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...and here is the one I have on my workstation:
That's what I do. My wallpaper is a pic of my wife's cat, who passed away two years ago. She was 22 years old. Beth (my wife) still isn't ready to get another kitty yet, but I like seeing the image when I start up the computer.
I run dual monitors but I currently have the same picture on both because I haven't figured out what I want on the second one yet.
Right now I'm using my picture from the September freebie challenge.
Okay, a question I've always wanted an answer to- how do you set up dual monitors? How does the computer know what to show on what screen? DUH. Love that render btw- the girl is sure to win the race, right?
That is fun! At least someone could drink that- if it was an image of Jesus that cup would have to sit there for eternity.
duel monitors is awesome, and really easy to set up, its harder to explain than it is to do really. if you can, def set up duels, you will never want to go back to a single monitor again
Well .. For more than 3 or 4 years, I only use pictures of the actress:
I am a Brazilian black, in love with her beauty. The desktop of my 3 computers are with her images. There are several pictures, and they alternate at every 2 minutes.
I get extremely angry when my sister comes to spend the weekend at my house, and it changes my desktop to windows default.
Some time ago, I wore Liv Tyler.
I think ... Hilary Swank and Liv Tyler are the two most beautiful women in the world!!
I'm with Richard, although I tend to use a medium blue instead of grey. Have I mentioned I'm extremely non-visual?
ok I will play this is mine
Very nice! I love big cats. Those eyes are so...confident. Dinnertime!
Hilary and Liv are certainly class acts, those are lovely.
What work inspired that picture, if you don't mind my asking? The appendages on his wrists are ringing a bell for me from a story I came across many years ago, and I can't for the life of me place it.
Sure. =-) It is from Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Sime Gen book House of Zeor.
That is fun! At least someone could drink that- if it was an image of Jesus that cup would have to sit there for eternity.
...I like it as it involves two of my favourite things, coffee and flutterbys.
...and all my icons show up nicely against it.
I have four different desktops on four different computers. The one at my office is usually the latest render I've done (that's office safe, that is.) The one on my rendering computer at home, on the other hand, is an image of Summer Glau from Terminator- The Sarah Connors Chronicles. My netbook alternates between a photomontage of Max Max going to the supermarket (don't ask) and a shot of Kim Possible and Shego. Finally, my Asus Slate, which is basically a Windows 7 tablet with a Wacom Cintique built in, has an interactive pond image/screen saver that ripples when you touch the touch screen.
I always think of Stonemason's Winter Terrains when I see that.
YES!!! I nearly swooned when I first saw that in his store.
theres an app called displayfusion that i use
you can set up 2 Monitors differently
just google
It's really pretty easy.
First make sure your video card can support 2 monitors. Most modern ones do just look for 2 monitor plugs on the back. Then get a second monitor that has a plug that matches the second plug on your video card (HDMI, DVI, VGA etc) with the appropriate cable and plug it in.
You computer should see it right away and the display control panel should pop up so you can configure how you want them to be setup. Just make sure that under the multiple displays section you select "Extend these displays" and you should be good to go.
You'll be able to select one of the displays and check the box for "Make this my main display". This will usually default to the original monitor you had plugged in. From then on whenever you launch an app for the first time it will launch on the main display. To move it just grab the title bar and drag it across to the other display. Windows is pretty good about remembering which display the app was on when it closed and will re-launch it there afterwards.
Once you try this setup you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
I started in an Atari 800, it had 256 colors, I choose blue.
I upgraded to an Amiga 1000, it had 4096 colors, I chose blue
I went to Windows 3.11 this dumbed be down to 16 colors, I chose blue.
Then Mac os 7,8,and 9: blue
Window 95,98; XP, Me, Server 2004, Server 2008: blue
Mac OS X .1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,8 blue (I don't have .7 or .9 but if I did: blue)
Simple reasons, if I crash to my desktop after several hours of precision work I don't want a basket of cuddley puppies to mocking me to submit a report that's tantamount to buplkis. I wan't the coldness of blue. Blue suppresses the appetite and keeps there are only two blue foods: Blue Italian Ice (the flavor is blue) and cake frosting (blueberries are purple, but purple berries sounds like some hallucinogenic given to children by puppets) mold that grows on food is blue. Blue may be the most productive color in the world
My Mac desktop is a little outdoor scene that I crank up and tweak from time to time to play with different effects...texture painting, instances, and the like.
My last pass was to take a stab at godrays. I like the direction the sunlight is trying to head, but it needs more godray-ishness and less spotlight-ishness. And maybe a little morning mist around the corners.
At the moment, my wallpaper is a render I did while playing with BishounenTaurus's Visual Style Shaders.
The left is a 3d render I'm working on and is displayed on the left hand monitor while the right image is what happened to my cat after she ran into a PS filter. Displayed on the right hand monitor.
Love that render HastyDave!
Yep -- I find having a desktop image distracting, blues and cold colors bring me down, so I've got my favorite shade of green there (not at home to pull it up -- you'd think I'd've memorized it by now!).
My netbook can't run anything but Win7 Starter (changing the desktop image is a pain, I'm still on the default surfpic), and my tablet's got an animation of roiling green clouds. I've considered working up something for my cellphone screens, but haven't thought of anything yet.
Boring 0,0,0. Easier on the eyes. An old habit to reduce CRT burn in and emissions , not really applicable now though.
Although LED screens emit more UV than the LCD.
Like many, I always place my latest render on the screen so that I can view it. Though I don't usually get to look at it for too long as the next wip image goes up while I'm working it and I'm constantly working for improvement. I'm driven to create something at all times. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it were not for Daz.
My current favorites are my Pink and my Chaos images that have been entered in the PC challenges. The one on my desktop at the moment is for the Twisted Fairie Tales contest at DSA and I'm not completely sure if the TOS would allow it. It is called Rapunzel if anyone wants to go looking for it at the site.
Been playing more with fractals lately, so usually have my newest one as my desktop. A friend named this one for me. A Mystic Eye.
Wow, that's nice Ameesa. It reminds me of a couple of Apophysis 3D fractals I did a few years ago. I especially like the colors, though I'm not sure I could look at something like that on my monitor for any length of time because of it's brightness.
Which fractal software did you use to create it?
All these are fantastic but dumb as this may sound what size do you render so the picture fits your screen? I have issues with the numbers I put in the renderer and what size the render comes out...its never what I think it should be.
Mine. :red:
My screen res is 1600 x 900 and I render at some variation of the ratio, if I want a full screen render. If I use a different ratio I make sure that the height is 900, or a multiple of 900 so I can centre the image
I usually have one of my renders as the desktop background, normally one of my latest but occasionally I'll put an older one up if I feel like a change and have nothing new to use.
My desktop is 1680x1050 (16:10 ratio), a lot of my renders end up in that format so they'll fit but some are done different sizes if it suits the render.
Anyway I currently have one of my latest renders up, done for the Platinum Club Anniversary Render Contest, a smaller version is below, the full sized version is in the contest thread in the members only Forum, without the desktop icons.