Is support open today?

Is support open today? Just wondering because my local library is closed and I think the local banks are closed too. And I am pretty sure it is for a national holiday.
Also does adding comments to open support tickets put the ticket at back of the line or just stay in its same spot?
My guess would be no. If support has children, this is a holiday for most. But that is only my guess.
Customer Support is working today. :)
Actually, echools are open today. Federal agencies are closed, but not schools.
I added a new issue to an existing support ticket. Was I supposed to make a new support ticket for that issue?
It varies. It's a Federal Holiday which means all Federal Offices are closed. It varies school district to district. Schools are closed here in NY.
So what is the turn around for tickets?
2-4 business days usually.
Adding a comment to a ticket doesn't push the ticket to the back of the line. However, you should open new tickets for new issues. If you need to make a comment on an existing issue that is fine, but if it is a completely separate issue you need to create a new ticket.
How do I fix it? I added a new issue to an old ticket. Can I still make a new ticket or will that make things worse?
Don't worry about it. When support gets to your ticket they will either answer both or direct you to open a new ticket. Usually it is the former. Opening a new ticket at this point will just create more work for support.