April 2019 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Open Render Challenge



  • no noseno nose Posts: 310
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    500 x 500 - 146K
    b1 (blurred).png
    500 x 500 - 142K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    I assume in the end you would like to have only the hand in motion blurr? Which postwork program are you using, for Gimp I know a way to work that, I guess its similar for photoshop.


  • no noseno nose Posts: 310
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    I assume in the end you would like to have only the hand in motion blurr? Which postwork program are you using, for Gimp I know a way to work that, I guess its similar for photoshop.


    I have gimp but I used photoshop elements, the images I based this off have the blur on the whole image as well so I dont mind the button being blurred. I feel like it helps add to the speed i'm trying to display

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    I assume in the end you would like to have only the hand in motion blurr? Which postwork program are you using, for Gimp I know a way to work that, I guess its similar for photoshop.


    I have gimp but I used photoshop elements, the images I based this off have the blur on the whole image as well so I dont mind the button being blurred. I feel like it helps add to the speed i'm trying to display

    Thats ok, I don't want to impose my ideas on you :D

  • no noseno nose Posts: 310
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    I assume in the end you would like to have only the hand in motion blurr? Which postwork program are you using, for Gimp I know a way to work that, I guess its similar for photoshop.


    I have gimp but I used photoshop elements, the images I based this off have the blur on the whole image as well so I dont mind the button being blurred. I feel like it helps add to the speed i'm trying to display

    Thats ok, I don't want to impose my ideas on you :D

    I appretiate any suggestions I get

  • no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:
    Linwelly said:
    no nose said:

    Alright, i'm not sure what kind of postwork is allowed, but I think this kind of blurring should be fine. I think some work on the button's materials is needed though

    Oh is that the instant art button? :D With motion blurr being something that doesn't really work in Iray (3delight can do it nicely) that is ok to do in post. Maybe at the end it would be good to see the pre and post next to each other. Generally there is nothing wrong with using postwork. There are certain challenges though where we try to convince the partivipants to use the 3d application to achive the effect. But the open challenge has no such ilmitations.

    Here's a comparision, outside of the blur I didnt do anything else in postwork.

    I assume in the end you would like to have only the hand in motion blurr? Which postwork program are you using, for Gimp I know a way to work that, I guess its similar for photoshop.


    I have gimp but I used photoshop elements, the images I based this off have the blur on the whole image as well so I dont mind the button being blurred. I feel like it helps add to the speed i'm trying to display

    Thats ok, I don't want to impose my ideas on you :D

    I appretiate any suggestions I get

     photoshop can use the selection tool on the top half of the scene copy it open a new page paste the top half blur it then select all copy and go back to the original and paste it over the original the hand will be blured and the button will stay sharp

  • gave the shooter in my second idea a helmet that i did some iraying on the glass would have posted sooner.

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2019

    edit - double posted in my hurry, i really should be getting out the door for work.

    Post edited by Shinji Ikari 9th on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited April 2019

    Wow so much new entries.

    So busy at work and  I did also a lot of changes in my scene, so there was no time for a update.

    Maybe the actual scene is a little to dark, not sure about this.

    I have tried to apply a fog sphere for ground fog, but that makes me plenty of problems and so I post the scene without it.

    No postwork so far, but I'm open for ideas and suggestions.

    Banshee 06.04.jpg
    1600 x 2174 - 2M
    Post edited by daybird on
  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284
    edited April 2019


    daybird said:

    Wow so much new entries.

    So busy at work and  I did also a lot of changes in my scene, so there was no time for a update.

    Maybe the actual scene is a little to dark, not sure about this.

    I have tried to apply a fog sphere for ground fog, but that makes me plenty of problems and so I post the scene without it.

    No postwork so far, but I'm open for ideas and suggestions.

    I would say, don't change a thing, this is awesome. it's not too dark, lightening it up would ruin the creepy factor!. keep it!

    If you WANTED to tweak it, maybe hide the feet or make them transulcent? give that disembodied floating form feeling? IF you want to change anything

    Post edited by Coryllon on
  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284

    Not sure if I repost here or add to the first one.. but I guess here is good.

