Gallery flood

Calm guys. Need not publish all your drawings simultaneously :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Calm guys. Need not publish all your drawings simultaneously :lol: :lol: :lol:
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People should be glad I don't own/run DAZ. What with all the image cluster bombing, nudity and violence TOS violations I would have closed the gallery by now.
If it's gets to be too much of a problem, they just might. They've gone along for more than 2 years without them. In the end, DAZ is a business not an art gallery. If the galleries start to put too much of strain on the bottom line, DAZ could easily close them down.
Remember the SMS takeover of CP? Their first moves were to close the forums and galleries.
I'm not going to post more pictures for now. At least until this bombing ends and the number of publications is normalized. Some are being released everything they have, WIPs included!
I took a stroll through the first handful of pages of the gallery earlier this morning and it seemed to be mainly comprised of the entire back catalogue of one person (of which I reported a few for flagrant TOS violations - not porn, but blatant nudes).
The dumping, I suspect, will cease once those inclined to do so have 'off-loaded' everything they have ever done in the way of CG. Personally, I am uploading one or two, here and there, picking out images I like in particular.
You know, the sad thing is that I don't recognize most of those people who are violating the rules and posting excessively. So they probably are not on the forums to get your message. (And a good message.) And totally agree Jestmart- to a certain extent. They've said they don't want to limit the number of images appearing on the first page/in the main gallery, but that would be my solution to flooding the galleries. You KNOW they aren't tagging the images or doing anything with them, just post post post. It's a shame because the gallery could be used to help people learn about the different products. All of mine are painstakingly marked.
SimonJM- how long did it take you to flag them? It sits and spins for me (that drop down menu) and then takes quite awhile for it to go through. (And also when I first click on the image, it's really slow.) But I've reported about 6 so far.
I think DAZ set themselves up for major issues by not limiting the number of posts and not having filters in place. If the image submission form had adult content checkboxes on it and a reminder about the TOS, similar to what's on DA, then we wouldn't have the users feeling like they are forced to report each other's images. I'm OK with DAZ asking us to advertise their products by naming the products used, and then they become links to the product pages. I'm not OK with the whole way they are handling the Gallery launch, which is to open the flood gates, then have somebody feeling put upon by either seeing things they thought they wouldn't be seeing, or getting half their images yanked and then saying, "What? What did I do?" because they don't frequent the forums, and there's no TOS reminder on the gallery submission form. DAZ did not set this up properly. Don't make US bear the burden. I think the basic plan should be as follows:
1) Get filters working ASAP, or shut the whole thing down. The TOS issue should not become a burden for a cooperative few.
2) While working on the filters, put a limit of 5 images per user per day. Maybe that'll make people more selective.
3) Require that ALL image submissions have at least one product name, even if it's just Photoshop, which DAZ does not sell.
I was and remain a big proponent of opening galleries on the DAZ website, simply because it is good to see how people use the products. That being said however, I haven't uploaded anything myself because of the issues related in this thread. I can't look at the galleries at work because of the ToS violations, even when things are reported, they are still there until removed. Looking through the galleries at home, beyond the violations, you often get endless streams of the same picture over and over, with slight variations of light or camera. No one is restricted on how much they upload and there is quite a lot of drivel because of it.
I sorta like Rendo's "one per day unless you pay" setup. Forces people to choose their best work and/or would be more money in Daz's pocket since this is space on their servers.
I think the PA's here are great and love their products. They even have every right to use their gallery to promote their own products. But I would like to see them upload different images (or images that aren't currently used in the product promo), rather than re-posting product promo images in the gallery.
"Each week in 2013 we’ll give out prizes to 3 winning images!" My sympathy to the judges.
Some folks seem to think the Gallery is a place to put every single render they've ever done, even pointless tests of figures in zero pose. Please post only your best work. That's what I'm doing. I recommend it to anyone who would like someone to see your work.
Different people will use the Gallery in different ways.The only reason it's a problem right now is that it's starting from a zero-state, and everybody's trying to get their stuff back up. Once it's just new renders coming in, and the back catalog uploads stop, it'll be a smoother process.
But I have absolutely nothing against people posting their test renders. Sure, *I* would put them in a private gallery, so they don't come up on the 'Newest' page, but different people use the tool differently. Some folks want to be 'Discovered' through the Newest page, which is never going to work out. (Even if the one-user flooding stops, the number of users may end up being enough that just new posts make something scroll off the first page in less than an hour.)
For now, my recommendation across the board is to just chill out while folks figure out how they want to use it.
As for the TOS violations, there is no software that will automatically recognize nudity, sex, or violence in user-created images. It is also not possible for DAZ (with a finite staff) to pre-vet every image before it shows up. The Newest page will _always_ be potentially NSFW, because it is not possible to automatically enforce the TOS, even if the TOS information was blatantly in-your-face. The only way large-quantity image upload sites work is community policing, which means you WILL see things that offend you, and your recourse is to report it. Then the list of reported images is small enough that the finite DAZ team can process through it, and quickly Yay/Nay the subset that folks in the community have found problematic.
