Interesting Autofit Tricks

edited December 1969 in The Commons

I rarely post at all, but figured I'd mention some interesting autofit tricks, and see what type of tips and tricks other people have played around with:
1.) Carrying over morphs across objects: If you place the dsf file for a piece of genesis clothing in the Contents>Data>Daz 3d> Genesis> Base >Projection Templates folder, you can then use that object as base for conversions and all it's morphs will carry over into the converted object. Where this would be handy is for things needing a cleavage fix, or morphs you would use a lot in similar products> For example, I believe the G-Suit has loosen cuffs, seam morphs, and the such- Put the G-suit dsf in the Bodysuit folder of the Projection templates, and try it next time you convert a bodysuit from V4- The original clothing's morphs + the G-suit morphs will both be in the newly converted object. Other useful items would be a long dress with a sitting morph or maybe the morphs from the Gen MFD, long hairs with the Wind and blow, right and left morphs, etc.
2.) Recycling second skins: It's quite feasible to take an object like Victoria 3, zero her and fit her to Genesis, and autofit her using the V3 option. Since it doesn't change the material groups, second skin outfits made for V3 would then work on the newly created figure.
Anyone have interesting uses of the autofit tool?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Holy Smokes!! Tutorials please. I understand bodysuit to bodysuit, but Long hair to long hair? That would only work if the two items where very close in mesh design wouldn't it? Or am I missing something that is right in front of me?

  • edited December 1969

    I should note, this is all with 4.5, not sure on 4.0. Just started playing with it all last night :) With the long hair to long hair, not every morph turns out perfect, but the general morphs tend to work well- things like Lengthen, and the such. Ponytails, as far as I can tell, are not possible though. Since this is experimenting to find the best combo's, try this: Take a nice big long hair for genesis, that has some decent morphs- Copy the .dsf or .duf into the Project Templates folder, (if it's a duf, you can change the extension to .dsf and it still works), and then convert a long hair from, say, v4 using the genesis hair as your template.
    Test out the morphs- sometimes it's a bust, and it's just all over, sometimes it's ideal. It's just playing around till you find a good general base one for your use :)
    Things like the Dresss, also, are usefull- You can place in a long, full dress instead of the knee length one.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay, this sounds very very interesting. How about a list of things that you have done that works so we all do not have to stumble apon the working combos by ourselfs?

    Please! :cheese:

  • edited December 1969

    TBH, I'd have to defer that to someone with more commercial products then I have :) My best successes in hair so far have been with my own self-made hairs, and transfering the morphs I made in them over to converted products, but what I've learned from that is the larger and wider the hair, the better it seems to work. Looking at the store products, I'd imagine something like the Gregoria Hair or the hairs from the classic bundle would work well- they have the bulk and the length needed to kinda 'overlap' many of the older v4 and v3 hairs. I'd love to see what people find that work the best, myself, so I know what to purchase for it in the future :D
    Another interesting thing this brings up is the possibilty of someone creating a new set of generic morph templates for people to use- of course no one universal peice is going to work for every item, but a loose pants w/ flare, lengthen, and bulk morphs template; a teeshirt with a tuck in morph, cleavage fix, etc template; Dress with flow right/left, sit, lengthen/shorten, etc; hair with lengthen, shorten, right, left (hair is fickle); High heeled shoes template; etc, etc, etc for the conversion needs. No reason we can't see template packages coming out in the future.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Thank you for the honesty and clear answer. I do love that the new features of DS4 has opened all these NEW ideas and possible ways to do things with content. This is the second thread I have read that had a new way to do things that only the DS4 program can do and let people like you think of the way to do it. I see changes in content creation not far off.

    EDIT: Not new ways, but new types of content.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • edited December 1969

    It is very nice. I remember the old days, when you if you wanted to put a morph in something, you fired up Poser Pro, applied this file to Right Collar, another file to Left Collar, another to the neck, and so and so on.. Injection Morphs and the use of Morph Managers were a dream come true. In order to rig up clothing, you either hand rigged, or used a donor file , sometimes with limited success.
    The other night my niece asked me to make her Korra from the new Avatar cartoons. Typically I'd scour ShareCG to find something close to what I needed, and either modify that or end up making an outfit from scratch/starters, curse myself for not having foresight when I realized it had no movement morphs and none of the shaping morphs, get frustrated, put it away for 2 months, then finally finish it. LOL.
    With D|S 4.5, exporting out Genesis, using an extraction tool and some simple planes, a bit of clean up on the edges, and then using the Transfer utility with a generic dress with morphs that I placed in the templates folder, bam.. Korra's outfit was done, rigged, fit, and ready for me to texture in an evening. The only thing I'm missing is a hair for her, and that's only because I'm being too lazy to make a triple ponytail style.
    If someone had told me it would become this way back when I first started playing with the then fledgling D|S , back when it was all tell-ware, I'd have thought they were insane. Strand based hair and soft-sculpt / object based dynamic clothing would be nice..but I'm happy to just be able to model rig, and morph in D|S as easily as I can. Granted, the fastest methods (extraction and shrinkwrap modeling for clothing) is only good for personal use- but for me, everything I make is typically for personal use anyhow, so it's perfect. :)
    Ok, I've wandered way off topic now, so I'm going to run off now and play some more. Have fun experimenting with the Autofit stuff :)