    So I added a couple new characters, taking a queue from L'Adaira bout so many races. I added a dwarf and a gnome. Also dropped the "house lights" to let the magical glow do more and give it some contrast... I dropped the lumens on the fire since it was kinda taking over :). I also reworked the half dark elf in the middle to make her skin more grey, though it's hard to tell with that glowing orb of force energy she's packin.  I need some good fairy wings to add the last character but I think I'm out of money to buy things, so this is probably the last addition. make some mroe tweaking, but that would be about it. Getting the crossbow right wasn't easy...

    Fight Like a Girl.jpg
    3840 x 2160 - 7M
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    This is version 2 of my image

    I have added more sunflowers in the background and moved the 2 large sunflowers in the foreground closer together

    I have also used https://www.daz3d.com/legacy-uvs-for-genesis-8-victoria-4 to convert the "Kenna for v4" texture so that it can be used with Genesis 8

    I would appreciate some constructive feedback.


  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284
    sueya said:

    I have added more sunflowers in the background and moved the 2 large sunflowers in the foreground closer together

    I have also used https://www.daz3d.com/legacy-uvs-for-genesis-8-victoria-4 to convert the "Kenna for v4" texture so that it can be used with Genesis 8

    I would appreciate some constructive feedback.


    it looks awesome and thanks for that Legacy UVs, I'm gonna get that when I have money again:). Question for you: is she sunning herself or sitting in the shade. I think playing with the light a little bit would be awesome. I don't immediately get where the single spot of sunlight is coming in from. It could just be me looking at it wrong. The sky sorta looks like it has the sun behind that cloud, if so the shadows should reflect that.If I am way off base, let me know. 

    Overall though I think it's a really adorable scene. 

  • John CoxJohn Cox Posts: 29

    Here's my design for the new female Rocketeer. I've not entered this competition before although I have been using DAZ and Poser since 1998! It's only been in the past 6 months that I've started to render images and start to understand lighting. Hope you like it I'm creating more to show soon.

    All done in DAZ studio using the sun and sky light only. I love the sunset effect you can get with the sun settings, and the dome rotation settings.


    Rocketeer and mauser.jpg
    1500 x 1500 - 1M
  •  I'll add a second entry with more work on it.

    its called "Casting enchantments"  pun intended.

    rendered in Iray on Daz 4.10


    3840 x 2160 - 5M
  •  I'll add a second entry with more work on it.

    its called "Casting enchantments"  pun intended.

    rendered in Iray on Daz 4.10


    I like that pun! If you're up for some nitpicking, the casting doesn't look quite right to my eye. I'm having trouble parsing whether the orange is cooler liquid metal, or the hot sides of the mold. When I find images online of steel casting, the liquid metal is all the same bright color (within a givin pour. Different pours and certainly different immages will have different colours.) The tips of each of the blanks says that the orange is liquid and that the mold sides are more of a red. Are you pouring more on top of an in-progress pour?

    Other than that, I really like it; especially your balance of red, blue, and yellow lighting. Not many scenes can logically include that many distinct hues!

  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    edited April 2019

     I'll add a second entry with more work on it.

    its called "Casting enchantments"  pun intended.

    rendered in Iray on Daz 4.10


     I'll add a second entry with more work on it.

    its called "Casting enchantments"  pun intended.

    rendered in Iray on Daz 4.10


    I like that pun! If you're up for some nitpicking, the casting doesn't look quite right to my eye. I'm having trouble parsing whether the orange is cooler liquid metal, or the hot sides of the mold. When I find images online of steel casting, the liquid metal is all the same bright color (within a givin pour. Different pours and certainly different immages will have different colours.) The tips of each of the blanks says that the orange is liquid and that the mold sides are more of a red. Are you pouring more on top of an in-progress pour?

    Other than that, I really like it; especially your balance of red, blue, and yellow lighting. Not many scenes can logically include that many distinct hues!

    Metal goes from near white to red as it cools depending on the depth and width of the mold you can get redish orange as the outer surface starts to cool from the air and humidity in the mold. While the rest under is still bright and hot. The pour is continuing and not a seperate one but the top surface has started to cool becoming more ridgid allowing the splash to run on top as brighter yellow. the flow is actually between the two cooling surfaces. 

