CatGirl mods

SQCloutierSQCloutier Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I like all of the Catgirl, wolfgirl and so-ons offered in Daz store and have purchased all of them for Genesis 1. The only suggestion would be to add actual fur and skin. I combined aspects of Garoul, Asobi, and CatGirl for Genesis 1 to create the attached image. Is there any possibility of the creators of catgirl to add this mod? Or is there a way for me to contact them with the particulars of this mod for others you incorporate into their creations. I do not want to infringe copyrights by distributing this myself. If this is something they would like to add to their packages I can send them the specifics.

1920 x 1080 - 721K


  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,963
    edited December 1969

    I do have plans to revisit my "Catworld" set in the new year....using all the fun of HD morphs and LAMH


  • SQCloutierSQCloutier Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks. I was just trying to create a more human aspect without resorting to Photoshop. I combined Asobi skin textures with the SilverCats for the matting. Then I created bumps for them using the fur bump map from Garoul. This way I can still animate the figure into films and touch them up in Premiere without having to go through Photoshop on each frame. I appreciate the information and will keep a lookout for the new stuff. Thanks

  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493
    edited December 1969

    Don't know if you've tried Carrara, but it lets you put fur and hair on anything.

  • SQCloutierSQCloutier Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I don't have Carrara yet. I have been primarily using Daz3d, Hexagon, and iClone 5. The latter works better for multiple animations simultaneously without too much bog-down on my computer. Don't get me wrong, I have animated up to 11 in Daz. But I have created a couple with 18 and 24 characters. I am only running a AMD A10-4600M with AMD Radeon HD 7660G + 7700M Dual Graphics in a laptop. My other system is currently undergoing an upgrade and I had to special order some parts.

  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493
    edited December 1969

    The sales can be a good time for picking up more programs. You've likely seen this product, but it is a good example of fur in Carrara:

    Lots of nice hair examples too. I think I'm slightly addicted to acquiring programs, lol.

  • SQCloutierSQCloutier Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It does look a lot smoother than my fur! I will get some books before I get the software. It annoys me when I get new software and my lack of familiarity creates a handicap. I wish-listed that. I already have the millennium cat and a few other Carrara items. Some do not load in Daz at all but between Hexagon and some texture adjustments I can usually get a facsimile to load into Daz.

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