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Hey, I never though if that, very clever indeed. I've noticed though that Autofit in 4.5 is much better, some old M3 stuff I tried in 4.0 fell apart (ploys where not properly welded som boots cracked up and shirts and pants broke, this seems to be all fixed in 4.5, at least most of it.

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited July 2012

    Ebahr said:

    2.) Recycling second skins: It's quite feasible to take an object like Victoria 3, zero her and fit her to Genesis, and autofit her using the V3 option. Since it doesn't change the material groups, second skin outfits made for V3 would then work on the newly created figure.

    This one goes much further than just second skins - it equally applies to full character skins, and Gen 3 character skins can't otherwise be used on Genesis without putting them through TC2. Autofit a V3 character to Genesis, go into the surfaces editor and turn all of the Genesis skin surfaces from lips to toenails to transparent (to handle any pokethrough) and there you have it, Genesis wearing a Gen 3 skin.

    The only issue I've found so far is that the autofitted V3 seems to lose the toe bone, not figured that one out just yet! (I'm using Studio btw, not 4.5, so it might be taken care of there, but it does prove 4.5 isn't necessary for Ebahr's ideas to work).

    The example below is the V3 Real Woman skin, applied to V3 at the left, and on the right to V3 autofitted to Genesis, with a Gen-X'd version of the V3 Real Woman Morph applied.
    800 x 565 - 74K
    Post edited by DWG on
  • edited December 1969

    Very cool. If you have the V3 morphs injected to V3 prior to autofiting her, they should all carry over also- so all the fun of V3, all the perks of Genesis. Nice way to recycle the G3 figures for future use. :) For the poke through, a smoothing modifier placed on the converted V3 should take care most of that anyhow, but turning Gen transparent is easy and a bit less taxing on the PC. :)

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited July 2012

    Ebahr said:
    Very cool. If you have the V3 morphs injected to V3 prior to autofiting her, they should all carry over also- so all the fun of V3, all the perks of Genesis. Nice way to recycle the G3 figures for future use. :) For the poke through, a smoothing modifier placed on the converted V3 should take care most of that anyhow, but turning Gen transparent is easy and a bit less taxing on the PC. :)

    Thanks, but it was your cool idea I built it on. I've identified one limitation - toe bones going astray (note the left foot in the image below), but that may be fixable once we get a better handle on the process - it may not even be a problem in 4.5.

    (Doh! paragraph deleted as I didn't realise which forum we were in)
    565 x 800 - 31K
    Post edited by DWG on
  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    Ebahr said:
    For the poke through, a smoothing modifier placed on the converted V3 should take care most of that anyhow, but turning Gen transparent is easy and a bit less taxing on the PC. :)

    As far as I can tell the autofitted V3 doesn't offer smoothing, unfortunately.

    I've figured out that the issue with the toes is an artefact of autofitting with bodysuit selected. If you autofit with thigh boots instead, then the toes are retained, but you lose every bone above the abdomen instead, with everything from the thighs up going completely bizarre. Combining two V3s, one for toes (or lower legs), one for the rest, isn't 100% successful, the thigh boots and bodysuit shapes aren't 100% compatible down the shin and foot and there are visibly two shapes poking through each other, but would work in some circumstances.

    We really need a full body option with the complete set of bones for autofit.
  • edited July 2012

    DWG said:
    Combining two V3s, one for toes (or lower legs), one for the rest, isn't 100% successful, the thigh boots and bodysuit shapes aren't 100% compatible down the shin and foot and there are visibly two shapes poking through each other, but would work in some circumstances.

    We really need a full body option with the complete set of bones for autofit.

    I'm not at a rendering PC at the moment, but that may be easily solvable- Grab a copy of your Genesis .dsf or .duf (can change duf to dsf if needed), and put it in the Projection Templates> Bodysuit folder. Then use that instead of the bodysuit template. I haven't tried it yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't work... Of course, everytime I normally say that, something blows up.

    Edited to fix an odd quoting fubar :D

    Post edited by e-bahr_b0b4c77606 on
  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    Ebahr said:
    that may be easily solvable- Grab a copy of your Genesis .dsf or .duf (can change duf to dsf if needed), and put it in the Projection Templates> Bodysuit folder. Then use that instead of the bodysuit template. I haven't tried it yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't work...