    The mold sides are black its the light from the metal reflecting on them. it would show more if I had not made the liquid fill the shape as much. Problem was simulated liquid either has WAY too much viscosity and runs like molasses or not enough and spreads like water (been playing with the settings a lot there seems to be very little in between worse the "Let it to run along a channel" would need the shape set on a 45 degree or steeper angle [I know i could simply do it and move the camera to allow for it but its the principle of "it should work"] so far I've yet to find the settings and making the mold mostly full was the better alternative under the circumstances.Saying that in a real Metal pour the metal will like water run at the lowest point of the form and back up at the end and rise to fill the form "the path of least resistance the simulator doesn't do that it tries to fill the local area first then move away (No idea how to change that yet).

    I also liked making the steam colorful Daz needs more Local environment stuff and not rely on post processing just not sure how a particle system could be cobled onto the program.

    Post edited by dragoneyes002 on
  • Well, a night or two ago my muse whacked me upside the head when I was trying to fall asleep, and here's what's come of it:

    Fencer's Salute Mk3

    Comments, criticism, advice?

  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284

    Well, a night or two ago my muse whacked me upside the head when I was trying to fall asleep, and here's what's come of it:


    Comments, criticism, advice?


    AWESOME! she looks really angry and I don't want to get on her bad side. The dress is awesome and I want to steal it for some of my other art. Lastly: can I steal her for mine? she'd fit in perfectly! I'm kidding on the last one, she would fit in perfect though. 

  • Coryllon said:


    AWESOME! she looks really angry and I don't want to get on her bad side. The dress is awesome and I want to steal it for some of my other art. Lastly: can I steal her for mine? she'd fit in perfectly! I'm kidding on the last one, she would fit in perfect though. 

    The character is Vulpina by iSourceTextures and the dress is the Renaissance Dress by Ravenhair with textures by Moyra (I have no idea where I found them, and they aren't showing up in either store I frequent. If you find it, please let me know; I'm very confused by this.) 

    Anywho, here are the previous versions:

    Fencer's Salute Mk0 Fencer's Salute Mk1 Fencer's Salute Mk2

    The major drivers were not being comfortable with her left arm and not really knowing what to do for render settings. Midway through I found comments here and here that seemed promising, and tried those. The latest version doesn't quite align with the settings described there, and I'm not sure if it's better or worse for it. The only changes I'm positive about are her arm and hiding the thing causing the shadow on her left eyebrow. That was a vestigial primitive from experiments with pointing her eyes automagically.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    @rcbcgreenpanzer, The Renaissance dress is here. The textures are, as you pointed out, from Moyra, who recently left Daz and set up shop on Rendo. I messaged her there, and she assured me everything that she brought with here will be released on Rendo, with multiple items in products she calls "Moyra's Classics."  These will be released in between new products. The full-price on the three currently released is $10, with five products in each.

  • L'Adair said:

    @rcbcgreenpanzer, The Renaissance dress is here. The textures are, as you pointed out, from Moyra, who recently left Daz and set up shop on Rendo. I messaged her there, and she assured me everything that she brought with here will be released on Rendo, with multiple items in products she calls "Moyra's Classics."  These will be released in between new products. The full-price on the three currently released is $10, with five products in each.

    I had found the page for the original dress, and found other products by Moyra on Rendo, but had not considered that vendors might take down their existing product pages. Now that I think about it, it's a fairly straight-forward concept; but before you mentioned it I just assumed that once an electronic product is put on a store, it would be there as long as the store still ran. As a consequence, I assumed that if I couldn't find it where I usually look, it must be elsewhere. I should probably widen my lurking so I'm not so blindsided by this sort of thing.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    L'Adair said:

    @rcbcgreenpanzer, The Renaissance dress is here. The textures are, as you pointed out, from Moyra, who recently left Daz and set up shop on Rendo. I messaged her there, and she assured me everything that she brought with here will be released on Rendo, with multiple items in products she calls "Moyra's Classics."  These will be released in between new products. The full-price on the three currently released is $10, with five products in each.

    I had found the page for the original dress, and found other products by Moyra on Rendo, but had not considered that vendors might take down their existing product pages. Now that I think about it, it's a fairly straight-forward concept; but before you mentioned it I just assumed that once an electronic product is put on a store, it would be there as long as the store still ran. As a consequence, I assumed that if I couldn't find it where I usually look, it must be elsewhere. I should probably widen my lurking so I'm not so blindsided by this sort of thing.

