The Gallery is back...but how does it work?



  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    1. There really needs to be a link to the EULA/TOS from the galleries, preferably when the first gallery is created by a user. That will stop people trying to upload the most obvious "Vicky going down on Mike" porn. Subtler examples will have to depend on reporting, as they do in the forums, but it will help.

    2. Some kind of daily upload limit is a good idea. People are already posting a dozen or more terrible and very similar pieces at once. Enthusiasm is good, but pic-spamming should be stopped.

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    1. There really needs to be a link to the EULA/TOS from the galleries, preferably when the first gallery is created by a user. That will stop people trying to upload the most obvious "Vicky going down on Mike" porn. Subtler examples will have to depend on reporting, as they do in the forums, but it will help.

    2. Some kind of daily upload limit is a good idea. People are already posting a dozen or more terrible and very similar pieces at once. Enthusiasm is good, but pic-spamming should be stopped.

    I'll refrain from commenting on quality of pictures, but i concur with an upload limit for so many reasons.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    I've had to agree with the EULA three times in the last few days.

    I peeked through dozens of thumbnail pages last night and didn't see too much of a 'spamming' problem. I've only uploaded one so far for figuring things out and have had other things to do, but will be playing 'catch-up' along with everyone else by uploading several in quick succession. Please don't start demanding limits so early in the process.

    belovedalia: re your problem with no info with thumbnails, if you mouse over a thumbnail a small strip appears on the bottom of the thumbnail with title and author.

  • DAZ_JonDAZ_Jon Posts: 582
    edited December 1969

    The TOS actually isn't on the forums anymore but moved to the site. Adding a link to the TOS from the galleries is a good idea (although it probably won't do much to prevent people from not reading it and posting what they will). We will work on getting that information out there in a more proactive way and notifying people if their images are deleted for violating the TOS and that continued violations will result in a suspension or ban of access to both the gallery and forums.

  • VanguardVanguard Posts: 486
    edited December 1969

    It wouldn't be difficult to make it so that if a an image gets x amount of reports it is hidden (made private is probably an easy bit to flip) until a moderator has a chance to assess the situation. Something like what YouTube used to do when comments got too many thumbs down. This would alleviate the need for weekend staff to monittor the Gallery.

    This could be expanded so that if x number of one user's gallery images get flagged then their uploading privileges could be automatically suspended until reports are reviewed. This would help to defeat spam or flooding.

    As for some upload limit, I think DAZ chose the right course in NOT having an upload limit. It wouldn't really solve anything. The trouble is the entry point into the gallery. The default gallery page is sorted to show most recent uploads. I get the feeling some are getting upset when they upload a picture and it gets moved from the perceived "front page" of the gallery by seeming floods of new pictures. That is the nature of the beast and no daily limit will remedy that.

    While I agree there is a lot of variety in the quality of pictures, so what? If DAZ really started judging user content for quality or meeting some other esoteric criteria they would be stepping into more problems then I am sure they want. DAZ is getting a boat load of free material to use for nearly whatever purpose they want, you take the bad with the good :D

    Galleries are a tricky thing to manage, especially for a retail site which depends on the good will of customers to stay in business. Do it wrong and you alienate customers. Do it it fairly and everyone wins.

  • Swawa3DSwawa3D Posts: 231
    edited November 2013

    It's great to see that DAZ has opened a gallery again!

    Does anyone know if the contest winners are chosen each week from the entire pool of images or do they only qualify new images uploaded within the past week each time? Also does it matter when you created the image, or if it was submitted elsewhere? The rules seem vague.

    I have a few images in my dA that I marked mature just to be safe because of mild wounds / mildly suggestive theme. I really don't think they would be rated higher than PG, maybe PG-13. I would greatly appreciate if someone could take a quick look and let me know if they think they would be acceptable for the DAZ gallery?

    I'm also curious if fan art renders are OK, like marvel/DC superheroes? ex:

    I have a few suggestions that may help with the TOS/nudity issue:

    1. Require users to agree to the terms once before uploading their first image or before being able to manage their gallery.
    2. Move the gallery/image part of the terms to the top of the page or create a specialized page that does this.
    3. Use a mature tag/filter like DeviantART & filter out mature images by default unless the viewer specifies not to.

