M4 to G2M UV Confusion

I am having a particularly dense day.
Can someone, please, explain to me if I need Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter For Genesis 2 Male(s) found at http://www.daz3d.com/new-releases/michael-4-skins-auto-converter-for-genesis-2-male-s if I buy Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male at http://www.daz3d.com/new-releases/michael-4-for-genesis-2-male
The second says that it converts textures from M4 ("The Michael 4 UV set will allow you to use your favorite textures"). What specifically does the first do that the second one does not?
I am basically a Poser user but am trying to add Genesis 1 & 2 and DS into me pipeline.
Thank you!
The first product batch changes the pz2, and dsa material files to the duf format needed to apply materials to G2M. The Michael 4 for G2M is a clone that contains a M4 UV so that you can use M4 materials with G2M and convert M4 clothing to fit with G2M.
So you would probably need both to apply M4 textures to G2M. You would still need to make any poser companion files so they can be read in Poser, or find Dimension3D's utility (I think on his website) to read the files directly into Poser.
The first, as I understand it, makes the process easier, and makes use of the features given by the second. You need the M4 for G2M to give G2M access to use the M4 UV maps and also to provide autofit for M4 clothing.
Being G2 the figure ONLY accepts, directly, textures in .duf format. You can transfer these manually (load M4 textures onto M4 and resave as material preset, then load that saved .duf onto G2m) or you can use the first product to do it with just a click or two.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight:
I need Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male for the UVs.
I need Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter For Genesis 2 Male(s) to use them.
And if I want to bring them M4 as a G2M back into Poser, I need to convert the textures yet again.
Yikes, no wonder it is taking me so long to learn this whole thing. = )
Thanks for the responses!
Not exactly. After you save your M4 textures as duf files, you need to make poser companion files or PCF's for those duf files. Without the Poser Companion Files the DSON importer you installed in Poser cannot read the duf's.
I don't use Poser, but am glad you're asking about this because I, too, am totally lost. I bought the products but haven't a clue what to do. I'll read this and see later this week if I can figure it out. Thanks to the vendors for making the products (in advance, lol)
LOL, even if I did not use Poser and used only DS, I would have been confused. = )
I, too, thank the creator's of these products . . . now where are the tutorials? = )
Not exactly. After you save your M4 textures as duf files, you need to make poser companion files or PCF's for those duf files. Without the Poser Companion Files the DSON importer you installed in Poser cannot read the duf's.
I thought that is what I meant by the conversion statement, but maybe there is another step I am missing. *sigh*
Yesterday I picked up the G2F versions of these products and have no clue at present as to how they are used. I had hoped that there would be a read me explaining it. Where can I find a tutorial or directions?
Does the texture converter convert all of your textures or just the ones present loaded? Does it save the files or do you need to do that? Does it leave the previous versions of the files intact? I have not monkeyed with it yet beyond looking for a readme or PDF in the zip and installing it, but I am also not quite sure where to start.
Let me PM another member and see if she has experimented / bought either of these. She was working on conversions awhile back but I don't know what method she used. Don't know if she is online, I think she's at work.
Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male by Slosh is a clone of M4 for G2M and also let's you use M4 textures on G2M.
Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Male(s) is a script so that you can select a .ds, .dsa or .pz2 files and the script will do all the work of placing the textures where they belong, and getting all of the settings to G2M.
You do not need Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Male(s) for Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male, but Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Male(s) needs Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male.
Thank you.
Let me test my shaky knowledge:
I load G2M in DS.
I slap the Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male on it.
I bring up the script Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Male(s) and chose an M4 texture from my Poser runtime. The script converts the texture to work with the M4/G2M and saves it to My Studio.
I then look in My Studio for the converted texture and load it onto the M4/G2M.
Am I in the ballpark yet? = )
Yesterday I picked up the G2F versions of these products and have no clue at present as to how they are used. I had hoped that there would be a read me explaining it. Where can I find a tutorial or directions?
Does the texture converter convert all of your textures or just the ones present loaded? Does it save the files or do you need to do that? Does it leave the previous versions of the files intact? I have not monkeyed with it yet beyond looking for a readme or PDF in the zip and installing it, but I am also not quite sure where to start.
LOL, I somehow missed the G2F version until I was looking for info on the G2M version. Very unlike me to miss a sale (even when I don't know what things do).
A PDF on how to use things (any thing) would be helpful. Is there a tutorial section any more (other than the how to install Daz Studio)? There used to be one and even though it was a bit difficult to navigate, it was helpful. Now I just see tutorials plastered all over the forums which makes it very hard to impossible to find things when you need them.
Thank you.
Let me test my shaky knowledge:
I load G2M in DS.
I slap the Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male on it.
