Can't get Dark Priest Robes to work with Michael 4

rdorityrdority Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Can any provide me with just the basic steps to get the Monk Robes loaded into Carrara for Michael 4?

I think I know how to add runtimes, but don't see the content, only blank Content and Smart Content tabs. I can only see the basic, basic content that seems to come with Carrara and / or Michael 4 / Victoria 4 / Genesis.

I've been using Carrara for some time now (years) but have not had any success whatsoever with any purchased clothing. I have only had success with the clothing that you find by default with Carrara and Michael 4.

There Must just be some Basic, Basic Steps I am missing here. I have tried adding runtimes on both the PC and the Mac but never see the clothing I have purchased appearing in the Content or Smart Content folders. (I only see the default stuff like a few boots and some accessories and underwear, for example.)

Please, please, PLEASE HELP!! :-)

Thanks for any help you can provide,


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    I downloaded the file and extracted the runtime folder only into my Carrara Runtime Folder on my D: drive ..

    No problems at all..

    524 x 166 - 89K
  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well I've been pursuing this for months. I've been working with Carrara for years, so you can imagine how frustrated I might be.

    Could you please tell me how you did this, rather than just tell me it works fine? Much appreciated,

  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    By the way, you said you just downloaded and extracted? All I got was an exe which I ran and it didn't even run the first few times I tried until I rebooted. I have a decent system with 4 gigs of ram and an i3 that's pretty fast.

    I cannot understand why Carrara would refuse to show content. I've tried this on a Mac and PC and I see nothing in the Smart Content or regular Content folders.

    I've been trying to get this to work since C 8.1 but figured I'd have to wait for 8.5. Then I upgraded and it didn't seem to make a difference.

    No one hardly ever even talks about how to add runtimes, other than to just click on the little thingy on the right and have it search your hard drive automatically, which never does anything, or to choose the folder that contains the run time folder, which I've tried about 300 times and it just never seems to work.

    I have no problems with the animals or Michael or Victoria, just the clothing.

    I've tried using the automatic installer but that doesn't seem to make a difference. I don't have Poser. I installed Daz Studio and can sometimes see the content in there but I don't want to use Daz Studio. I've invested a lot of time into Cararra and like it much, much better.


  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    By the way, I see what you mean as I got it to work by just creating my own folder on D: to put the runtimes.

    Unfortunately, the content doesn't seem to be correctly attached to Michael 4. I don't see the Genesis reference that I would normally click on in order to gain access to all the sliders to move arms, etc. So far the Robes are just "dumb" meaning I can't do anything to change the figure while they're on the figure and even if I did adjust the figure, I'm wondering if the clothes will conform to the figure's bodies, etc.

    Then the question becomes: Do I extract other products to this same folder? If so, I get file conflicts, namely the manifest file says it's already in there. Yikes.

    So do you recommend I make a folder on D: to contain each separate runtime?

    WTH doesn't Daz3d put these basic instructions at the bottom of every single page in their store? I can't be the only one who has had this sort of problem.

    I love Carrara, but I think it needs a little bit of a revamp in this regard.

    Thanks, I've only tried the Monk Robes for a few minutes. Thanks for showing me that it does in fact work and talking about the Zip file.

    You'd think the automatic installer would work, but no!!! lol

  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Had to use Michael 5 in order to get the Genesis (under Michael5) feature that lets me access the Parameters to move the arms, but the clothing is following the arms, etc.

    This is excellent! I think Daz3d would sell a lot more if they provided better instructions and got rid of their automatic installer. What a p.o.s. that is! lol

    Of course I suppose it all works for Daz Studio. That's another p.o.s. IMHO. lol

  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Guess part of my mistake was I tried the Fantasy (and Monster) Robes and never got any where with them!

    I tried applying what I learned tonight (that worked for the Dark Priest Robes) but the Fantasy Robes STILL DON'T WORK.

    So I do believe they may not be compatible.

    Daz3d needs to have a much better way of conveying to people who use Carrara which of their content products will work and those that won't!

    Daz3d needs to have a much better way of conveying to people who use Carrara which of their content products will work and those that won't!

    Daz3d needs to have a much better way of conveying to people who use Carrara which of their content products will work and those that won't!

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    Go into your account and download the zip file for that product..

    when you open the zip file you will see a content folder.. click on it and then you will see a Runtime folder

    extract the runtime folder to where ever your runtimes are for Carrara

    mine is on D: drive along with several other runtime folders which I named into categories.

    210 x 424 - 23K
  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I love it.. Thank you SO MUCH. After spending too much time with Fantasy Robe which never did work, I guess I wasn't very hopeful of getting the Dark Priest Robes to work, but after following your instructions, they work!!!

    Thank you and blessed be!

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    No probs.. glad to help ;)

    800 x 600 - 160K
  • rdorityrdority Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wow.. nice work!!

    900 x 675 - 25K
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