thoughts and wish for prosperity for all of us...and I'll bet ya ..if every one does this ..and we all hope for better times to come...that within days you will see good things come your've got nothing to lose by doing it...and every thing to gain....Keep in mind this is advice from a lazy unemployed bum who does nothing but sit in his room and draw chicks on his computer...but hey...I'm serious it works...good luck to you it!RaYKaT

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    RaYKaT, good luck finding work. Keep at it. Depending on what you do, there's a fair amount of hiring going on, so be thankful for that. If you have a job and can have family or friends come by and sit down to a decent dinner, well, be thankful for that. If you are unemployed, but still able-bodied, well, be thankful for that. If you're not so able-bodied, but can still keep your mind active doing 3D, well, be thankful for that. If your eyesight is failing, and you can't render anymore, well, be thankful for that because you won't be spending all that money on M6, V6, G6 and all their stuff! :lol: That's the meaning of Thanksgiving. Be thankful for what ya got, cause it could always get worse. ("Could be worse. Could be raining." - Igor)

  • RayKatRayKat Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    Well said mt brother .I couldn't agree more.i'm sure i'll find some work soon(I was in sales for the last 11 yrs selling guitars to rock stars and actors in hollywood,and I'm also a trained actor) and I woke up with two hands and two feet al of which is awesome and I'm sure some friends will pass by on turkey day with beerwhich is also a good thing ...last but not least being unemplyed led me to finding DAZ....and all of you...which is also a good thing...Happy Turkey Day...triptophan for all! all rock ...raykat

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    raykat01 said:
    Hell,I've been broke most of my life.The good thing is you learn how to survive with very little .I think it hurts more when u have a lot and then have nothing as opposed to having nothing your whole life...ya kind of get used to it.I feel everyones pain.I got fired/laye off from my job in june..have been collecting unemployment and barely getting by since unemplyment is about to end and I still haven't found a job...lets see...oh yeah right afte I lost my job....that's also when I decided to start doing some serious dabbling in DAZ.Now my room mates think I'm lazy not looking for a job.I haven't wached TV in months...pretty much I just want to draw and figure out all this crap in DAZ...and I'm loving it.I'm having fun.creating art...if I could just figure out a way to find a job that's half as would all be good!If it makes you all feel any better...cheer up ...Thanksgiving will be me and hungry man frozen turkey dinner...and beer....I truly hope every one of you have a killer Turkey Day.Just for giggles...I also truly believe in the power of the mind and that if every one concentrates on a similar thing and puts out good vibes that you can change the outcome of said things.This i have done many times sooo...Don't laugh just try it.Every one needs to take 2 minutes out of their day on thanksgiving and for 2 minutes put out positive vibes and good thoughts and wish for prosperity for all of us...and I'll bet ya ..if every one does this ..and we all hope for better times to come...that within days you will see good things come your've got nothing to lose by doing it...and every thing to gain....Keep in mind this is advice from a lazy unemployed bum who does nothing but sit in his room and draw chicks on his computer...but hey...I'm serious it works...good luck to you it!RaYKaT the same "lifeboat" here.

    Laid off in March and now on first extension of my UC claim as my original benefits ran out in early October. Great timing for the PC sale as I never was able to purchase enough to qualify for any of the Tier 1 or 2 coupons let alone the Mega coupon. Yeah when you can't even afford PC stuff on sale it's rough. About the only Points I got were for the freebies. Fortunately received GC for a placing in a challenge I entered last month so I could get a couple items off my wishlist during the big Stonemason sale.

    Getting interviews but no firm offers yet.

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