Another lost sale

I really wish DAZ would specify an actual time/date on sale items!
I just spent the last half hour adding items from the Orestes 60% off sale to my cart trying to figure out what I could afford and just as I went to check out - Tada! Sale vanished and everything back to regular price.
Thank DAZ. Looks like you just lost my purchase!
Ditto! I was just about to check out too. And yes, wouldn't it be good to have expiry times and dates on the sales. You know, like all the other broker sites!
Well, it can always get worse ;)
I had some cash to burn last weekend and got most of my goodies back then. I did grab some goodies today during the sale period, but alas :)
That's the risk of the trade I'd say.
Geminii23, something to keep in mind for the future is that the store update is 2 am est almost every time. I know it has happened like clock work for the last couple of months at least. That means that new products come into the store, sales drop of and so on. The store often goes down around that time for a couple of minutes as well so things can be glitchy. If your going to buy then the best bet is to get everything sorted before the witching hour.
It's not an error but a new way of having sales - you snooze you lose. Some are ok with it while others are not and that's basically . . . life :) Personally, I'm through with letting these things get to me.
We have been told time and again that the store software cannot handle things like start and stop dates for sales. With all the overlapping sales (Sunday you had ArtCollabs entire store on a flash sale at 60% off while a large portion of their catalog was also supposed to be free as part of the doorbuster sale. Needless to say the cart system got screwed up and people were being charged small amounts of money for free items.
Flash sales are a new thing. DAZ used to give notice of sales in the Commons, state when they began, when they ended and any other restrictions that were involved. Granted, the old store software was custom coded and often times things were handled manually. If PC items went on sale, PC members knew at least half a day in advance as all the PC products going on sale suddenly lost their PC pricing. They'd show up in a separate category at the sale price until the end of the the sale. It usually took another half day or so to return the PC items to their PC pricing. I suppose with the old store software, DAZ had to plan for sales and they were more of an effort than this new software but there are drawbacks.
I am working on that stance ...
I'd say you snoose, they lose, as in this case above. For instance those infamous flash sales, they always seem to be taking place when Europe, including yours truly is dating the sandman. And least I've never been around for any of them.
I can be even more specific for you. It is between 1:08am and 1:15am, Florida Central Time. Normally by 1:13am, the site goes down for a few minutes and the changeover happens. Like clockwork, every night.
It wouldn't hurt to ask Britney if they would honor your cart. Nothing to lose by asking. Same for Europe.
I am working on that stance ...
Same here I don't rush to buy anymore hoping to catch the sale if I have money great if not well I look at it as a DAZ sale loss not mine. I understand why they have them and the sale model must work for them.
Unfortunately when the prices changed during checkout I cancelled and I dumped everything into my wishlist. Here's hoping Osteres has another great sale in the near future.
Except you will have to wait two weeks+ to get a response.
Same here I don't rush to buy anymore hoping to catch the sale if I have money great if not well I look at it as a DAZ sale loss not mine. I understand why they have them and the sale model must work for them.
No, no, no, it's pure rant material, embrace it! I would if I wasn't so old. I just had another birthday today and now I'm so old that my grump has deflated. 8-O