Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male NOT By MallenLane?

As expected, G2M & M6 came out with a M4 Clone Shape. However, what WASN'T expected was the fact that they're not released by MallenLane, who previously produced the equivalent V4 for G2F.
I'm not so much upset by the vendor I'm just curious as to why it wasn't done by him. Was MallenLane not intending on making one? If not, was he aware that someone else picked up the project? What about support adjustments if need be? The V4 for G2F had to be tweaked a couple times as some members reported minor inaccuracies such as in the feet and face (because of the finer mesh). Have those already been taken care of with this one here?
Again, not trying to be a spoiled OCD brat, just wondering if Slosh is aware of these things, since it's not MallenLane's product this time. :)
Us PA's speak to each other and Mallenlane was flooded with other projects and left it down to whoever would pick it up. Slosh did a fantastic job on it and if there are any issues, I'm sure he will be just as responsive to address them:) Originally there was not going to be any M4 clone or M4 UV planned anytime soon, so personally I am greatful he picked it up and decided to do it:)
Thanks for asking, friend. I'm sure many others will be wondering the same thing. I spoke with MallenLane about the M4 version of this product and he wasn't sure he would be able to get it produced in time for a Genesis 2 Male release. It wasn't that he didn't intent to make it, but just had a full plate. He told me that if I wanted to take it on, that I had his blessing to do so. He also had some good advice for me during the process. He didn't want the community to have to wait until he had the time to do it.
As for support, hopefully there will be no need for updates ;) but as I don't have 100's of M4 textures or clothing, I couldn't test everything. So, if any reasonable issues do crop up, I will address them immediately. I hope you will find, however, that I did a job worthy of MallenLane's trust.
Well, the product certainly went into my shopping cart :)
Does the product actually come with genital UV mapping, too? I know that MallenLane updated the V4 UVs for G2F in that regard at least, but not sure how easy or hard that is.
Product doesn't need the genital mapping, M6 gens uses the same UV, MallenLane knew I was going to jump him if he changed them ;)
EDIT: If you mean can use M4 Gens textures, see the response below.
It does not come with genital mapping. I struggled with that for quite some time and did not want to delay release while I tried to figure it out. As with the M4 for Genesis (1), there is no genital uv remapping. There is a chance, in the future, that I will get it done. If that happens, it will be an update to the current and not a new product.
Phew! Glad I came back to this thread and seeing positive responses. I had a bit of a guilty knot in my stomach thinking either you or someone would misinterpret the topic as a put-down on you. Again, that wasn't my intention and I'm glad you didn't find it that way. :)
Good to hear you're willing to be on board when we'll need you! Is MallenLane really that tied up? I wonder what exactly DAZ has him doing. *Crosses fingers it involves Aiko & Hiro* Still, I was hoping that something regarding Gen 4 toast textures would have been set in place, but I guess I can wait when time becomes more opportune for you. But don't rush yourself, now, you're quickly gaining my high respects in the Shaping support kingdom, right next to Zev0. ;)
Thank-you, RCD. As I said, I knew people would be surprised when the project went to someone else, so I was not surprised or put down when this thread appeared. I have no idea what MallenLane is working on at present, but I'm sure it will be great, whatever it is.
From what i could see and test on my machine, this is a really great product ! worth every penny :)
Anyway, thank you for the good work on this one
Slosh did a great job with this product. Dialing in a little m4 face really adds something for me to gen 6.
I didn't read the first post as being insulting- it was well written and qualified to come across perfectly. :)
Slosh is a great vendor- I was so tickled to see he had the job. He monitors the threads daily and takes everything to heart. Thanks to all the PAs who try to get us products in such a timely manner. My bank account does NOT thank you as it dwindles away...