Support Ticket Turnaround Time?

Any idea what the current Sales Support ticket turn around time is?
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Any idea what the current Sales Support ticket turn around time is?
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It is usually 2-4 days
Just wondering when I should worried that I've been forgotten.
BTW, it would be nice if someone told them to correct their "hold" message:
"We strive to answer all e-mail support requests as soon as possible. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our help desk ( if you haven't already, as your question may already have an there."
My question has a what there? I assume "answer" is the missing word.
As posted in my art studio thread yesterday, Britney said she has over SIX HUNDRED tickets she is currently working on. It's probably more than usual so folks just need to be patient. :)
It it's been longer than 7 days then you should contact them again by adding a note to the ticket. They must of not finished the sentence on purpose. It gives the user something to do and try to figure out while you wait on an answer from your ticket.
I think they are catching up though, I received a reply on Saturday so they are working at the weekend as well at the moment, Customer Service here is extremely good.
I apologize that the humor is lost on me at this point.
My last ticket went for 15 days with no answer before I gave up and closed it.
Two other tickets I submitted recently I closed as well, since I needed a current Sales related question answered and when the sale was over, it was pointless to wait.
One of my tickets previous to that went over a month before someone finally noticed it. I still receive the same error messages and have no resolution.
So who do I talk to about getting some of my other tickets resolved?
Customer Support.
Circular logic, love it.
If that worked, then I wouldn't still be having DIM errors or have missing documentation.
What DIM issues are you having? We may be able to help with those. All I can suggest with the tickets is if they are older than a week then resubmit them.
No problem, I just resubmitted them all.
I'm just frustrated with the apathy and lack of communication here. It happens over and over again and is driving my business to other companies.
If you give me the ticket number(s) I can see if the delay is due to the high volume of tickets, or if there something else. I can't bump your tickets to the front of the line, but occasionally tickets may get over looked or lost due to who they are assigned to, what department etc.
I actually would be offended if they were bumped. Since that wouldn't be fair to other people in the exact same situation as me.
I have a list of the tickets if you would like me to PM them. I don't know if it would be a good idea to post them all here.
Yes, PM them to me. Thanks.