Bonetech, we use AniBlocks too

tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
edited December 1969 in The Commons


I like your aniBlocks.
Unfortunately, they won't work with Carrara and older versions of DazStudio.

I don't know if people are going through the trouble to try to animate with Genesis, but I DO know plenty of people are animating Gen 4 characters.

Can you please make a version that will work with Carrara's aniBlock importer and older versions of DS?



  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    @tsarist 2 questions pls
    as i don't know older Versions of dazstudio: 1. what Advantages did they have for Animation?
    2.does that mean that Carrara has an aniblockversion of its own or some older Versions ?

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited December 1969

    tsarist said:

    I like your aniBlocks.
    Unfortunately, they won't work with Carrara and older versions of DazStudio.

    I don't know if people are going through the trouble to try to animate with Genesis, but I DO know plenty of people are animating Gen 4 characters.

    Can you please make a version that will work with Carrara's aniBlock importer and older versions of DS?


    There are plenty of aniblocks for Gen4 in the store, and not enough genesis. In fact another PA came out with Gen4 animation packs just a few weeks ago. Did you get those?

    Not everyone has a copy of Carrara, and certainly if they're new they can't get older versions of DS.

    Honestly, we don't need to pick on new PAs for things when you just got animation products a few weeks back.

    Bonetech, thank you for supporting genesis for things that are really needed.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    There are plenty of aniblocks for Gen4 in the store, and not enough genesis. In fact another PA came out with Gen4 animation packs just a few weeks ago. Did you get those?

    Not everyone has a copy of Carrara, and certainly if they're new they can't get older versions of DS.

    Honestly, we don't need to pick on new PAs for things when you just got animation products a few weeks back.

    Bonetech, thank you for supporting genesis for things that are really needed.

    I'm not "picking" on anyone.

    I and many others don't use Genesis, so Genesis only products are useless to us.

    I didn't get the animation pack from a few weeks ago because the animations I needed weren't in that pack and I didn't have spare money.

    Do you buy products you don't need when you are short of cash?

    Stuff that works on Gen 4 will work on Genesis, but not the other way round.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    Bonetech, thank you for supporting genesis for things that are really needed.

    You know we have had so much stuff come out for Genesis lately, it is absurd.
    Considering it doesn't work at all in older versions of Carrara
    doesn't work right in C8.5!

    Incidentally, the product that came out a few weeks back was for swords, which I don't need right now.
    YES, it's a great product made by a VERY good vendor, I can't recommend it highly enough.

    Bonetech released a Gun pack, that would fit perfectly with a project I had to work on...

    Bringing sword poses to a gunfight, makes no sense

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited December 1969

    tsarist said:

    I like your aniBlocks.
    Unfortunately, they won't work with Carrara and older versions of DazStudio.

    I don't know if people are going through the trouble to try to animate with Genesis, but I DO know plenty of people are animating Gen 4 characters.

    Can you please make a version that will work with Carrara's aniBlock importer and older versions of DS?


    I don't use genesis for animation in either. I could never get it work right and it seems to cumbersome to work with when it comes to using it animation.
    But I'm a Daz 4.6 & Generation4 character user as well a poser user that uses animator plugin that uses ani -blocks
    an one of the reason I didn't buy Bonetech's aniblocks was because I noticed they are not compatible with Gen4 models
    I like to buy things that work in both poser and Daz, like you do for Carrara.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited November 2013

    ruphuss said:
    @tsarist 2 questions pls
    as i don't know older Versions of dazstudio: 1. what Advantages did they have for Animation?
    2.does that mean that Carrara has an aniblockversion of its own or some older Versions ?

    I don't think you can make for Daz3 unless you actual have the program. I donno about carrara because i don't use the program.

    But Generation 4 figures are like Victoria4 and Micheal 4 and Aiko4 figures which work in Older Daz programs such as Daz3 and
    what Poser & Carrara programs users use most..
    the file format I would need for Gen4 an Poser & older DAZ programs would be Generation4, BHV, PZ2 and GFA motion files.
    I'm not sure about Carrara because i don;t use it. but someone else could tell you who does use it.

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited November 2013

    tsarist said:

    I'm not "picking" on anyone.

    I and many others don't use Genesis, so Genesis only products are useless to us.

    However the title of your thread is really saying something else.

    These days, these threads are popping up far too often, especially to new PAs that may not have access to your programs. Genesis and DSON-based products are now driving the store three years after the introduction. When someone builds something, they have a certain figure, use or tech in mind; and since a lot of the tech has moved forward, if it's not for what you can use, you probably will start having to say "oh well" and wait until someone does, or you see what you can do yourself to fill the need. They really may not be able, have the time, have the money or really be willing to drop $150-300 for software they don't use, that they'll have to spend months trying to learn and not making money when they could be using what they know to make a living... and people will have start understanding that.