The TOS is short-term voluntary, and long-term enforced by community response.
-- Morgan
I don't think they should limit the number of images per day, but I think only ONE should be shown in the main gallery view. In other words, the first one you post for the day, so when people flood the gallery it won't work to spam it. If you post only one but do the LATEST one posted, you'd still show them at one point. By doing only the FIRST image posted that day, good luck with trying to spam! The rest get hidden in that artist's gallery, as they should.
I didn't put up that many images in the old Gallery here, but didn't you have to submit an image for review? And if approved (which might be a while), it would be included and you would be notified by email?
I'd hate to see it have to go back to that.
It took a while as I had to 'unset' a few block in AdBlock Pro to permit things to run, but yes, even then it took a little while and I actually had to go back and redo one after I realised you get a pop-up dialog confirming the action.
I'm sure that this fever for put all pics they have will finish in a few days. We must be patients but... they could select some among his works to publish, at least as they are finalized.
I much regret the lack of a filter or indicator for adult content. I have some erotic drawings and and I have to post cuts with a link to DeviantArt for complete version. It is also a solution. ;-)
Well, thank you for doing that- the rest of us appreciate it. :)
Well, thank you for doing that- the rest of us appreciate it. :)
More appreciate it DeviantArt, I'm sure. :D
It got a little lost, but I thought maybe a nice compromise between letting people upload as much as they need and not flooding the gallery would be actual flood control, like a lot of forums have to limit spam.
Not limiting the number of pictures per day (except in the abstract), but say, a time limit of 90 seconds or 2 minutes between uploads. Something based on the average amount of time it takes someone who knows what they're doing to properly and fully tag a scene a little more complicated than a pin-up.
At least it would break up the huge blocks of images by a single artist, unless they managed to hit at a relatively "dead" time.
Of course, since I've only uploaded two pictures, and there was quite some time between those, there may already be a flood control in place and I just haven't noticed.
That's the problem, that someone put a picture and get lost in a flood. I do not know if other galleries have publications limit (I just produce a drawing a week in the best of times ...) but I hope that people will self regulated soon.
No there is no limit on uploads atm.
In all likelihood the flow will slow down to a more reasonable amount. Currently there seems to be a pent up demand to post images. That should subside.
I'm sure after the first couple months it will slow down to a reasonable amount. ATM its going about 5 pages an hour or less but starting to slow a bit
5 pages an hour for two months is 7200 pages! How is anybody supposed to find anything if the majority of them have no tags? Admittedly, this is the initial onslaught, and it will slow down, perhaps already is slowing down, but still. These flooders also need to be reminded that the contest rules clearly state that in order to be considered for a prize, it MUST have tags, categories, and product items.
I still think it's a BIG mistake to continue with no posting limit. Make people THINK about what they are posting, please!
...I had yet to submit anything until today. Wanted to build some child galleries for some of my best works from the past, however I notice that the images automatically post to the main public gallery as well regardless whether the personal gallery is set to public or private viewing.
I feel the personal galleries need to be separate from the main public community one like they used to be, with a separate submission process for each.
A limit of submissions per day, week or whatever, is an idea, however this would only work if the personal and community galleries were distinct from one another. Another idea would be to set up submissions to the Community galleries similar to how DA does it with groups. whereby one can select a work from his or her personal gallery to upload to the community one(s). Finally how about returning to the original categories we had such as By Application, Genre/Theme, and Month?
For the time being I deleted all the images I placed in the child gallery as I do not wish to flood the community page with a collection of older scenes. Hopefully this will be looked into and a solution arrived at.
There has been about 800 images today so far. I counted 20 new pages from today so yeah its slowing down some
If I remember correctly (memory is the second thing to go), there was an area you could post and it did not require approval, which was just your own gallery. There was another gallery that did require approval by some committee.
If I remember correctly (memory is the second thing to go), there was an area you could post and it did not require approval, which was just your own gallery. There was another gallery that did require approval by some committee.
That was the forum gallery where you could upload more images, but you could only upload small images.
The other galleries were monthly galleries, and the best 20, or whatever number it was, images were selected to be the monthly gallery for each of the softwares and the selection was done mostly by votes from other members, as the images were anonymous until the selection had been made. There was also a limit of how many image s you could enter each month in each sub gallery.
If I remember correctly (memory is the second thing to go), there was an area you could post and it did not require approval, which was just your own gallery. There was another gallery that did require approval by some committee.
...exactly (tried to clarify this a bit more in my post above). The main ones all went though an approval process so submitting didn't Necessarily guarantee it would be posted.
From the Gallery link way up top ... one gets a Gallery Page displaying some 40 images. That's it, that's all.
"next" brings one to page 2 which has absolutely no user images posted on it whatsoever. It's just a Daz site gallery page 2.
hmmm ... well it could use a busy signal! While posting this a bunch of images finally appeared on page 2 lol ...