I bring up the script Michael 4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Male(s) and chose an M4 texture from my Poser runtime. The script converts the texture to work with the M4/G2M and saves it to My Studio.
I then look in My Studio for the converted texture and load it onto the M4/G2M.
Am I in the ballpark yet? = )
The script does not save it to your Studio... You would need to do that if you want to save it. But you don't need to... The textures are on G2M after the script is ran.
edit: And you don't need to "slap the Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male... Just install it... The clone and UV will automatically then be part of G2M.
The script does not save it to your Studio... You would need to do that if you want to save it. But you don't need to... The textures are on G2M after the script is ran.
edit: And you don't need to "slap the Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male... Just install it... The clone and UV will automatically then be part of G2M.
Ahhh, thank you so much for that! LOL...like I said ...shaky knowledge.
However, I would need to save the converted texture in order to re-use it, right? Also in order to (somehow) create a CF for it so I could take it into Poser with the G2M?
The script does not save it to your Studio... You would need to do that if you want to save it. But you don't need to... The textures are on G2M after the script is ran.
edit: And you don't need to "slap the Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male... Just install it... The clone and UV will automatically then be part of G2M.
Ahhh, thank you so much for that! LOL...like I said ...shaky knowledge.
However, I would need to save the converted texture in order to re-use it, right? Also in order to (somehow) create a CF for it so I could take it into Poser with the G2M?
Yes. if you want to be able to take it into to Poser.
Ahhh, thank you so much for that! LOL...like I said ...shaky knowledge.
However, I would need to save the converted texture in order to re-use it, right? Also in order to (somehow) create a CF for it so I could take it into Poser with the G2M?
Yes. if you want to be able to take it into to Poser.
Thank you for the help. I think I understand it now. Into the cart it goes! = ) While it does sound kind of simple to use, hopefully, there will be some kind of tutorial available so.....ummm, someday. = )
Ahhh, thank you so much for that! LOL...like I said ...shaky knowledge.
However, I would need to save the converted texture in order to re-use it, right? Also in order to (somehow) create a CF for it so I could take it into Poser with the G2M?
Yes. if you want to be able to take it into to Poser.
Thank you for the help. I think I understand it now. Into the cart it goes! = ) While it does sound kind of simple to use, hopefully, there will be some kind of tutorial available so.....ummm, someday. = )
Select G2M; Goto My Library\People\Genesis 2 Male\Scripts\M4 Skins Auto Converter double click on New Surfaces For Old G2M icon... When the folder opens up, navigate to character texture you want to apply. select image in folder and click open. And that's it.
Well that seems easy enough. LOL. Maybe posting that to the product page would save everyone a lot of confusion. = )
One more question: In choosing a Poser texture to load, I believe that will require going into the Poser Texture folder and locating the one I want, right? Aren't the head and body textures in separate files? So I would need to do this once for the body and once for the head, I think. Or should I be looking in the Runtime/Pose folder (which would be a lot easier)? Okay, that was more than one question. = )
Thank you so much!
Well that seems easy enough. LOL. Maybe posting that to the product page would save everyone a lot of confusion. = )
One more question: In choosing a Poser texture to load, I believe that will require going into the Poser Texture folder and locating the one I want, right? Aren't the head and body textures in separate files? So I would need to do this once for the body and once for the head, I think. Or should I be looking in the Runtime/Pose folder (which would be a lot easier)? Okay, that was more than one question. = )
Thank you so much!
Because people move folders around it's hard to say exactly were to go to find your texture presets... Usually by default vendors put them in the Pose library... Personally I move them over to the Characters folder under the folder where the character is.....
The vendors usually do a full texture preset, and then options.... You can apply as needed.
Because people move folders around it's hard to say exactly were to go to find your texture presets... Usually by default vendors put them in the Pose library... Personally I move them over to the Characters folder under the folder where the character is.....
The vendors usually do a full texture preset, and then options.... You can apply as needed.
Thank you for all your help. M4 thingy in cart now; V4 one in wishlist until I have money again. = )
Thank you. I have a better understanding now. I had part of the core concept incorrect and the order of steps slightly scrambled. When I get home I will take a stab at it to see if I can make it go correctly. Thanks again.
finally someone made this easy for me. thank you all.
this link is a video for the v4 to g2F autoconverter it really helped me when I was figuring out how this works. I think it would be the same steps with the m4to g2m converter
EDIT to add link:
this video is to transfer v4 skin to v6...should be same steps with m4 to m6
I only bought the M4 shape for G2M.
I loaded Genesis, then applied an M4 texture.
I loaded G2M, set my UV map for M4.
Then I copied the Genesis settings as groups (feet, legs, arms, hands - you get the idea) and pasted them to G2M.
Then I saved it as a materials preset for G2M.