some saved character file as .dsf can not load texture correctly

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited July 2012 in Daz Studio Discussion

though it has mentioned another topic (I mistook the lync,, because I serched this topic long time,,)

and I notice the problem sometimes happend same as me,
about some my saved character file.

now I tested it by the character products of DAZ
(it happend when I load the dsf file which used the products texture and be saved as dsf character file)

1, I jsut load genesis

2. I apply character preset (material) with genesis

3 I save it as character preset (menu> save as >DSF cahracter file)

4, then I load genesis, and apply "test.dsf"

5 it caused erroer message. (I can locate again the path manually,
but the path name is same as which ds indicate )

check image please.

6 after I located the path , then I make new sceane, and apply the same "test.dsf"
it seems not turn erroer message.

7 but once I close ds 4,and re start application, then call the "test.dsf"
it reply same erroer message,, → 6.

the folda name where the products texture installed (in runtime folda) has "space", then ds turend it "%"

eg "XP studios" to "XP studios"

so how can I correct it? (I did not tryv another character material preset, but it seems if they have same
folda name for texture, it may happen)

just remove the space of folda name manually? then ds can recognize it correctly?

then if I remove the "space" from folda name, wiil it happen another path problems?

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,845
    edited December 1969

    This looks like a bug in DS - as far as I am aware the path should have spaces (and other characters not valid in a URI) converted to their hex codes, and that seems to have happened, but then the path should have the hex code characters converted back to valid file names ( to space) in order to load the texture. Is this DS 4.0 or DS 4.5?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I did not check it on ds 4.5. so this is DS 4.0. ^^;

    if it will not make another problems , I just convert file name with under score (eg XP_studio) and do what I need (so tell me the way if you konow please)
    I feel something will hapen if I change folda name only, I think cms might recognize the new path of file and relation,,might not? )

    I hope the vender keep foldaname without space . It is best daz decide the rule to naming of texture flodaname ,
    and anounce it to vender and artist for ds4 , though it seems to happen on limited case.

    some vender use their products name with space, so I can not save the figure as dsf character,
    and it happened when I save clothing with material ,texture as dsf. ( some free items of other shop, can not apply textures,
    maybe they did not know the fact)

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited December 1969

    It's an old bug that's been there from the first version of DS4, it was bug reported at the time, but I have no idea if they ever fixed it.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thank you Bejay mac, so I think why daz do not correct it or just change the files of products
    without space ?

    I try something for correct it, but it can not be corrected .

    if I change runtime>texture folda name "aabb ", I can save it as dsf and load it correctly
    but as I supposed I can not apply material files.

    DAZ sold products for genesis and ds4, and there is bug, somepeople know that,
    and they can correct it if they want , but they do not do it, and jusl leave it.

    maybe almost of customers do not say complain. so they leave it.

    I do not like siriously such style of DAZ business.

    I can understand many problems on business, and some ploblems are not solved .

    but If DAZ can correct it, just do it.

    before I send help ticket about other products. and It is easy to resume.

    this problem bug is easy to resume for them. (just change folda name, and change pathes
    in files)

    so I should say complain about vender artist by PM?
    (I do not want to do it)

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,725
    edited December 1969

    This works fine in 4.5

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