    Post edited by Swawa3D on
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    Swawa3D: Personally, I see nothing objectionable in your renders. The one with the pig-girl is hilarious. :lol:

    I have one on DA I'd love to post here, but I think it's just a tiny bit over the edge on showing skin. The Black Widow

  • Swawa3DSwawa3D Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Slimer_J_Spud: Thanks. I think they used to say something like anything that would be covered by a swimsuit must be covered. I think your image might pass with a little more skin coverage in key areas but I'm not a good judge. I went to an art school with no dress code so I'm desensitized. Students would wear only a few strips of electrical tape, the dancers would do acrobatics in the halls wearing nothing but blue paint, then of course there were all the models and skeletons.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited November 2013

    i haven't posted anything to the gallery yet, read the TOS, re-read it, looked through the gallery, saw lots of nudity, violence and gore, went back and read the TOS

    Not complaining about the nudity, violence and gore, that sort of thing does not bother me, just wondering what exactly is or is not allowed.

    Some terms are too subjective, i've had problems on various sites before. Once I posted a pic of a military tank, it wasn't doing anything, it wasn't firing, it wasn't running over daisies, it was just sitting there parked doing nothing, but i got in trouble for not tagging it as violent because it was military related.

    I once posted a pic of V4 in the catsuit, face mask, gloves and boots, only thing showing was her mouth and eyes, i got in trouble for not using the nudity tag because the outfit was too form fitting.

    Heck I once got yelled at for not flagging a landscape as nudity, there were no human or animal figures in the scene, just a beach with plants and trees. I guess someone objected because the palm tree's nuts were showing.

    These are not isolated incidences, i run into stuff like this all over the web, thats a big reason i have been looking for a new place to post my work. Kind of reluctant to post anything at all until i am absolutely certain that what i post can in no way violate the rules in any way shape or form.

    Post edited by LycanthropeX on
  • DAZ_JonDAZ_Jon Posts: 582
    edited December 1969

    Nudity or implied nudity isn't okay basically. We want the content level in terms of adultness to match what is generally on the Daz store. Form fitting? We have form fitting stuff in our store so it, in general, is okay. The question comes down to "is it colored so it looks like nudity?" See through clothes? It will get pulled down as well. Nudity is pretty cut and dry on if it is accepted.

    Violence is a harder to pinpoint exactly. It depends upon the violence depicted and how it is depicted. Gratuitous violence (where that line is drawn, we don't know since it isn't an easy black and white sort of thing), physical mutilation, dismemberment, etc., all will get pulled. Milder violence or more abstract violence is easier to pass.

    Ultimately though it has to get reported and then it will be reviewed on if it isn't okay or not. There will always be those images that come close to the line of allowing to stay up or getting pulled down that will be deliberated over, and we want to be very thorough in making sure that we allow as open of a place for people to express their artistic drive while still being family friendly.

    As far as if there is currently nudity or violence on the site... we have gotten a lot of images submitted in the past two and a half days and the initial surge is still going strong. Of those, less than 1% of the submissions have violated the TOS and had to be pulled... although it is entirely possible we missed something during this initial surge that didn't get reported.

  • Swawa3DSwawa3D Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jon: Thanks for giving us more info. I think DAZ does a good job of balancing making the site family friendly without being ridiculously strict. Any word on the details of the contest, as far as if only newly posted images will qualify each week?

    LycanthropeX: I looked you up on dA (unless someone else has your name) & I don't see anything posted there that I think would not be DAZ friendly. Of course you may be referring to other images. Form fitting I don't see being an issue unless maybe it strongly shows the contours of the underlying anatomy?

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    honestly, i'm not reporting anything unless i find it extremely offensive, and i find very little even mildly offensive when it comes to art. To me art is just an image, its not real, real things offend me. An actual act of violence against a real human being in the real world offends me, the artistic representation of the same thing does not so long as i can be reasonably assured that no real humans or animals were harmed in its creation.

