morphs genesis to Michael 4 /Victoria 4

Hi friends
I need to know if possible to transfer from genesis morphs to V4 M4
Genesis generation X plugin : convert V4/M4/K4 character morphs into Genesis, can it plugin convert genesis morph character to V4/M4 ?
Post edited by info_57dd6462c1 on
AFAIK, it's one way. M4/V4 to Geneis.
It's a pity
Theoretically it is possible but in DS 4.5 last time I've checked both morph loader pro and advanced were broken in relations to Gen 4 figures which prevented the process from being done.
But in any case it isn't done via Gen-X plugin but through manual and multi-step process.
Let me see if I can try it again with new release.
The short answer is no.
Even if you could transfer morphs, the transfer only works in relation to a particular shape. Considering there is no genesis equivalent morph or clone that exists for Gen 4, you really wouldn't get anything useful to work with and definitely nothing that would remotely close to the Genesis version.
Ok, preliminary results: it is certainly possible. The problem with Morph Loaders seems to be fixed.
For this process I've used M4/V4 iconic shapes for Genesis to properly 'deduct' M4 shape from M4 and make the shape of Original Genesis for M4 to work better with other transferred morphs.
Genesis (with Hill Giant morph 100% only, no scaling, default pose) on a left, Michael 4 with Hill Giant Morph 100% and GenesisOriginal Shape 100% (to negate innate M4 shape out of M4) on right, default (non-zeroed) pose. It is very much possible to make GenesisOriginal shape for M4 if you have M4 Iconic shape for Genesis.
Problem with transfer of, at least, drastic morphs from Genesis to Gen 4 is that Gen 4 initial and older technology doesn't support automatic bone adjustment function. Adjust Rigging to Shape function is a huge timesaver and while you can adjust bones manually with Joint Editor and probably do proper ERC freezing after that so bones in rigging behave well with drastic morphs, it will require quite a lot of time to do. I'm sure there is a workaround for that (like converting dummy M4 to Triax figure, morphing a drastic morph, using Auto Bone adjustment, transfer rigging/extract donor figure and import it back to usual M4 with same drastic morph dialed and then do ERC _that_ on usual M4) but it is rather clumsy way anyway.
It won't probably matter for small morphs, that don't affect the skeleton, like most of facial non-toon morphs (nose length, cheeks depth, etc) but for anything drastic, including eyes and inner mouth will not work properly on M4 because bends will be off. Hill Giant on M4 looks well in default and zero pose but when I move the shoulder of M4 Hill Giant down, it turns into spaghetti without bone adjustment/ERC.
Is there any particular morph you'd with to transfer? Maybe I can help better with this particular morph?
P.S. also there might be a problem area in eyebrows plate, as Genesis doesn't have it, and I'm not sure how well it affects the final transfers.
To demonstrate what I mean about bone adjustment - same figures, lShoulder is down about -70.
First picture shows the difference in rigging which causes this, second shows the result.
For TriAx figures, like Genesis or G2M/G2F there is an automated function which helps to adjust bones to the drastic shapes, so bends are good (after that you do thing that is called ERC freeze so bones will adjust themselves automatically when you dial a proper drastic morph). But for Gen4 this function doesn't work.
It is possible to convert Gen4 figure to Triax and do bone adjustment on it, but that conversion isn't of artistic quality and can only be used as in-between stage.
Ok, so far I wasn't able to make possible workaround about M4 automated bone adjustment to actually work without converting M4 to TriAx (which isn't a very nice conversion and if you convert m4 to TriAx better to use Genesis with M4 Iconic shape anyway) because even adjusted bones from M4 dummy only can be inserted back into another TriAx figure with what I see now. I guess manual point by point copy and paste of values for all bones with joint editor is possible, but I highly suspect it would be a very long and tedious process if you need to transfer more than one morph. Maybe I'm not seeing some obvious solution, I don't know.
So to summarize: yes, morphs (shapes) are transferrable, and can also be made into non-distorted versions for M4 (and V4, and Kids, I guess) but if they affect any sort of rigging or have a drastic morphed shape they'd require long manual bone adjustment on original M4 to work properly in anything but default/zeroed poses.
Thanks to all to answer to my question.
However I consider very tedious riggin's process.
My intention is transfer to the genesis face morphs only to M4/V4