    You know years ago when I started using gen4, there were types of characters that I wanted that no one would make. So rather than create thread after thread hassling vendors, I learned how to do it. If you're not getting enough of what you need, then perhaps you should too.

    I didn't get the animation pack from a few weeks ago because the animations I needed weren't in that pack and I didn't have spare money.

    Do you buy products you don't need when you are short of cash?

    No, but maybe I'm low maintenance where I'm not really going to put the burden on the PA pay for software they don't use just to have a $14 product, when I know generally redone items asked for on forums are not going to recoup the time and money investment they put into it. If I'm not getting the support I need for the stuff I use, either I have to start making it myself or I'm going to have to eventually trade up to something that's going to be supported. Not the first time I've done it, and definitely won't be the last.

    Stuff that works on Gen 4 will work on Genesis, but not the other way round.

    Not always true, such as the animation products. However in the case of the animation blocks, they can be edited so adjusting the poses in the start position and tweaking it will give you the results you need. I'm sure genesis users have done this so they can get gen 4 stuff to work; I don't see why you can't edit a genesis animation back so it can work on gen4.

    Post edited by Male-M3dia on
  • JPetersonJPeterson Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    After reading this thread last night I immediately bought the 2 new Bonetech aniblock packs, and they worked with EVERYTHING I threw at it.
    First time THATS ever happened.
    I don't use the aniblocks much, because they are nearly as flaky as the original CMU BVH files, and I just haven't been able to take the time to learn how to really use them.
    They are only good for walking in a straight line(maybe) and that's about it.
    The only complaint I had about them was the walk motion is a stationary loop.
    If I could figure out how to turn BVH into aniblocks that worked, I would dump a wad of cash into somebody's pocket, that's for sure.
    Time is money, and I'm not getting paid for this, I just have a story to tell, that's it.

    Guard your cheese, it's valuable.


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited November 2013

    JPeterson said:
    After reading this thread last night I immediately bought the 2 new Bonetech aniblock packs, and they worked with EVERYTHING I threw at it.
    First time THATS ever happened.
    I don't use the aniblocks much, because they are nearly as flaky as the original CMU BVH files, and I just haven't been able to take the time to learn how to really use them.
    They are only good for walking in a straight line(maybe) and that's about it.
    The only complaint I had about them was the walk motion is a stationary loop.
    If I could figure out how to turn BVH into aniblocks that worked, I would dump a wad of cash into somebody's pocket, that's for sure.
    Time is money, and I'm not getting paid for this, I just have a story to tell, that's it.

    Guard your cheese, it's valuable.


    Steps for saving BVH files to Ani blocks

    Step 1 Load and ready figures for animation.

    Step 2 Load BVH script to the Animate 2 Timeline. It may ask you if you want to import all the key-frame to the timeline . click yes.

    Step 3 Scrub the Timeline with the scrubber head and make sure your BVH file imported correctly

    Step4 if character moves correctly then proceed to step 5 if not go back to step one.

    Step 5 click the figure on the timeline where you imported the BHV file and right click the Animate2 top of timeline and scroll down to create aniblocks out of keyframes ,

    Step6 when the Aniblock creation tool box pops up make sure you have direct copy from BHV file clicks and hit okay ..

    Step 7 you will see a new aniblock appear on the animate 2 timeline this is your saved BHV file now in aniblock form..

    Step 8 save aniblock by right click on the ani block and scroll down to & click "save as" and a file manager will open, then name your aniblock and save it in the file of your choice. click okay and your done :)

    I think you will find this will help you a little :)

    1915 x 1199 - 232K
    1910 x 1181 - 227K
    1919 x 1198 - 228K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited November 2013

    I own all the Bonetech Animations out so far. I've not had any issues using them on any figure of my choice. Generation 4 or Genesis both work for me.

    EDIT: If they will not export to Carrara that could be a issue but that I have not tried.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    I own all the Bonetech Animations out so far. I've not had any issues using them on any figure of my choice. Generation 4 or Genesis both work for me.

    EDIT: If they will not export to Carrara that could be a issue but that I have not tried.