    I copied the .dsf over and it works perfectly! It also seems to have cured a minor oddity I was seeing on the sole of the left slipper, which may have been due to the Genesis+V3 bodysuit fit not covering the foot perfectly. That is a really neat trick.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited December 1969

    What a great idea! Thank you for sharing...

    I would suggest Quarkers Sapphire hair would be a good place to start. Don't have time at the moment but will give it a try later.

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited July 2012

    It turns out that autofitting a Gen 3 skin onto Genesis hits major problems the moment you try to open the combo's mouth (at least with Studio v4.0.3.47). It looks like the mapping/rigging isn't close enough and vertices are attaching to the wrong jaw, for quite a gruesome look (OTOH if someone is wanting to do a version of 'I have no mouth, and I must scream'...)

    Details at

    Post edited by DWG on
  • edited December 1969

    Interesting.. Those effects will be perfect for the Venom and Carnage figures I was planning on making later on :D It looks like the lip postition is just off enough where the auto-fit isn't sure what is top, what is bottom, and almost seems to be welding where the verts meet up. I'm using 4.5, so I'll take a closer peek later on.

  • edited July 2012

    Ok, don't mind the twistedness of the images, but it may be useful to someone with an idea on a work around: Image on the left- Genesis with M3 fit to her/him, using the Genesis mouth to open the mouth. On the Right, same Genesis, same M3 (Genesis hidden for clarity) but using the M3 Open Mouth morph. So it doesn't appear it's a geometry error, as much as it is a morph translation error. (The inner mouth and tongue on M3 seems to distort either way, though.
    M3 brought over using 4.5, Auto-Fit using Genesis.dsf. Same results happened using a basic bodysuit, though- just the toes were messed up using the suit. Using the 4.5 Autofit, it has both the Genesis Morphs, and the M3 morphs.
    Correction: Inner mouth works with using the M3 morph, it's Teeth/ Tongue / and Gums that distort no matter which morph set you use.

    Wait.. This may be all wrong, that may be an M4- Let me double check again, I'll repost later. Either way, though, it's the same distortion on the mouth areas, it seems, so most likely the same cause.

    735 x 492 - 95K
    Post edited by e-bahr_b0b4c77606 on
  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    Getting the lips and inner mouth open without distortion is a definite step forward, and it may not be a complete dead-end if we can't fix the teeth and gums, given the existence of the Millennium Teeth - .

  • MacSaversMacSavers Posts: 324
    edited November 2013

    I know this is an older thread, but recently I had gone through a lot of my older purchases and found a V3 character that I had always liked and decided to see if I could resurrect her via Genesis. To say this was an undertaking is an understatement. I had to purchase an add-on to Generation X, the V3 M3 add-on to be specific, and then follow the steps in this thread to a degree to get it to work.

    The character is called Elenna by Bice on Renderosity. It's a very good character for some of the type of character renders I like to do, but even trying to get the texture to work on V4.2 was problematic, actually causing DazStudio to crash. So, moving to V4.2 wasn't an option, hence my journey down this path.

    First, I had to navigate the Generation X tutorial and interface. This took a while, but eventually I got the Elenna INJ for both the body and the head installed. I had to use GenX to give me the morphs and then I had to dial in each morph. It would have been nice if I could have named the item since it named it Victoria 3 and I would have preferred Elenna since I want to try a few more V3 characters I have. Still, while time consuming, it did work for the most part. I'll point out some of the differences though.

    Next, I had to find a way to get the Elenna V3 skin map over to the new Genesis character. This proved problematic as well. I placed a V3 with all of Elenna's INJ and skin map to compare it with. Here's what I had to do next:

    1) Place another V3 character in the scene (I named it Elenna). Apply the Elenna skin map to V3.

    2) With the V3 zeroed out by default, I parented the V3 to Genesis. This almost put the skin to the Elenna modified Genesis perfectly, but I saw several poke throughs and they even showed in the render. Very odd.

    3) Now, while Elenna was parented to Genesis, they were on the same level, so I moved Genesis inside Elenna in the Scene tab. Then I turned off the visibility of Genesis. I now had Elenna's texture showing with Genesis's morphs for Elenna still working. Now there's no poke through and it rendered very well.

    Now, for the differences: I'm finding that the face is a bit more stretched on the Genesis version of Elenna. The morphs are stretched, but the texture matches the same stretch, so it maps fine, just the face itself seems stretched. The mouth is wider especially. There are some issues with the breast morphs and the abdomen's muscles aren't as prominent. I applied a Genesis pose to both models as well and as expected, the V3 didn't behave perfectly, but it did better than I thought, so I left the pose intact.

    Lastly, for a final test, I applied the Svana Armor to the Genesis version of Elenna. I've included it below.

    Image removed for nudity. Please review this thread.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
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