OT: Oh the Joys of Time Change

whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
edited December 1969 in The Commons

So at least where I live, the time changed and it always takes a little getting used to. I'm just now up and ready for breakfast. Normally all that is behind me by now lol.

So what's the agenda for today? I could write (for NaNoWriMo) and play games or I could write and render!!!!

I think I know the obvious choice. It'd much better than staring at the computer in my zombie stupor that I am now.

Got any plans for today?


  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    So at least where I live, the time changed and it always takes a little getting used to. I'm just now up and ready for breakfast. Normally all that is behind me by now lol.

    So what's the agenda for today? I could write (for NaNoWriMo) and play games or I could write and render!!!!

    I think I know the obvious choice. It'd much better than staring at the computer in my zombie stupor that I am now.

    Got any plans for today?

    Sort both my 15kg beadwork collection and my winter/reserve footwear, and by extension to organize up the wardrobe where both are located :p
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited November 2013

    i'm tempted to move to Arizona where most of the state doesn't observe daylight saving time. Hawaii doesn't observe daylight saving time either.

    I'm going to play with Daz Studio 3 now. I'm going shopping at the Daz store after I find some loose change.

    edited for clarity.

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • Three WishesThree Wishes Posts: 471
    edited December 1969

    i'm tempted to move to Arizona where most of the state doesn't observe daylight saving time. Hawaii doesn't observe daylight saving time either.

    I'm one of those hapless types who cannot do a simple time zone calculation without staring into space for five minutes and counting on my fingers. I thought when I moved to Arizona I'd left all that behind me. But my employer is headquartered in California. So tomorrow morning, I stop my half-year of opening my workday in synch with the company clock, and start my half-year of cranking up an hour later.

    Even in Arizona, there is no escape.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Yes, you can't get away from it totally. There's always someone in another time zone you have to contact, and they, more than likely, will be in a time zone that does observe DST. ~shakes head~

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    My cats are still confused over the time change, and we changed last weekend. They don't understand why we keep oversleeping, according to cat's food o clock.

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    I had great expectations of getting a lot done today but with the time change, a nasty cold, and meds, I'm zonking out in the chair and can't keep my eyes open.

    I think I'll get up and take a shower and make some tea.

    So far I've wrote about 600 words and 1/2 of a render in Carrara.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    it always takes me like a month to get all the clocks on the same time, i always miss one or two somehow. So I end up in these weird situations where I am wondering how it took me an hour to walk from the kitchen to the living room or how i got back to the kitchen an hour be fore i left the other room

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited December 1969

    ... So I end up in these weird situations where I am wondering how it took me an hour to walk from the kitchen to the living room or how i got back to the kitchen an hour be fore i left the other room

    Does it make a difference if you walk in clockwise or counterclockwise paths?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2013

    ... So I end up in these weird situations where I am wondering how it took me an hour to walk from the kitchen to the living room or how i got back to the kitchen an hour be fore i left the other room

    Does it make a difference if you walk in clockwise or counterclockwise paths?

    You two are BAD :)

    Well it caught me off guard today. I normally go out at 5:30pm to see my horse as I like to be there around dusk, less gnats and bugs- well, I was sitting at the computer and it got dark. I was like, "uh oh." Had I looked at my computer time at the lower right hand I would have seen the new time, but dummy me was looking at the wall clock that hadn't been changed. (Edit: HAD been changed, sorry! Typo made a big difference there!)

    This is icky.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    I actually managed to organize both my beadwork supplies and footwear. Took me five and half hours.

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