    Thanks Jeff thats great to know did you get the new gun moves one yet? I am interested in those for sure

  • JPetersonJPeterson Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    JPeterson - 03 November 2013 07:53 AM

    After reading this thread last night I immediately bought the 2 new Bonetech aniblock packs, and they worked with EVERYTHING I threw at it.
    First time THATS ever happened.
    I don’t use the aniblocks much, because they are nearly as flaky as the original CMU BVH files, and I just haven’t been able to take the time to learn how to really use them.
    They are only good for walking in a straight line(maybe) and that’s about it.
    The only complaint I had about them was the walk motion is a stationary loop.
    If I could figure out how to turn BVH into aniblocks that worked, I would dump a wad of cash into somebody’s pocket, that’s for sure.
    Time is money, and I’m not getting paid for this, I just have a story to tell, that’s it.

    Guard your cheese, it’s valuable.


    Steps for saving BVH files to Ani blocks

    Step 1 Load and ready figures for animation.

    Step 2 Load BVH script to the Animate 2 Timeline. It may ask you if you want to import all the key-frame to the timeline . click yes.

    Step 3 Scrub the Timeline with the scrubber head and make sure your BVH file imported correctly

    Step4 if character moves correctly then proceed to step 5 if not go back to step one.

    Step 5 click the figure on the timeline where you imported the BHV file and right click the Animate2 top of timeline and scroll down to create aniblocks out of keyframes ,

    Step6 when the Aniblock creation tool box pops up make sure you have direct copy from BHV file clicks and hit okay ..

    Step 7 you will see a new aniblock appear on the animate 2 timeline this is your saved BHV file now in aniblock form..

    Step 8 save aniblock by right click on the ani block and scroll down to & click “save as” and a file manager will open, then name your aniblock and save it in the file of your choice. click okay and your done smile

    I think you will find this will help you a little smile

    Ivy-the Rush stuff on your Youtube page was killer.
    Will you marry me?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ivy said:
    Jaderail said:
    I own all the Bonetech Animations out so far. I've not had any issues using them on any figure of my choice. Generation 4 or Genesis both work for me.

    EDIT: If they will not export to Carrara that could be a issue but that I have not tried.

    Thanks Jeff thats great to know did you get the new gun moves one yet? I am interested in those for sureYes, I have them as well but I have not tested those at this time. I'll do that for Tested All that is needed like all Bonetech is a bit of Foot offset on the Gen4s. Other than that work just fine for me.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Ivy said:
    Jaderail said:
    I own all the Bonetech Animations out so far. I've not had any issues using them on any figure of my choice. Generation 4 or Genesis both work for me.

    EDIT: If they will not export to Carrara that could be a issue but that I have not tried.

    Thanks Jeff thats great to know did you get the new gun moves one yet? I am interested in those for sure

    Yes, I have them as well but I have not tested those at this time. I'll do that for Tested All that is needed like all Bonetech is a bit of Foot offset on the Gen4s. Other than that work just fine for me.

    Thanks for the info :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited December 1969

    JPeterson said:
    JPeterson - 03 November 2013 07:53 AM

    After reading this thread last night I immediately bought the 2 new Bonetech aniblock packs, and they worked with EVERYTHING I threw at it.
    First time THATS ever happened.
    I don’t use the aniblocks much, because they are nearly as flaky as the original CMU BVH files, and I just haven’t been able to take the time to learn how to really use them.
    They are only good for walking in a straight line(maybe) and that’s about it.
    The only complaint I had about them was the walk motion is a stationary loop.
    If I could figure out how to turn BVH into aniblocks that worked, I would dump a wad of cash into somebody’s pocket, that’s for sure.
    Time is money, and I’m not getting paid for this, I just have a story to tell, that’s it.

    Guard your cheese, it’s valuable.


    Steps for saving BVH files to Ani blocks

    Step 1 Load and ready figures for animation.

    Step 2 Load BVH script to the Animate 2 Timeline. It may ask you if you want to import all the key-frame to the timeline . click yes.

    Step 3 Scrub the Timeline with the scrubber head and make sure your BVH file imported correctly

    Step4 if character moves correctly then proceed to step 5 if not go back to step one.

    Step 5 click the figure on the timeline where you imported the BHV file and right click the Animate2 top of timeline and scroll down to create aniblocks out of keyframes ,

    Step6 when the Aniblock creation tool box pops up make sure you have direct copy from BHV file clicks and hit okay ..

    Step 7 you will see a new aniblock appear on the animate 2 timeline this is your saved BHV file now in aniblock form..

    Step 8 save aniblock by right click on the ani block and scroll down to & click “save as” and a file manager will open, then name your aniblock and save it in the file of your choice. click okay and your done smile

    I think you will find this will help you a little smile

    Ivy-the Rush stuff on your Youtube page was killer.
    Will you marry me?


    You a little too Late :)
    I'm already married ~ But thanks for the offer :)

    But i still like to rock a little now and then :P

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