    And i'm not looking to push the limits of what can be shown. Quite the opposite, I want to make sure that there can't be anything even remotely questionable about anything I post. But its hard to judge because based on the TOS, i've seen at least 100 images in the gallery where i am thinking um, I wouldn't have pushed the limit that far. And I haven't gone through the whole gallery yet, I doubt i'm even half way through. Like i say i haven't seen anything that i have found offensive, but the level that i start getting offended is a lot higher than most. Past experience has just taught me that if i even post a pure white square, somebody out there will find it offensive.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Swawa3D said:
    DAZ_Jon: Thanks for giving us more info. I think DAZ does a good job of balancing making the site family friendly without being ridiculously strict. Any word on the details of the contest, as far as if only newly posted images will qualify each week?

    LycanthropeX: I looked you up on dA (unless someone else has your name) & I don't see anything posted there that I think would not be DAZ friendly. Of course you may be referring to other images. Form fitting I don't see being an issue unless maybe it strongly shows the contours of the underlying anatomy?

    there isn't much of my work anywhere on the web anymore, the last month or so i have been taking down more art than i have been putting up. I am really trying to get all my work in one central location where I can post everything, from my silly cartoons to my most extreme pieces. I think I only have like 5 images over at DA and those are probably coming down soon, my youtube videos will be coming down soon, pretty much everything is coming down. I'm just restructuring and reorganizing. I want to get a lot of my older stuff out of the way and focus on my newer stuff and form a better representation of my work at my current skill level. So yeah, there really is very little of my work anywhere at the moment.

  • Swawa3DSwawa3D Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    LycanthropeX: I thought dA was pretty open if you flag things but guess you were having issues there too? I often struggle with what to show, either I think it's not good enough quality or worry about offending someone. On the other hand I feel it's important for artists to stay true to their vision and to express themselves. I think proper implementation of filters/ratings has the potential to not limit expression but also to not offend. In any case I wish you luck with redoing your online presence.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Swawa3D said:
    LycanthropeX: I thought dA was pretty open if you flag things but guess you were having issues there too? I often struggle with what to show, either I think it's not good enough quality or worry about offending someone. On the other hand I feel it's important for artists to stay true to their vision and to express themselves. I think proper implementation of filters/ratings has the potential to not limit expression but also to not offend. In any case I wish you luck with redoing your online presence.

    yeah i think you are right, as near as i can tell DA seems pretty relaxed on things. the truth is i have just never cared for their site design. it has always felt a bit clumsy to navigate and the look of the site just puts me in mind of a 1970's hair salon. Yeah, probably the most superficial reason not to post much there, but thats the truth. the only work i have up there was done for contests hosted there, other than i haven't posted there at all. I tend to only look at DA like once or twice a month if that.

  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited December 1969

    I will always have a soft spot for the Artzone. It was the very first place I ever loaded a picture i did for anyone to see lol.A weird experience happened as a result but I digress I am glad they are putting up a new gallery here though.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    I will always have a soft spot for the Artzone. It was the very first place I ever loaded a picture i did for anyone to see lol.A weird experience happened as a result but I digress I am glad they are putting up a new gallery here though.

    yeah, honestly with all its issues, AZ was my favorite place to post my work, the TOS was pretty relaxed, commenting on images was easy, it had a lot of kool features

  • Sensory ChaosSensory Chaos Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    I have a question about people stealing your images once they are in the gallery. Can anything be done about this or is there a piece of software to watermark the image that anyone can recommend?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    I have a question about people stealing your images once they are in the gallery. Can anything be done about this or is there a piece of software to watermark the image that anyone can recommend?

    Report the image

  • rdudarduda Posts: 579
    edited December 1969

    I like the new Gallery, thank you Daz! Safari doesn't seem to work with the set up but I know you still working on the bugs, but my IPad worked great loading my images! Can't wait to see what everyone has been working on.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Someone mentioned using a thumbs down system- am I correct that currently there is only a thumbs up on the pages?
    DAZ is going to have to have weekend monitors on those galleries or you're just going to get overwhelmed. With the number of pieces being uploaded every minute, things will be buried. I sure hope people aren't thinking they stand a chance of being noticed for a contest with the mass flooding of renders pouring in to the galleries. And the forum moderators certainly should NOT be responsible to try and keep up with that or they can't do their job here- they are on the ball and I want to keep it that way. :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    Someone mentioned using a thumbs down system- am I correct that currently there is only a thumbs up on the pages?
    DAZ is going to have to have weekend monitors on those galleries or you're just going to get overwhelmed. With the number of pieces being uploaded every minute, things will be buried. I sure hope people aren't thinking they stand a chance of being noticed for a contest with the mass flooding of renders pouring in to the galleries. And the forum moderators certainly should NOT be responsible to try and keep up with that or they can't do their job here- they are on the ball and I want to keep it that way. :)

