Mega Prize Is Here!



  • Kevin RyeKevin Rye Posts: 392
    edited November 2013

    jerham said:
    DAZ_Jon said:
    Novica said:
    So you're saying tier one folks got access to the discount codes for tier 2?

    They got to see the codes, but if they tried to use them, it wouldn't let them. Only people who are in the segment that unlocked T2 can use the codes, so if the codes are shared, it won't do anyone any good. It just is a bit sad that we got some T1 unlockers' hopes up with T2 codes when the logic was a bit off and wasn't showing the proper set of codes to them.

    That is exactly what bothers me....

    - When this started there was no mention about different tiers for the mega prize (as far as i know).
    - No mention about when you qualify for Tier 2 (i have several weeks Tier 1 and also Tier 2, only bought what i needed).

    So i was happy to see Tier 2....and (again) disappointed with this whole sale.

    (sorry this really bothers me)

    Still better yet, your "Mega Prize" is NOTHING but a discount on other products. Who would have bothered?

    I feel the same. This is not a prize. We got a 20-item mega bundle in the beginning for nothing. That being said, I though the "MEGA PRIZE" at the end was going to be something totally insane. It turned out to be just a few discounts. Sure the $50 one is nice, but for the other stuff (like the M6 discount) I'll have to spend more money to use my "prize"? Not to mention the $50 is not for new releases, so does that mean we can't apply it to M6 when it comes out? Talk about adding insult to injury!

    If I knew it was going to just be a coupon, I probably wouldn't have bothered buying things I didn't necessarily want just to unlock the tiers.

    I know what they say when you "assume", but given all the chatter in the forum, I think the DAZ collective pretty much agreed that the mega prize was going to be M6 related. I'm also pretty sure we all "assumed" it was going to be free.

    I thought I was doing this all along to get the mega prize at the end and that the little $6 and 20% discounts along the way were gravy. I guess not.

    Post edited by Kevin Rye on
  • MardookMardook Posts: 292
    edited December 1969


    Is anybody really surprised?!

    Not me and thank you DAZ, a lesson learned.

    Bye now! :D

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    Well first there was the confusion over who earned a Tier 1 vs a Tier 2 Mega Prize.

    I logged in early this morning and saw a Tier 2 Megaprize but couldn't use the coupons. This is normal for DAZ so I didn't think much of it. Then, later, when I checked again, I found that I had only earned a Tier 1 Megaprize. Does anyone know what the criteria was for earning a Tier 2 vs a Tier 1 Megaprize? Shouldn't the multi-billion dollar DAZ Corp have explained that right at the start? In fact, I don't even remember them mentioning Tier 1 and Tier 2 Megaprizes ... only a single Megaprize. What a mega-confusion over a mega-complex, mega-misleading promotion! A mega-disappointment!

    Anyway, then there is the "MegaPrize" itself. 10% off Michael 6? Are you kidding me? This is a "MEGA" prize? My Week 5 Tier 2 rewards are actually worth more than my Tier 1 Megaprize! ... But don't forget you only get three days to use that $6 coupon!

    For me, this whole promotion has been overly complex and ultimately unrewarding. I'm not impressed, but another lesson has been learned, so it wasn't a total waste of time.

  • Kevin RyeKevin Rye Posts: 392
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:
    Well first there was the confusion over who earned a Tier 1 vs a Tier 2 Mega Prize.

    I logged in early this morning and saw a Tier 2 Megaprize but couldn't use the coupons. This is normal for DAZ so I didn't think much of it. Then, later, when I checked again, I found that I had only earned a Tier 1 Megaprize. Does anyone know what the criteria was for earning a Tier 2 vs a Tier 1 Megaprize? Shouldn't the multi-billion dollar DAZ Corp have explained that right at the start? In fact, I don't even remember them mentioning Tier 1 and Tier 2 Megaprizes ... only a single Megaprize. What a mega-confusion over a mega-complex, mega-misleading promotion! A mega-disappointment!

    Anyway, then there is the "MegaPrize" itself. 10% off Michael 6? Are you kidding me? This is a "MEGA" prize? My Week 5 Tier 2 rewards are actually worth more than my Tier 1 Megaprize! ... But don't forget you only get three days to use that $6 coupon!

    For me, this whole promotion has been overly complex and ultimately unrewarding. I'm not impressed, but another lesson has been learned, so it wasn't a total waste of time.

    In DAZ's defense, the criteria and rules for the Mega Prize Tier 1 and Tier 2 stuff was pretty well laid out all over the top of the page for the week. How did you not see it?

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    I would appreciate an announcement of when M6 will be available. I understand it will likely be next week, but to me, M6 is the true prize here.

