--HOLY SMOKES! AN UPDATE!-- Carrara Challenge VI: Movie Night - Please join us!!

evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
edited November 2013 in The Commons

The entry thread for the challenge is now open!

The thread is here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33072/

Hey everybody,

I wanted to let everybody know that there is a great challenge going on in the Carrara Discussion forum!


For those that bought Carrara and don't know what to do with it, or those that have wondered what Carrara is, and what it can do, this is a great introduction to it. Even if you decide the contest is not for you, I encourage anybody to peruse the challenge WIP thread!

The theme is Movie Night and it is broadly interpreted to include what a movie night means to you: it could be scenes from your favorite movies, scenes you’d like to see, you could do a character study of people having a movie night, movie posters, still life pictures of things associated with movies. As I said, it’s a broad interpretation!

When the challenge is over, people can vote on their favorite entries. RingoMontfort and DAZ 3D have very generously donated prizes for the top three vote getters, and Ringo will determine an honorable mention. By the way, when voting opens, anybody can vote for their favorite entries.

There are a few requirements:

You must provide two WIPs (Works In Progress) in the challenge WIP thread. It’s a great way to get feedback, discuss techniques, share ideas, etc. etc.

Renders must be done in Carrara or using the Carrara Luxrender plugin (if done using the plugin, the WIP must say this, and have a basic explanation of the process).

DAZ figures and content are fine,as well as other Poser style content.

Three items in the scene must be either created in Carrara or significantly enhanced. Not sure what that means? Just ask in the WIP thread!

One of the three Carrara items must be either a volumetric cloud or a spline object. It does not have to be both!!

Here’s the link to the complete rules and the WIP thread again:

Please join us! Even if you don’t enter, there’s some info. about spline objects, and creating scenes in Carrara in general!

Post edited by evilproducer on


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2013

    Just a little inspiration. Can you guess the movie? ;-)

    Edited to add that this is not an entry!

    2000 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...crikey, love the theme, but no where near experienced enough with the modelling tools to enter.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    For the created in Carrara requirement, it could be shaders, or something that you've modified to significantly change it. Again, that could be objects, shaders, atmospheres, etc.

    As an example, the picture of Cherry above, uses a standard V4 with hidden vertices on the leg and machine gun parented to the thigh. The bandage is a very crude shape created with the vertice modeler. Basically it's a cylinder pushed and pulled to the general shape and smoothed. I didn't even UV map it. The shader was the hardest part, and that was fairly simple.

    Even if you don't enter, I was sincere when I encouraged people to take a look at the WIP thread. You'll see from some of the images and mini-tutorials that it's not too hard! That's why we have these challenges- to help lessen the intimidation factor!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    So using the image above as an example, it would be pretty easy to meet the 3 items created in Carrara requirement. In addition, the requirement to use a cloud or a spline object is met twofold. The concrete wall sections at the back of the scene are simple splines, and the explosion is a volumetric cloud.

    The other objects and shaders that would meet the requirements for made in Carrara are:

    The wrap around the leg of V4 plus the hidden vertices and the parented machine gun all change V4 enough to qualify as significantly modified.

    The leg wrap itself is a vertex object created in Carrara.

    The shader for the leg wrap was also a procedural shader created in Carrara.

    The shader on V4s tube top is a Carrara procedural shader.

    The shader on V4's dress is a custom procedural shader.

    The wall sections use a shader created n Carrara.

    The ground plane also uses a customized procedural shader,

    936 x 680 - 445K
    1235 x 622 - 149K
    979 x 806 - 186K
    991 x 755 - 238K
    986 x 727 - 547K
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Just wanted to update everybody.

    Tonight at some point I am opening the entry thread for the challenge linked to in the first post. People will then have seven days to complete their images and post them to the entry thread. It's not to late to enter!!

    If interested, you can still post the two required WIPs in the challenge WIP thread at any point during the entry period and submit your final entry into the entry thread!!!

    After the seven day entry period, anybody is free to vote. It doesn't matter if you entered or not. It also doesn't matter if you use Carrara! Voting is open to everybody!

    If you've never used Carrara and wondered about what it does, or can do, or you are considering getting it, then looking at the entries and the linked WIPs may give you a better idea of what Carrara can do or maybe provide that final nudge you need to get it!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    The entry thread for the Carrara monthly render challenge, Carrara Challenge VI: Movie Night, is now open for submissions!


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    The entry thread is getting some great renders! If you all have a chance, please check out what's been entered so far!


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