(and believe me, since we have started doing that instead of limited number of downloads with pain in the butt resets, our bandwidth usage has skyrocketed since it is being treated more and more like a cloud service for only needing what you need in your runtimes when you need it to keep them leaner)
Probably the only tuppenceworth I'll be tossing into this discussion: isn't that the way DAZ is forcing things to happen, considering that's exactly what the DIM automatic downloader/installer is designed to do?
I've been re-downloading a lot more in the last year or so than I used to do, but the majority of that is because there have been a lot more releases of fixes/updates that I have to download. And since I don't use DIM, there are a huge amount of re-downloads I haven't done, that I consider "not immediately vital, can wait until later".
Probably the only tuppenceworth I'll be tossing into this discussion: isn't that the way DAZ is forcing things to happen, considering that's exactly what the DIM automatic downloader/installer is designed to do?
I've been re-downloading a lot more in the last year or so than I used to do, but the majority of that is because there have been a lot more releases of fixes/updates that I have to download. And since I don't use DIM, there are a huge amount of re-downloads I haven't done, that I consider "not immediately vital, can wait until later".
Why is something about images and the galleries even in the EULA, isn't that more a site change and should be in an updated TOS?