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    ryemac3 said:
    acanthis said:
    Does anyone know what the criteria was for earning a Tier 2 vs a Tier 1 Megaprize?

    In DAZ's defense, the criteria and rules for the Mega Prize Tier 1 and Tier 2 stuff was pretty well laid out all over the top of the page for the week. How did you not see it?

    I envy you your perfect powers of observation and understanding. How does it feel? .... being so close to superhuman?

  • Proxima ShiningProxima Shining Posts: 969
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:
    Well first there was the confusion over who earned a Tier 1 vs a Tier 2 Mega Prize.

    I logged in early this morning and saw a Tier 2 Megaprize but couldn't use the coupons. This is normal for DAZ so I didn't think much of it. Then, later, when I checked again, I found that I had only earned a Tier 1 Megaprize. Does anyone know what the criteria was for earning a Tier 2 vs a Tier 1 Megaprize? Shouldn't the multi-billion dollar DAZ Corp have explained that right at the start? In fact, I don't even remember them mentioning Tier 1 and Tier 2 Megaprizes ... only a single Megaprize. What a mega-confusion over a mega-complex, mega-misleading promotion! A mega-disappointment!

    Anyway, then there is the "MegaPrize" itself. 10% off Michael 6? Are you kidding me? This is a "MEGA" prize? My Week 5 Tier 2 rewards are actually worth more than my Tier 1 Megaprize! ... But don't forget you only get three days to use that $6 coupon!

    For me, this whole promotion has been overly complex and ultimately unrewarding. I'm not impressed, but another lesson has been learned, so it wasn't a total waste of time.

    To earn Tier 2 Megaprize, you had to reach Tier 2 three times (in 3 Weeks out of 5). I am not sure how much was needed to qualify for Tier 1 Megaprize. DAZ explained the rules many times, it was in several threads here in Forum, probably in store as well, that I am not sure of, but I was not actively looking for it there, since I already knew. You are right that they did not mention what the Megaprize is till the very end.

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    ryemac3 told me I was an idiot for not seeing it at the top of the page. Well, I didn't see it and I didn't see the forum posts you're mentioning, so obviously I am an idiot.

    Anyway, this whole thing was just too complex. Never again.

  • GhengisFarbGhengisFarb Posts: 173
    edited November 2013

    The 50% off Mega Coupon for PA Vendors involved in the Sale, is that a one time use only are an unlimited use? All the other codes say but that one.

    Post edited by GhengisFarb on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Yes it's a multi use coupon as far as we can tell. Other forum members have tested it and said they used it a couple times

  • James.ezJames.ez Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    a bunch of coupons? how is this a mega prize? Week after week I bought a bunch of stuff that I will never use and this is the mega prize. feeling really jipped.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Why on earth would you buy stuff you will never use?

  • James.ezJames.ez Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    don't worry I won't be buying from Daz again.

  • swordvisionsswordvisions Posts: 124
    edited December 1969

    Well, I am not too disappointed. Reaching Tier 2 3 out of 5 weeks was not that hard will all the freebies and PC items. In the past the only way to win was you had to buy it all which cost several hundred dollars and you had not choice you literally had to buy everything whether you could use it or not.

    In the 9 or 10 years I was a member, I never reached the buy it all level. However, the prize was really nice like a free pro bundle.

    I liked the fact that I did not have to buy everything. I only bought things I could use and easily reached tier 2 3 times in 5 weeks. I think the rewards are fair for the amount of money I spent especially compared to the buy it all promotions in past years.

  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    For me the $50 Daz coupon and the Gen5 Pro bundle freebies made it worth while. However I don't think I'll be buying anymore male/female starter bundles.

  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:
    ryemac3 told me I was an idiot for not seeing it at the top of the page. Well, I didn't see it and I didn't see the forum posts you're mentioning, so obviously I am an idiot.

    Anyway, this whole thing was just too complex. Never again.

    An idiot, no. Blind, perhaps...

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    Idiot, blind, or possibly someone who has a life outside of the DAZ forums and doesn't want to search for essential information in posts scattered across different threads when it should be stated plainly in the announcements and store pages.

  • GhengisFarbGhengisFarb Posts: 173
    edited December 1969

    For me the $50 Daz coupon and the Gen5 Pro bundle freebies made it worth while. However I don't think I'll be buying anymore male/female starter bundles.

