Exporting FBX from Daz -
I own the facial pipeline for IClone and when I import the characters from Daz they shine and have a poor surface quality as attached -
I did manage to get a decent genesis child out of it but I was thinking about buying some avatars and my exports look far from professional. I have a iclone character on the left and the genesis two on the right.
Boy Genesis
Anybody got any idea - I tried using the Auto Desk Avatar builder and got similar results. Is it that these are just low quality avatars , my settings or similar - or do I need to buy some new skins.????????
I'm lost - I guess these could be just low poly - ???????????????????
I seem to be able to produce decent graphics but my card is just an ATI Radeon HD 5450 -
945 Quad Core
8 gb Ram DDr3
I did check my video card and every thing was supported and the only thing not turned on was the pixel buffer size -
This was the answer I got from IClone - In case someone else sees or researches this post
DAZ Characters in general have a high specular map on multiple UV areas.
When you load into 3DXchange, choose those areas (Shortcut "Y") and reduce the specular slider level for each area you want to change.
Some areas look OK, some not, so it is a personal choice.
Hello again RGuy,
Do you have any update on the answer provided to you by iClone support?
I apply a shader I saved using the default Daz shader modified a bit so all spectacular and shininess removed
to the all the skin bodyparts selected in surfaces holding control
copy this and save it as a .duf file
select surfaces and apply