    The exclamation mark above the like button is for reporting inapropriate images, if that is what you mean

  • edited November 2013

    I have a question about people stealing your images once they are in the gallery. Can anything be done about this or is there a piece of software to watermark the image that anyone can recommend?

    A legitimate concern indeed. I remember an incident, many years ago, in which an artist's illustration was downloaded from a website gallery without permission by a company and used in the company's product packaging without giving credit to or providing compensation to the artist for the use of said illustration. I don't think things are quite as wild on the Internet today as they were then, but it is still a good idea to do what you can to protect your work, especially if your work is that good.

    There are a number of things that can be done with regard to the way images are displayed in a website gallery to prevent the right click saving of images and to keep honest people honest, but there is little that can be done to stop someone knowledgeable and determined from downloading and saving the image. Also, many of these protection methods would interrupt the honest and legal sharing of images and content that DAZ sees happening via the Gallery as a benefit to the artist, if I understand things correctly.

    The simplest and most straight forward thing I've seen done to protect on-line galleries is to place a copyright warning/notice on gallery pages, which is less likely to be missed verses such a notice in the page footer. I would probably make the copyright notice a link to a section on a Gallery Info page that fully spelled out the copyright protection. Other things that links on the gallery pages would link to on the Gallery Info page would be how the gallery works, image posting specs, and the gallery's intended uses. I don't like leaving the gallery viewers or users guessing about anything despite how obvious the use of the gallery may be. For example, as artists, some of us can be perfectionists and control freaks about how our artwork is posted and displayed, and therefore like to have all the specs on how images will be displayed so that we can plan and layout our artwork accordingly before uploading. ;-)

    Some things you can do to protect your artwork...
    -- Don't post your artwork on the Internet. Harsh, I know, but it is the only way to be sure.
    -- Watermark/sign it. I use Photoshop to watermark or sign my artwork with my name or logo, the year the work was completed, and a copyright symbol. For a list of watermarking software try searching for "best watermarking software for photographers" or using similar search terms. There are both free and paid for watermarking tools available, as well as on-line tools. Also, you can try and work the watermark/signature into the artwork in such a way that it would be difficult to edit out. Sometimes I will work my logo into the design of an object or its decoration within the artwork so that it becomes part of the artwork and doesn't interfere with the artwork.
    -- In the image description you can briefly mention that the use of the image is limited or restricted and provide a means of receiving inquiries about the use of the image. (I am wondering if being able to PM an artist via their gallery wouldn't be a good idea?) Remember, though, that any contact information you provide is open to abuse such as spamming. A website address with an e-mail contact form is usually pretty safe as an initial means of contact. Of course the image comments can be used to contact the artist if they are turned on.
    -- Size your image so that it doesn't lend itself to other uses, such as being printed. Use an image size, resolution, and compression that looks good when viewed via the website gallery but doesn't look good when enlarged or printed.

    That's my 2 cents worth anyhow. :red:

    Post edited by 7th Stone Productions on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Nope, knew about the exclamation mark. Someone has mentioned using an actual thumbs down system.
    But thanks anyway. :)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I've tried posting comments for gallery renders and it is not taking. Anyone else tried?

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    no probs here
    i gave and got comments on several pics
    IE 10

  • ISIKOLISIKOL Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    congrats Daz on the gallery...its been designed very nicely.... :)

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    I see no reason to add a thumbs down. Some people are just needlessly unkind and would be thrilled to knock peoples work with the click of a mouse but that really shouldn't be the sort of place this is.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    agree- I just wondered if it existed and I hadn't seen it. :)

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969
    1067 x 913 - 343K
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