    Same here, I'm happy with the sale. I would be happier with a free M6, or even and M6 now, but I'll wait and see how the bundles come out and what's in them. :D

    I just really wish there was a discount on the Predatron Heroine Bundle, can't use the 50% off because it's a New Release. No 44% discount on it because it's not a "new enough" release. :P

  • James.ezJames.ez Posts: 0
    edited November 2013

    I didn't see that it was 50 bucks off I looked at it and thought it was another 50% off coupon. sorry Daz I take it back :)

    Post edited by James.ez on
  • Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,224
    edited November 2013

    I'm thinking that the term "Mega" goes to the same waste-bin of over-hype promo jargon that "Shock and Awe" was entombed.

    Post edited by Dream Cutter on
  • GhengisFarbGhengisFarb Posts: 173
    edited November 2013

    I'm thinking that the term "Mega" goes to the same waste-bin of over-hype promo jargon that "Shock and Awe" was entombed.

    Or "soon."

    But it was fairly "mega" in context, $50 to spend? It's not like they were going to go Oprah and give us keys to a new car.

    Post edited by GhengisFarb on
  • Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,224
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Why on earth would you buy stuff you will never use?

    The answer is depends how they feel at the time. Its a rare and desirable personal characteristic you demonstrate, Frank. Most people shop on emotion rather than need.

    Seems scope of decision affected by emotion doesn't matter because you see the effect in purchasing habits whether its an individual considering buying brand name or generic dish detergent affecting pennies or government procurement official purchasing the next generation over the top and redundant weapons system costing billions.

  • GhengisFarbGhengisFarb Posts: 173
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Why on earth would you buy stuff you will never use?

    The answer is depends how they feel at the time. Its a rare and desirable personal characteristic you demonstrate, Frank. Most people shop on emotion rather than need.

    Seems scope of decision affected by emotion doesn't matter because you see the effect in purchasing habits whether its an individual considering buying brand name or generic dish detergent affecting pennies or government procurement official purchasing the next generation over the top and redundant weapons system costing billions.
    I bought a few <$4 items to qualify for the D5 and M5 pro Bundles. it saved me more $in the long run.</p>

  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    There is a saying that people get the government they deserve. The same applies to other areas of life. Those that can't be bothered to put in a little bit of effort to read, research, buy stuff that they want, base their decisions on what is rather than what might be have no right to be upset. Life is crap. Get over it because there are too many idiots in your way to do much about it.

  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    araneldon said:
    Idiot, blind, or possibly someone who has a life outside of the DAZ forums and doesn't want to search for essential information in posts scattered across different threads when it should be stated plainly in the announcements and store pages.

    Don't get me wrong, I think that the Mega Prize isn't bad, but it's also not exactly what we were all expecting it to be either. But the info that you missed was hardly hard to find, and assuming that you participated in the event, most people would have come across that info t some point, if not going looking for it on purpose. I guess I do agree though that if you were able to miss it, then it wasn't visible enough.

    Sorry about the "blind" remark. :(

  • swordvisionsswordvisions Posts: 124
    edited November 2013

    I was doing a little calculating, and Daz was actually fairly generous with it Mega prize. A person could have reached Tier 2 by spending as little as $65 to $70

    2 freebies - 0
    7 Pc release at 1.59 = 11.13 (the first 2 weeks had 8 pc releases)
    3 items (3.5 to 5) = 12 (each week there were (3 or 4)PC bundles or PA items under $5 many under $4)

    = 23 each week
    you only had to reach tier 2 3 times to get the mega prize = $66

    Just the one $50 coupon almost made it worth while.

    On average there was 2 freebies each week and 7 PC releases at 1.59 so a person could have reached tier one for as little as $20.

    Post edited by swordvisions on
  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    I remember not getting a point for one of the freebies, cant remember which one though.

  • am999am999 Posts: 33
    edited December 1969

    I was doing a little calculating, and Daz was actually fairly generous with it Mega prize. A person could have reached Tier 2 by spending as little as $65 to $70

    2 freebies - 0
    7 Pc release at 1.59 = 11.13 (the first 2 weeks had 8 pc releases)
    3 items (3.5 to 5) = 12 (each week there were (3 or 4)PC bundles or PA items under $5 many under $4)

    = 23 each week
    you only had to reach tier 2 3 times to get the mega prize = $66

    Just the one $50 coupon almost made it worth while.

    On average there was 2 freebies each week and 7 PC releases at 1.59 so a person could have reached tier one for as little as $20.

    Yes, and if one has not bought all the weekly prize bundles already, the sale could have paid off even more (e.g. David 5 Pro, Aiko 5 Pro etc.).
  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Has anyone gotten the coupons to stack? So far I have been unsuccessful in getting any of the coupons to work within a single cart. One just overrides the other.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    The software does not allow stacking of coupons. You can only use one coupon per order.

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