DAZ Installer problem - please help

RonSRonS Posts: 299
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Today I ran the new installer and had several products in the "Updates" category of "Ready to Install". There were a lot if regular products, and among these were the new DAZ Studio and some DS Plugins - all 64 bit and 32 bit versions. I manually selected all the 64bit packages and installed them.

Then I right clicked "select packages > all tagged "windows 32bit" and the 5 or 6 files were selected for me. I right clicked a second time and clicked "Delete Packages > All selected". In a single blink my entire "Ready to Install > Updates" was wiped out. there had been at least a dozen other product updates and they were all deleted when the 32bit files were deleted.

I tried control[Z] to see if there was any undo, but apparently not. Then I immediately closed the Installer thinking that if I logged out and then back in, the "Updates" would be restored. But NO - that didn;t happen.

So now my question is, how do I get my "update files back once they are deleted (whether intentional or not) - is there any "UNDO" function for the installer or any way to reset the update counter?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    When you refresh they show up in "Ready to Download" again.

  • RonSRonS Posts: 299
    edited December 1969

    When you refresh they show up in "Ready to Download" again.

    I know it's supposed to be like that, but I tried initially and it didn't work - that's why I closed and reopened the installer.

    Now it is an hour later and I have no "Updates" category in either Downloads or Ready to Install. - thanks anyway - this never happened before - I think it might have something to do with the installer update today. if no one else reports a similar thing today I will file a bug report.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Are they showing up as "Products" instead of "Product Updates"?

  • RonSRonS Posts: 299
    edited December 1969

    Are they showing up as "Products" instead of "Product Updates"?

    Hard to tell :long: I have 2113 products in my Ready to Install but a quick scan does not show duplicate product names - I know before the deletions I had a "A Bright Loft" file in both the Updates category and the Ready to install category - afterwards I had only one installer file for "A Bright Loft" which I did install at that time to see if another showed up - which it has not.

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