randomize characters (for Genesis and Genesis 2)

assmonkeyassmonkey Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I was wondering if there was some sort of plug-in for such a thing

I did see a plug-in for doing M4, V4, Kids 4, and Genesis Basic Female

Even with the Genesis Basic Female...doesn't help the fact they sort of snuffed out a male version

What would be handy id it can randomize any morphs you have, not just the basic morph packs

Is there any sort of product like this...or am I out of luck?


  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,550
    edited December 1969

    I've never seen one, and given the sheer variety of Genesis morphs, it seems like it would be a nightmare to program. It would either need to work with only a set of morphs selected by the programmer (which probably wouldn't match the ones owned by the user), or it would have to properly determine what category every single morph in your collection fits into. The latter is a nontrivial exercise, to say the least. For instance, considering just the parameters under Actor/Female/Real World, some are full-character morphs in and of themselves, while others are add-ons for base shapes like V5. Combine that with other issues I haven't thought of (I'm sure there are some), and I can't imagine any sane person trying it.

  • assmonkeyassmonkey Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    the closest I found

    well, they oh so kindly thought it was a great idea not to try randomize Male characters for Genesis...which sure doesn't do may any good, because you need both sexes in a media form (random background characters, people you wouldn't spend the time morphing)

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