    The Commons is a good place to read about such things, or to ask about what product was used in a promo image. A lot of people frequent The Commons, so there are a lot more folks who may know the answers to "What hair/dress/shoes/figure is this" questions.

  • So I have only been doing 3D renders for about a month and a half now and I finally got up the nerve to submit a couple to different contests, this will be my second submission.

    I was playing around with these two characters for the pc inspired contest and came up with this one after I submitted the other one and thought it would be a good fit here.

    comments,crits,and advise are welcome.

    Mommy I did it.jpg
    1280 x 1280 - 1M
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    This is version 3 of my image. I've used the advanced lights and altered the direction of the lights so that the Sprite is sitting in the shade of the sunflowers.

  • Hi,

    this looked like fun I thought I might throw something in.

    This is part of a series I did of a group of girls rehearsing in an abandoined buildings hallway. The accoustics would be great! :)

    jammin 1.jpg
    900 x 720 - 466K
  • L'Adair said:
    alisa53 said:

    Don't know if I can "enter" more than one.  If only one, I would choose the geisha photo over the Sugar Skulls.  I've been playing around with using primitives are backdrops for portraits, and then using shaders.  Both of these also have some heavy post work in Photoshop.  Thanks for the opportunity to interact with other newbies here.  So much fun!

    The official rules state 2 images, so you're good. You can also make revisions, and ask for feedback if there is something you'd like to improve on, but aren't sure how to do that. The link to the rules is in the OP, but here it is again, if you'd like to take a look: Challenge Rules

    I think both images are good. It might be fun to see a before and after of the images, if you feel like sharing.

    Sorry  - just now saw this.  Will post the originals!  I am more a photo compositor, so I am focused more on an end product and heavy post work, so my originals are sometimes aligned in that way.

    hyuna new portrait.png
    1000 x 1618 - 3M
    skelita portrait.png
    1144 x 1618 - 3M
  • so, I now read, I was supposed to upload two images?


    jammin 1.jpg
    900 x 720 - 466K
    jammin 13.jpg
    900 x 720 - 413K
    jammin 14.jpg
    900 x 720 - 411K
    jammin 15.jpg
    900 x 720 - 408K
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    so, I now read, I was supposed to upload two images?


    Oh, no. You don't have to upload multiple images. lol The "rules" state up to 2 images, (but I've been gently informed the "rules" here are like the rules in the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, "more like guidelines, really." lol) If I understand it correctly, the intent is for everyone particpating to show off their best image, but allows for showcasing one or two more, "if the muse hits."

    But if a misunderstanding is responsible for you uploading that series of images, I'm glad you misunderstood. It is downright fun to view the the last three in quick succession. I can really see how much fun the drummer is having! Thanks for sharing.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited April 2019
    L'Adair said:
    alisa53 said:

    Don't know if I can "enter" more than one.  If only one, I would choose the geisha photo over the Sugar Skulls.  I've been playing around with using primitives are backdrops for portraits, and then using shaders.  Both of these also have some heavy post work in Photoshop.  Thanks for the opportunity to interact with other newbies here.  So much fun!

    The official rules state 2 images, so you're good. You can also make revisions, and ask for feedback if there is something you'd like to improve on, but aren't sure how to do that. The link to the rules is in the OP, but here it is again, if you'd like to take a look: Challenge Rules

    I think both images are good. It might be fun to see a before and after of the images, if you feel like sharing.

    Sorry  - just now saw this.  Will post the originals!  I am more a photo compositor, so I am focused more on an end product and heavy post work, so my originals are sometimes aligned in that way.

    Thank you!

    It's so much fun to see the before and after. Your postwork definitely enhanced the images, but the original renders are really nice without it, too.

    With the attachments on two different pages, I've added the four images here for side-by-side comparison. (Before on the left, after on the right.) Just lovely work, all around.

    Skelita Portrait, by alisa53Skelita Portrait, with post work, by alisa53

    Hyuna Portrait, by alisa53Hyuna Portrait, with post work, by alisa53


    Post edited by L'Adair on
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